Al-Marsad Newspaper: Moroccan Umm Yahya, wife of Kuwaiti artist Jassim Al-Nabhan, recounted the story of their marriage, and how she met him.
And she said during a live broadcast: “I was living in Casablanca, and my father had a tailoring shop, and my husband, Jassim Al-Nabhan, was visiting Morocco and stayed in a hotel, and asked about a tailor, and he went to my father to sew a slit in the pants, and he exchanged with my father the conversation, and my father’s intention to have lunch at our house.” “.
And she continued: “We had lunch and coffee, and he sat with us and talked with my brother about his studies, and he asked me about my job, as I was working as a nurse, and he took my number.”
She added: “He asked me if I could get married and leave the job, so I told him that if I was convinced of the person and loved him, I would accept this condition, so he said to me, “Do you accept to marry me?”