Home » Health » XX International Balmis Knows Vaccine Update Conference in Almería: Advancements in Cancer Vaccines and Lessons from COVID-19

XX International Balmis Knows Vaccine Update Conference in Almería: Advancements in Cancer Vaccines and Lessons from COVID-19

Almería hosts this week the XX International Balmis Knows Vaccine Update Conference. It is one of the most prestigious and longest-running congresses on vaccinology on the international scene. The meeting, organized by the Institute Balmis de Vaccines and the Official College of Physicians of Almeríawill take place on October 26 and 27 and will dedicate a presentation to the current state of the development and research of vaccines against cancer, which will be given by José Gómez Rial, head of the Immunology Service at the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela.

As anticipated by Francisco Giménez Sánchez, director of these Conferences and of the Balmis Vaccine Institute, as well as coordinator of the Pediatric Area of ​​the IHP Group at the Vithas Almería Hospital, “Currently we only have one vaccine, HPV., which protects against cancers in both sexes caused by the human papillomavirus. However, there is very advanced research about preparations to prevent other types of cancer such as melanoma or lung cancer, and we also want to talk about them in this edition of the congress.”

Likewise, as Giménez Sánchez has detailed, this year’s Conference will focus on what we have learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, through a conference offered by Maria Van Kerkhove, pspeaker of the World Health Organization (WHO) during this health crisis and head of the Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Unit of this international organization.

This twentieth edition of the conference will also feature two professors from Yale University (USA) as speakers. Thus, Marietta Vazquez, a specialist in pediatrics and professor at the Yale School of Medicine, will address the ‘Doubts and mistrust about vaccines’while Inci Yildirim, an infectious disease specialist and associate professor of Pediatrics and Global Health in the Section of Infectious Diseases and Global Health and Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases at the Yale School of Medicine, will offer a conference on ‘Vaccines in the immunocompromised patient’.

Likewise, it is worth highlighting the participation of Professor Ron Dagan, an expert in pediatric infectious diseases, who, together with Federico Martinón Torres, head of the Pediatric Service of the University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, will address the new discoveries on the interaction of viruses and bacteria in a symposium dedicated to respiratory diseases.

The Vaccine Conference includes a broad program in which immunization in its broadest sense will be discussed, with conferences also dedicated to vaccination schedules; vaccination throughout life, focusing on influenza and meningococcus; new vaccines for international travelers and current threats to public health, among other issues.

Likewise, several awards are planned to be presented during the course of the Conference. Specifically, doctors Maria Van Kerkhove, Ron Dagan and Marietta Vazquez will receive the distinctions from the Balmis Vaccine Institute for their contribution to science, research, health and vaccines.

2023-10-23 10:43:21
#Balmis #analyzes #status #vaccines #prevent #types #cancer #diariofarma

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