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XR HUB Bavaria

XR HUB Bavaria@MTM 24

The Motto „Realities“ der #MTM24 looks at the social relevance of media in a world influenced by AI. The

In the XR AREA of Media for You 2024, der Career experience fair for media in Bavaria gives an insight into the creation of virtual realities through to 3D printing.

You get access to the entire XR SPACE with the free ticket, register for it at: www.media-for-you.de

Tickets for the MEDIA DAYS MUNICH there is here.


Martin Segitz School / State Vocational School III Fürth

Training to become a designer for immersive media

As a designer for immersive media, you will accompany the entire production process of immersive experiences for virtual and augmented reality. You create 3D models and animations on the computer, create your own sound worlds, carry out 360° image and sound recordings in the real world and keep an eye on the user experience of your application. The vocational school itself gives us an insight into the training.

3D printing: Create templates and prints of 3D models yourself

3D printing makes it possible to produce complex objects precisely and efficiently by converting digital models into physical form. The 3D models can be designed yourself or customized using ready-made templates.

AR-based learning & training applications from 3DQR GMBH

Augmented Reality (AR)-based learning applications for training, education and professional development.
The learning scenarios use augmented reality to clearly visualize complex concepts, design interactive exercises and bring realistic simulations to life.

Test the QR Cube by interacting with virtual environments and solving real problems. Find out how 3D objects can be clearly presented.

springboard – Virtual Work Experience

Anyone who would like to get a taste of different professional fields can do so with “springboard – Virtual Work Experience”: With the VR application from SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT bayern, students can immerse themselves in professional worlds and gain insights into less accessible areas of the working world.

The main sponsors of the springboard – Virtual Work Experience are the vbw – Association of the Bavarian Economy e. V. and the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. Other sponsors include bayme vbm – the Bavarian M+E Employers, the Federal Employers’ Association for Glass and Solar e. V., Bavarian Construction Industry Association e. V. and the Ems-Axis growth region e. V. The project is run by SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Bayern in bbw e. V. implemented.


YUUKI – Storytelling, 3D, AI & VR – networked future competencies

Yuuki, a 3D character, is an official employee of Takeda and an AI expert. To solve a complex challenge, she connected her brain to an AI and has since successfully coached Takeda employees in the use of AI tools.


from the Berlin 2037 Foundation and Vincent Productions GmbH

Riding a bike in the city of the future: With the help of a VR headset, users immerse themselves in a visionary city while sitting on a permanently installed bicycle. The VR Experience Berlin 2037 presents the image of a model city that brings together what is already being used successfully in other places around the world – best practices from different areas combined in a city of the future. Our vision of tomorrow is a sustainable and livable city with short distances and space to linger, without noise and air pollution. Worth living for young and old.


VR play “The Sandman” based on ETA Hoffmann’s story, a co-production of the Augsburg State Theater with the Augsburger Puppenkiste

The VR play “The Sandman” based on ETA Hoffmann’s story is a co-production of the Augsburg State Theater and the Augsburger Puppenkiste. Director Florian Moch presents his own version of the story of the young Nathanael, who slips into delusions out of fear of the mysterious Coppola. In the interaction between dolls and people, the boundaries between reality and fiction blur.

Multiplayer sound AR app CURRENT by She’s Excited!, Anke Schiemann and /p

CURRENT is a journey through ocean currents and their impact on the climate. Ocean flora and fauna surround the audience: seagulls fly overhead, a school of herring swims by, seaweed swirls; you follow the ocean currents into the deep sea. Invasive purple sea urchins and warm-water-loving lionfish appear.

The 3D environment changes in three phases due to the effects of climate change and environmental pollution: plastic islands swirl, a siren wails, it starts to snow because the temperatures drop, oil drops pollute the water. All of us as part of the ecosystem are called to act together.

She’s Excited! created the sound, Anke Schiemann created the visuals, and /p did the coding.

VR Opera insatiable – an immersive journey with ship and grain – A co-production of the HMTM and the Munich Biennale.

Nimmersatt celebrated its premiere at the Alte Utting as part of the Munich Biennale – Festival for New Music Theater. A combination of virtual reality and live music. A bizarre journey that explores the interconnections of global politics, the food industry, climate catastrophe and socially critical perspectives in a world of material abundance.


Dreaming of Lebanon – United Nations

The Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL) and the Innovation Cell of the United Nations Department of Political and Peace-building Affairs (UNDPPA) with the team led by Adrian Meyer and Martin Waehlisch are presenting a VR documentary “Dreaming of Lebanon”. Insight into the lives of young Lebanese and their hopes for the future. Viewers can take part in an interactive interview with three young Lebanese from different walks of life and different places in the country to explore the reality of their lives.

Digital memorial site for the 1972 Olympic attack in Fürstenfeldbruck

The Fürstenfeldbruck district has published a digital memorial site. With the augmented reality app “Erinnerungsort 72” (available for download in the Google Play Store and App Store), detailed information about the events of September 5, 1972 can be accessed at any time.

The focus of the app is on the events surrounding the old tower of the air base itself. The app can be used both directly on site and virtually, regardless of location. For example, from home or from the classroom.

One own website offers two different teaching concepts.

Social VR-Game von K5 FACTORY / K5 Studio

The largest folk festival in the world as a social VR game. A completely new concept for a social VR game in an environment in which all players can immediately find each other. Oktoberfest: The Official Game transports the unique feeling of amusement parks and folk festivals into your own living room. Players can experience the largest folk festival in the world in a unique social VR game – officially licensed by the state capital of Munich.


The Apple Vision Pro is an innovative mixed reality headset that seamlessly combines augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). With a high-resolution display and advanced sensors, the glasses enable immersive experiences and a completely new way of interacting with digital content. Apple itself calls it a spatial computer.

All XR experiences of our great exhibitors at #MTM24 are supported by Start Into Media and the Mediennetzwerk Bayern, funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery. The XR HUB Bavaria is an initiative of Medien.Bayern GmbH and is supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital and the Bavarian State Center for New Media.

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