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Xóchitl Gálvez presents Blindar Nacional, its security strategy

Mexico City. The presidential candidate of the PAN, PRI and PRD coalition, Xóchitl Gálvez, said that to combat crime she will establish a homogeneous criminal policy model of institutional and strategic collaboration between the three levels of government.

On the other hand, after all the country’s governors, including those of the PRI and the PAN, asked the Court not to eliminate informal preventive detention, Gálvez reiterated his opposition to this figure because it has been abused, although he said he agreed with the state leaders that “right now it would be very complicated, because many cases are very weak.”

Called Blindar Nacional, the security proposal involves implementing shared strategies for common problems, he pointed out in a press conference accompanied by the candidates for the governorship of Puebla, Eduardo Rivera; Morelos, Lucia Meza; Veracruz, José Yunes, and Mexico City, Santiago Taboada.

“Crime does not respect borders and territorial divisions. Maintaining security policy from an isolated perspective has been a mistake, a straitjacket for our police capabilities that prevents them from acting effectively,” Gálvez added.

Also accompanied by the national leaders of the three coalition parties, Marko Cortés, Alejandro Moreno and Jesús Zambrano, the flag bearer stressed that the federal government, as of October 1, will begin to protect the roads.

He added that during 2023, 38 assaults were committed daily on the country’s roads, which is why land roads without criminals are needed.

Gálvez pointed out that the shielding strategy can only start from dialogue and political agreement. “You cannot polarize politically and at the same time seek collaboration and joint work among the different institutional actors. For this reason, we come to ratify this commitment with candidates from the central-western region of the Republic.”

The opposition candidate promised not to make differences between the state governments, as she estimated that the federal administration left Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Michoacán, Sonora, Sinaloa and Baja California alone.

Following the call from all the country’s governors, including those of the PRI and the PAN, not to eliminate informal preventive detention, the licensed senator reiterated her opposition to this figure because it has been abused.

He pointed out that removing informal preventive detention does not mean that preventive detention will no longer exist. “The issue is that they have to justify it.”

He said he agreed with the governors that right now it would be very complicated, because “many cases are very weak and this is going to force and in that I am going to work with the states to strengthen their Public Ministries, their prosecutor’s offices and to strengthen their judicial powers , because yes it is more work for the judges, yes it is more work for the prosecutors’ offices, but we have to walk there.”

He added that this is a human rights case where Mexico today has many innocent people in prison and “there may indeed be a risk of getting out, but I believe that a period of time should be given to allow the prosecutors to justify that the real ones criminals get us out of jail.”

#Xóchitl #Gálvez #presents #Blindar #Nacional #security #strategy
– 2024-05-11 05:30:57

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