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XL vaccination location in Breda is three times faster due to better logistics | NOW

Outgoing minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health) thinks the way in which pricks are used at the XL vaccination location of the GGD in Breda an example for the rest of the Netherlands.

“We will benefit from this in the country. It is a good example of how you can achieve maximum efficiency through logistics,” said De Jonge during a working visit on Tuesday. At the Breda injection site, experts from the industry have contributed ideas about how you can provide as many people as possible with a corona vaccine in a shorter period of time.

“The set-up was quite inefficient because the administration and the injection were done at the same time,” says Paul Enders of ASML, who was involved in the development of the new logistics process. “By taking these processes apart, you can make optimal use of everyone and you no longer have to wait for the administration to be completed.”

The result of this separation and other small adjustments is that stimulators can now administer three times as many vaccine doses within the same time: from 20 to 60 per hour. The capacity of the injection site thus grew to three thousand vaccinations per day.

Enders: “By not setting up chairs, you push people through the process, as it were. A kind of conveyor belt is created.” According to him, other injection sites in the Netherlands have adopted the method and it is now regarded as a kind of blueprint for new vaccination sites to be set up.

Enough tenderness still available, according to De Jonge

De Jonge was initially a bit hesitant, because critics at other GGDs perceive this assembly line work as impersonal and it would not be good for the atmosphere. After talking to people on the spot, he is reassured. “I was afraid that this would be at the expense of sufficient tender, love and care. But that turns out to be fine. “

In any case, the minister says that he is very satisfied with what the GGD West-Brabant and other GGDs in the country have achieved. “The GGD is the ‘go-getter’ in the Netherlands. It is impressive when you see what the GGD has achieved in a short period of time, for example by taking ten million tests. It is the fastest growing company in the Netherlands.”

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