A story of inspiration and self-improvement has been woven by Darly Xiomara, a 19-year-old passionate about dance who today dreams of representing the village of El Caguan and being the future Popular Queen of the city of Neiva.
Dai Trujillo
With overwhelming beauty and a charming smile, Xiomara seeks to enter the hearts of those who have a condition that gives them a complex and leave the message that personal acceptance is the only thing that counts. Since her birth, Darly Xiomara has been diagnosed with alopecia areata, a hereditary condition that causes her to have no eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, or nails; Her mother and one of her sisters suffer from this same condition.
The little hat’
We have been accustomed to associate feminine beauty with long hair, even for girls, combing them is a ritual that people adore; However, Xiomara, was the opposite, her beauty was born from her pretty face and precisely, to avoid comments of any kind, her mother always gave her “hats” of many colors that gave the perfect combination with their outfits and their school uniforms.
“When I was at school, I used to wear caps that my mom had me make. When I was at school it was where I started to wear the wig, at school it was where I was more accepted. At school, the children, in their innocence, said things that made you feel bad, but thanks to all those comments, I am a strong woman, a strong woman, a fighting woman, ”says Darly Xiomara while she remembers her steps through the school.
Darly left the ‘beanies’ when she turned thirteen, it was in that year that the teacher Rosita, from the school where she studied, gave her with great affection, what would be her first natural hair wig. Also, in the midst of that transition from cap to wig, Xiomara tattooed her eyebrows to look and feel much prettier than she is.
The transition
Since Xiomara started wearing the wig until today, a whole process of empowerment and transformation has emerged, as she narrates that her family is “a mirror” because her mother and one of her sisters have the same condition and the they face more shyly, so she has decided to be free and go out with or without a wig, no matter what they say and with the aim of making her family realize that self-love and acceptance is worth more than any look or comment on the street.
It was from that courage that the possibility of representing the La Paz neighborhood of El Caguan arose, because it was not only because of her personality, but that she shows herself as a woman willing to break stereotypes and demonstrate that beauty is also born from attitude and charisma. .
Darly Xiomara has been a sensation on social networks and in the events of the sampedrinas rounds, she says that when she arrives she steals the looks, perhaps because of her beauty, because of the motivation she inspires or because of how she breaks the beauty schemes, however , narrates that many people feel sorry to approach and ask for photos, but she invites them and with a big smile has been the companion of many photographs that have been posted on networks.
Today, after a long and arduous preparation, countless sanjuaneros and endless learning, Darly Xiomara Rodríguez will participate in the round of her corregimiento sampedrina, being one of the first women to participate in a round and who does not have long hair to put on the headdress, but if an incredible bearing and dance, they will stand out on stage.