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Xi Jinping’s Fourth Visit to Chongqing: Impact on Yuan Jiajun and the Fate of High-Ranking Officials

Xi visited Chongqing three times and deposed the prince three times Now he has visited Chongqing four times Is Yuan Jiajun happy or shocked? The feng shui of the Three Gorges has been destroyed, and Chongqing has become a graveyard for high-ranking officials Who can change their fortunes against the odds? (Provided by “Elite Forum”)

[The Epoch Times, 28 Giblean, 2024]On April 22 and 23, the leader of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, visited Chongqing again, official reports said that he held a meeting during the two-and-a-half-day study on western development and visited Chongqing The community and technology company has taken some direction to promote the development of science and technology. In the past fourteen years, Xi Jinping has visited Chongqing four times for inspections. However, after the first three inspections, Chongqing senior officials who were in charge at the time had some problems. So does anyone have problems again this time? Why is Chongqing so dangerous for CCP officials?

Not daring to face the development of the western part of the United States, which is a sign of preparation for war?

Current political commentator Chen Pokong said in NTDTV’s “Elite Forum” program that Xi Jinping’s visit to Chongqing has a background, and he was a bit evasive when it came to US Secretary of State Blinken. Since Blinken arrived in Shanghai on the 24th, Blinken knew that Xi Jinping went west on purpose to send a signal to the United States, that is, if Sino-US relations do not improve to good, and if China closes itself and if there is a lockdown, the coast will not be able to develop, but the country can be developed, it seems that this big market can overcome the problems by itself. After Blinken’s arrival, the Chinese Communist Party rarely deployed a warship to Shanghai to demonstrate with Blinken. I am not afraid of the United States. But on the surface he was not afraid, but Hu Xijin helped him release the secret Hu Xijin said that the United States wanted to eliminate Russia’s war capabilities by putting pressure on China, and usually China would not oppose the United States. That is to say, China is willing to import, but it has to pretend to be sorry before importing.

Chen Pokong said that when Xi Jinping proposed the development of the western region in Chongqing, he did not have a detailed plan. Initially, there were twelve provinces and cities in the western region, but he only called the leaders of four provinces and cities. cities to do. symbolic speeches there; in addition, what is mentioned in Hunan is the increase in central Chinese stamina.

However, this is also a signal to prepare for a later war to deal with the Soviet Union, because Mao Zedong was inspired by history and believed that a rear area should be established. There are many such motivations in history and it is protected when it returns. The biggest motivation is that Chiang Kai-shek built his capital in Chongqing and defended Sichuan The surrounding areas fell to Japan, but Sichuan was defended Even Japan attacked from Yunnan, but Sichuan was defended. This was a great inspiration to Mao Zedong.

Chen Pokong said that the construction of the third line of the CCP is only input, no output, and no benefits at all. the mainland. The Soviet model was to invest the country’s money in heavy industry at the expense of agriculture and light industry. So why did the Chinese economy have problems at that time? Building a third line is just a bottomless pit.

Xi Jinping knows that if the United States wants to block China’s fast banking system, it will be a fatal blow, and China does not want to use force on this point. Thus, Xi Jinping explained the great development of the western region: We have a third line construction and our own great circle, and we can stand it.

What does Yuan Jiajun, the three-caste prince of Chongqing, think after traveling around?

Independent TV producer Li Jun said in NTDTV’s “Elite Forum” program that there are rumors that Chongqing local officials will be in bad luck when Xi Jinping arrives in Chongqing. In 2011, Xi Jinping went to Chongqing to encourage Bo Xilai to sing red and beat black people and Bo Xilai was arrested. Later, he went to Chongqing in 2016. Sun Zhengcai, who was in charge of Chongqing at that time, was very popular and could even be dressed as a prince arrested for corruption.

The third time was in 2019. Chen Miner was the Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, who was also young and promising. At that time, there was also a rumor that Chen Miner was promoted and not promoted to the top 20. , he was transferred to Tianjin for a post. Now that Xi Jinping is going to Chongqing for the fourth time, I think Yuan Jiajun might be very worried.

Li Jun said that since last year, the chairman of the China Ordnance Organization and the Aerospace Science and Technology Group have been dismissed one after another. The military industry system is full of corruption, and some people who have been dismissed position, such as Wu Yansheng and Yuan Jiajun, were both deputy general managers of the Aerospace Group at the time. Xi Jinping has always had great trust in the military industry, but now he must have made a concession. I think Xi Jinping really has a plan to reuse Yuan Jiajun. Then, he was transferred from Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary to Chongqing as Secretary.

When Xi Jinping came to Chongqing this time, his intention to support Yuan Jiajun was obvious. people’s livelihood. This speech in response to the Chongqing gas meter incident was very clear The government considers people’s livelihood, and those who do not consider people’s livelihood are companies. In this way, it will be difficult for others to find problems with the Chongqing Municipal Government through this​​​​​​ I think Xi Jinping may have an intention to support Yuan Jiajun, but in the past, anyone who supported Xi Jinping in Chongqing was in trouble.

Guo Jun, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, said in the “Elite Forum” that the three main leaders in Chongqing have one thing in common They all have the status of a prince. It was obvious that Bo Xilai had a desire to seize the throne, and Sun Zhengcai was arranged by the Youth League organization to succeed him as Hu Chunhua, the two men were supposed to succeed each other over generations . Chen Min’er is an important person in Xi Jinping’s new army When Xi Jinping came to power, many people said that important tasks could be entrusted to Chen Min’er. But Chen Min’er’s peers, such as Li Qiang, Cai Qi, and He Lifeng, rose up after the 20th National Congress, but Chen Min’er was transferred to Tianjin and left out in the cold. So many people say that Chongqing has now become a hell for senior officials, and whoever goes there will suffer the consequences.

Chongqing’s Feng Shui is destroyed, and Xi Jinping is also in trouble

Chen Pokong said in the “Elite Forum” that Chongqing has steep mountains and is built by the mountains up, he built Chongqing into Manhattan in China, suddenly there are many tall buildings in is similar to Manhattan in the United States. It is very inappropriate to build such buildings in mountain cities. If you want to build these high-rise buildings on flat land such as Beijing, the Chengdu plains, and Shanghai, it is fine the high-rise buildings to build that, however, Chongqing has steep mountains and two rivers coming together, so the ground is easy to sink into Chongqing’s Feng Shui.

Chen Pokong said that after destroying Feng Shui in Chongqing Highlands, everyone would be in trouble. Not only Bo Xilai, Sun Zhengcai, and Chen Min’er were unlucky, but Wang Yang was also unlucky also suave and talented.

Guo Jun said in the “Elite Forum” that there may be a big problem with Feng Shui at Chongqing place. There were many scenes in other places including Baidi City, Fengdu, and Wanxian County. The first time the Three Gorges Reservoir was filled to 175 meters was in the summer of 2011, meaning that Feng Shui in Chongqing changed significantly at this time. After Bo Xilai resigned, he started the hell mode of high-level officials Not only things happened to the top leaders, but also many other officials in Chongqing The deputy secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee sent himself by jumping off a building in Beijing This was all terrible. Many believe that this has a lot to do with the Three Gorges destroying Chongqing’s Feng Shui.

Chen Pokong said in the “Elite Forum” that the gas bill issue that started in Chongqing was the CCP’s attempt to test people’s endurance. In fact, there are gas bill problems all over the country, and they have happened in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai This proves that it is not a problem of local governments, but an act of Zhongnanhai and Beijing to steal money . When the central government and local governments run out of money, they start pulling money from the private sector. One of the demonstrations is to pretend to change meters, and then let gas and electricity bills skyrocket. Chongqing is the most problematic, and gas bills are the worst in Chongqing, followed by Chengdu The general manager of the gas company in Chongqing has been removed, and taxes in Chengdu are available back, but this problem is all over the country.

Chen Pokong said that Xi Jinping’s visit to Chongqing ran into trouble, because when he was in Chongqing, some party media and newspapers published articles to explain the gas bill issue. As a result, the hundreds of thousands of netizens all shared complaining, one of the posts said that water can carry a boat, but it can also overflow, so stop acting and get off the platform. On the surface, it refers to a gas company, the gas company of the main enterprise of China Resources Group, but in fact it refers to politics and the senior management. So when Xi Jinping was in Chongqing, he heard hundreds of thousands of people shouting at him online to stop the demonstration and step down. This is very disadvantageous for him, and he is now in a very disadvantageous position.

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2024-04-28 02:30:31

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