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Xi Jinping Urges Strengthening of Scientific and Technological Innovation for High-Quality Development

On March 5, when attending the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation”, “Deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, education system, talent system, etc., and break through the blockades that restrict the development of new productive forces” point”.

On March 6, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited members of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, science and technology circles, and environmental resources circles who attended the CPPCC meeting, he emphasized: “We must further strengthen our ambition to rejuvenate the country through science and education, and shoulder the important task of scientific and technological innovation.” “We must strengthen the ecological environment protection, and make new contributions to support high-quality development with high-level protection.”

Representative members said that we must conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, strengthen confidence, continue to work hard, devote ourselves to scientific and technological innovation, promote the green transformation of development methods, use new atmosphere and new actions to promote high-quality development to achieve new results, and serve as a good Chinese-style modernization A firm activist and doer of construction.

Fight the battle against key core technologies

Accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance is the only way to promote high-quality development. We must firmly grasp the “narrow nose” of independent innovation and keep key core technologies in our own hands.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, ‘Fight the battle against key core technologies and cultivate new momentum for the development of new productive forces.’ To develop the rare earth industry in a high-end, intelligent, and green manner, we must continue to innovate and make breakthroughs in key core technologies and accelerate the development of high-end rare earth technologies.” materials research and industrialization process.” Commissioner Li Baogu, head of the Hydrogen Storage Materials Room of the Rare Earth Functional Materials Research Institute of Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute, said that in recent years, the local production and application capabilities and innovative research and development capabilities of rare earth functional materials have been significantly improved. With the With the in-depth application of rare earth hydrogen storage materials, the industrial structure will be further optimized and upgraded in the future.

One of the issues of the times for high-quality development full of “green gold” is to effectively transform technological innovation capabilities into new productive forces. “Continue to promote the integration and innovation of finance and technology, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into new productive forces.” Representative Xu Zuo, deputy general manager and chief engineer of CITIC Group, said that science and technology finance is an important force in promoting technological innovation and high-quality economic development. The group will be based on Actively lay out the trend of industrial change, take multiple measures to seek integration and innovation of finance and technology, use financial tools to better support the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and serve and meet industrial needs.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, ‘Strengthen basic research and applied basic research.’ After more than 10 years of technical research, we have successfully mastered the world’s leading low-grade lepidolite comprehensive lithium extraction technology, and used this technology to effectively promote the development of related industries. Green transformation of the mode.” Representative Yan Yun, Secretary of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee of Jiangxi Province, introduced that Yichun will continue to strengthen policy support for lithium battery new energy and other fields, achieve greater success in key core technologies, and promote industrial technology upgrading with hard work and results. and green transformation.

Developing new productive forces is an intrinsic requirement and an important focus to promote high-quality development. “To develop new productive forces, we must strengthen scientific and technological innovation, especially original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation, and fight for key core technologies. As scientific and technological workers, we deeply feel that our mission is glorious and our responsibility is heavy.” Mechanical and Electronics of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Commissioner Ding Huafeng, dean of the School of Information, said that to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, it is necessary to further form a national laboratory system. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises, promote the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and continuously improve the level of transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.

Further stimulate the innovative vitality and potential of all types of talents

People are the most critical factor in scientific and technological innovation. Giving full play to human creativity must be regarded as the core of promoting scientific and technological innovation, deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and comprehensively improve the quality of independent training of talents.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, ‘Further stimulate the innovative vitality and potential of all types of talents.’ To achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, we need to comprehensively improve the quality of independent training of talents and strive to create top innovative talents. We must speed up the construction of a high-quality education system and attach importance to doctoral students. Group, fully mobilize the innovative vitality and potential of doctoral students.” Representative Cai Yuanqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University of Technology, said that it is necessary to further improve the diversified investment mechanism for doctoral education, further improve the award standards, stimulate the enthusiasm of doctoral students to participate in scientific research activities, and provide Contribute to accelerating the construction of a scientific and technological power.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech pointed out the way forward for deepening the reform of the talent development system and mechanism. High-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance ultimately rely on high-level innovative talents. From basic research to applied research, to the transformation and implementation of innovative results, it is necessary to stimulate all kinds of Talent innovation vitality.” Committee member Yang Quanhong, professor of the School of Chemical Engineering of Tianjin University, believes that constantly stimulating innovation vitality and potential is a common requirement for cultivating and achieving all types of talents. A diverse and cross-cutting training mechanism should be used to pay more attention to foresight in the subject setting and training process. . At the same time, it is also necessary to further optimize the talent development mechanism, so that all types of talents can achieve a competitive burst of creative vitality and a full flow of ingenuity in the collaborative innovation of industry, academia, and research.

“As a major energy province, Shanxi must accurately cultivate talents in fields related to energy transformation and strive to consolidate the talent base for innovation and development.” Representative Lv Chunxiang, a researcher at the Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice chairman of the Shanxi Association for Science and Technology, said that to stimulate the inherent innovation motivation of talents, we must Deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, strive to build a platform to attract and gather talents, and form a training mechanism that is conducive to the growth of talents, a utilization mechanism that is conducive to the use of talents, an incentive mechanism that is conducive to competing for growth and everyone can show their talents, and conducive to all types of talents to stand out. competition mechanism.

Laying a solid foundation for high-quality development

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and a good ecological environment is the most universal benefit to people’s livelihood and well-being. We must correctly handle the relationship between ecological environment protection and development, and adhere to ecological priority and green development.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that ‘improving the ecological environment zoning management and control system’. In Yichun, loggers have become tree planters, various nature reserves have been established one after another, forest quality has continued to improve, and forest ecological functions have continued to increase.” Heilongjiang Province, Yi Representative Wang Xiaohong, an employee of the Bailin Management Office in Jinlin District, Spring City, said that since the new era, the ecological environment of the forest area has been greatly improved. Based on good ecology, the edible fungi industry and other understory economies are booming, forest tourism is very popular, and the ecological advantages have been transformed For industrial advantages and development advantages, it has brought more ways for the people to increase their income and become rich. “Everyone is becoming more and more aware that the greener the forest, the more prosperous the life.”

“General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, ‘Consolidate the ecological foundation for high-quality development.’ On the road to solidly promoting high-quality development, we will continue to implement the concept of green development, persistently promote the construction of ecological civilization, protect the Wujiang River, and make our hometown ecology better and industries More prosperous.” Representative Fu Qingmei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yuduo Town, Qianxi City, Guizhou Province, introduced that Yuduo Town is located in the Wujiang River Basin with beautiful ecology and fertile soil. In recent years, she has insisted on following Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought as a guide and through investigation and research , continue to explore the direction of economic and social development in the Wujiang River Basin, and make its own contribution to the local area’s sustainable development path of ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people’s prosperity.

“Protecting Qinghai’s ecological environment well is a ‘great country’. Qinghai actively promotes a natural protected area system with national parks as the main body.” Gao Qingbo, a researcher at the Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that through continuous efforts, Qinghai’s biodiversity has been improved System protection, ecological security barriers are more stable, and we continue to tap potential and improve efficiency in clean energy, specialty industries, ecological carbon sinks, etc., which provides good support for the continued expansion of advantageous industries and vigorous promotion of green and low-carbon development. “We will continue to promote national parks Build, straighten out the management system, innovate the operating mechanism, and make new contributions to solidifying the ecological foundation for high-quality development.”

The first spring of the year is the right time for struggle. Representative members said they should keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions, take responsibility, forge ahead with determination, and make new and greater contributions to comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

(Our reporters Xu Yang, Zhang Jiaying, Deng Jianyang, Zhai Qinqi, Shen Tongrui, Zou Xiang, and Li Zhuoer participated in the reporting)

Editor: Zheng Jianlong

2024-03-10 04:02:54
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