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Xi Jinping tells the Chinese army to prepare for war

Xi Jinpingthe president of China told the country’s armed forces “focus all your energies on the fight”, on preparing for war, as reported by the Chinese Communist Party spokesperson. Indeed, several photos of Xi in military clothing during a visit to a command center featured prominently on the front page of the People’s Daily on Wednesday.

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Xi said the military must do thisand fully strengthen military training in preparation for war “, after having warned at a recent party congress of “dangerous storms on the horizon”. “Focus everything [vuestra] energy in the struggle, you work hard in the struggle and improve [vuestra] ability to win, “he said. The military must also support national sovereignty and national security,” he stressed, as China finds itself in an “unstable and uncertain” security situation.

China has already requested concentration for the war in 2013 and 2017

Yes, OK Xi also ordered the military to focus on preparing for war in 2013.Shortly after taking power, and again in 2017, political analysts say the rhetoric has intensified significantly this time. On a similar visit to the command center in 2016, he told officers to be “loyal” and “resourceful” in fighting and “brave and capable of winning wars”.

Xi attacked the United States’ increasingly outspoken support for Taipei at the party’s 20th congress, which ended in Beijing last month, accusing “foreign interference” of exacerbating tensions. Xi sees the conquest of Taiwan as a key part of his legacy and he said in the opening speech of the congress: “We will never promise to give up the use of force.”

In this regard, Xi has been using the past few months increasingly aggressive tones to push you to “dare to fight” and strengthen your “fighting spirit” defend national interests in a hostile political environment. In his opening speech at the party congress, he used the word “struggle” 17 times, recalling Mao Zedong’s emphasis on “class struggle” and the struggle against foreign imperialist influence, and used the word for ” security “about 50 times, like the The Guardian.

The United States speaks in favor of Taiwan

Taiwan will be able to count on the support of the United States The President of the United States, Joe Bidenhe has promised it several times America would defend Taiwan if it was attacked. After the president of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, visited Taiwan in August, the People’s Liberation Army moved several warships and planes near the midline, an unofficial China-Taiwan border in the Taiwan Strait.

Are there any real possibilities for war between China and Taiwan?

Xi has reshaped the structure of the party and “surrounded himself with people who are very dependent on him, and therefore very close to him, and the information that reaches him, critical and analytical, can be reduced above all by the vision of the messianic life, the vision of a leader of a historical project that goes in this direction “, explained a few days ago the professor of history and culture of modern and contemporary China at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Manel Ollé, in conversation with ElNacional.cat. Thus, he commented that this fact can lead him to do “very serious things or put him in a complicated situation”.

“It could be something that brings a great crisis to China. Taiwan is very well equipped, it is a very powerful economy and it is a war that could be developed in technological terms, physically isolate the island, sink the electronic system so that it runs out of electricity … it could be a high-tech war. It wouldn’t be like the war in Ukraine, but cutting-edge technology. “

It becomes difficult to think how I could scale everything. Ollé notes that perhaps China could invade a small Taiwanese island – Illa de Matsu is only 10 kilometers from China – and from there begin an escalation phase. “In Taiwan there are fundamental and immediate economic interests. This could make a difference”, he specified in relation to the United States, which would not seem to seek a direct confrontation. Even if he supposes more competition from Russia. Precisely for this reason he concludes that the supply of weapons, in the event of a conflict, could be much higher than what is happening in Ukraine.

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