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Xi Jinping strikes from within: The Chinese world is ready for a revolution in the US –

/ world today news/ The United States, which has declared China its main enemy, encounters a firm response not only from outside, but also from within. Because not only in America, but also in other countries of the world, tens of millions of Chinese living there will stand up to defend their motherland, and the West will not find enough. The Russians are capable students and this should be learned well from the Chinese.

Did I read it somewhere, or there was such a funny movie: in the form of a joke, immigrants from the USSR in the USA, dressed as traffic policemen, stopped compatriots in California, in an area where many Russian speakers live, and demanded in a very irresponsible way that they pay ” fines” for an alleged traffic violation.

Everything was so natural that our people at first obeyed the demands of the pranksters and only then realized the absurdity of the situation: they are in America, there is no “our” traffic police there. Then everyone laughed long and hard.

This probably not fictional story came to mind the other day when reports emerged from the United States that in New York City, in an area densely populated by Chinese immigrants, city officials had opened a “PRC police station” set up to maintain among the public order in accordance with Chinese laws. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York filed charges against two people who were arrested in connection.

Who kept order in New York’s Chinatown?

The New York City Attorney’s Office said bluntly: “The indicted individuals set up a police station on behalf of the PRC National Police in Manhattan’s Chinatown.”

Those arrested face up to five years in prison for acting as agents of the Chinese government and up to 20 years on another charge of obstruction of justice. In addition, illegally, from the point of view of American authorities, the Chinese police department has been operating since the beginning of 2022.

In addition, according to TASS, charges have also been brought against 40 employees of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security and two representatives of the Chinese State Office of Internet Information.

They are said to have tracked and monitored the behavior and “executed schemes to internationally persecute US residents whose political views and actions did not sit well with the Chinese authorities.”

The indictment states that these individuals created several social media accounts that they used to harass and intimidate individuals who oppose PRC policies.

These Chinese “guards” have not fallen into the clutches of US authorities, and the US Department of Justice believes they are now located in China or Asian countries. And maybe in Oceania – who knows?

Could it really be? It’s simple, and probably has been for a long time, and of course not only in New York, but in all American cities that have Chinatowns. It’s just that the Americans didn’t pay attention to it before, but now that China has been declared and has really become the main enemy of the US, they have started to do it.

A case in Sri Lanka

How the Chinese system of settling compatriots permanently or temporarily settled abroad, which is so lacking in Russia, works, the author of these lines accidentally got a glimpse when he was the head of the TASS bureau in Sri Lanka.

From a secluded corner in a famous Chinese restaurant in Colombo, hidden from most patrons, I happened to witness such a scene. With the majestic expression of a pharaoh, as if entitled, my colleague, a correspondent of China’s Xinhua agency, resolutely enters the hall.

Just in case, I won’t mention his name, as he was clearly not just a journalist. And outwardly he was usually a very shy, modestly dressed, thin, completely ordinary Chinese.

In the early 1990s, China was still living in poverty, and the marks of an apparently difficult life were deeply imprinted on its face. And then the surprises began. From the belly of the establishment, at full speed, a large, richly dressed, radiant prosperous owner of the establishment, who was said to be as rich as Croesus, rolled up to the representative of the PRC state agency.

However, this Chinese bowed low and bowed to the correspondent, who loudly and rudely scolded the businessman for something, showing arrogant and even rude behavior in front of customers and employees (naturally, not knowing Chinese, I did not understand what the speech was).

After this demonstrative blow, the frightened landlord, also bowed and full of remorse, drew back, humbly retired, and his critic, with his head held high, hurriedly left the room.

This amazing scene opened my eyes to many things. When I told the name of this Chinese journalist to the Xinhua correspondent there ten years later in Greece, I immediately knew that this was a legendary figure.

The Chinese world

According to various estimates, at least 40 million natives of this country, who are called Huaqiao, live in the world outside of China. The Chinese of China perceive them as their compatriots, and they, in turn, protect and preserve the Chinese culture and language, maintain strong social and economic ties with their homeland, which in turn relies on them and is even ready to protect them on occasion.

Of course, huaqiao is always welcome in China, where some return after a long – several generations – life in a foreign land.

And the capitals of very rich overseas Chinese do it much earlier. They are particularly associated with those regions of vast China where their ancestors lived. Naturally, the Chinese mafia, and Chinese intelligence, and even, as we see, ordinary policemen from the PRC operate in their environment.

What of this?

Alas, our “Russian-speaking” people in a foreign land do not have such cohesion and devotion to their distant homeland, and there is a relatively successful “Russian party” only in … Israel.

Some foreign Russians are generally ashamed of Russia and shun their compatriots when they hear their native speech. During the many years of living abroad, I have repeatedly observed such a reaction. According to my observations, only Jews are not at all worried about being people of Russian culture in a foreign land, although other problems often arise with them.

But let’s not give up: the Chinese are much older than us, maybe everything is ahead of us. And this desired future, by the way, can be accelerated by learning from the same Chinese how to actively love our country, as well as how to work with our countrymen.

Translation: SM

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