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Xi Jinping defends his covid zero policy and promises Taiwan “reunification”: “It will be realized”

The Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party (PCCh) and undisputed leader of the Asian giant Xi Jinping, today inaugurated the XX Formation Congresscalled to further strengthen his power with a third five-year term unprecedented among his predecessors.

Hours before the conclave, which is held with an armored Beijing and severe restrictions on journalists Due to the draconian measures against covid, the thick layer of pollution that has covered the Chinese capital in recent days has disappeared to make way for the blue sky characteristic of major events.

The journalists remained in quarantine two days in advance to be able to attend the meeting, during which the use of masks, mandatory white or blueit was mandatory, in line with China’s zero covid policy.

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The current number two in the lineup, Li Keqiang – who will leave his post as prime minister in March – said the event – which will last a week – opened at the Great Hall of the People, and was later played. the national anthem first Xi began his speech, in which reported on what has happened in the country since the last congressheld five years ago, in front of the nearly 2,300 delegates present.

He did this even before the former party leaders introduced themselves as Xi’s predecessor, Hu Jintao, or Song Ping105 years old and member of the Politburo Standing Committee, the pinnacle of power, between 1989 and 1992.

The big absentee was Jiang Zemin, the former non-agenary president and considered the leader of one of the contending factions within the communist formation. Former Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli appeared, accused last year of sexual abuse by tennis player Peng Shuai, who later retracted and claimed he was misunderstood.

Ideology, key to the discourse

Xi didn’t waver during his speechwhich lasted about two hours, and he interrupted the monotonous cadence of the speech he read only to take a few sips of water and receive the ovations of the delegates present.

The president opened with references to the adaptation of Marxism-Leninism to the Chinese context, the defense of communist “effectiveness of popular democracy” or calls for building “a modern socialist country in all aspects under the rule of law” https://www.elconfidentcial.com/mundo/2022-10-16/xi-jinping-tercer-mandato-reunificacion-taiwan_3507164/ ” Ours is a noble cause, we must not forget our original mission. We must have the courage and the confidence to advance socialism “, he proclaimed.

Photo: Chinese President Xi Jinping.  (Reuters / Selim Chtayti)
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He added that the CCP has established “strategies” to address “changes not seen in the world for more than a century,” promising greater distribution of wealth or emphasizing the country’s “technological advances” and “innovation”. “We have to improve people’s wellbeing”as well as “ensuring social security and stability as a prerequisite for building a strong and prosperous China,” he said.

Xi also spoke of the “sudden attack” of the covid pandemic: “We put people and their lives above all else with our tenacious covid zero policy. We have protected people’s health as much as possible.”

Against foreign interference

The Taiwan issue was also present: “In response to separatist activities in search of “independence”and to the crude provocations from abroad, we fought with determination, demonstrating skill and strength to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity, “he said.

“We will pursue peaceful reunification but we will never promise to give up the use of force as an option,” Xi said before defining China as a power that will promote world peace and “will never seek hegemony” or “expansionism”. The Great Hall of the People came out of its hibernation and exploded in the biggest ovation of the morning when the president assured that “reunification will be achieved”.

It also had words on Hong Kong and the “turbulent developments” that have occurred there over the past five years. “The central government exercised its jurisdiction to ensure that Hong Kong was ruled by patriots. We have restored order,” she said.

Photo: Xi Jinping (EFE)
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Therefore, “foreign deduction” played a prominent role in the speech: “In the midst of drastic changes in the international arena, we have remained strong and have shown a fighting spirit to safeguard our dignity and interests. We are well positioned to continue our development and ensure our safety“.

During the conclave, the Chinese leader once again aspires to have his loyalists occupy the main positions within the Party. At the same time, he wonders if he will place a potential dolphin among the highest positions.

But a third term of Xi arouses suspicion even among those who foresee “a worsening of civil and political rightswhich were already severely limited, as authorities respond to complaints with increased censorship, arbitrary arrests and repression, “recently denounced the NGO Human Rights Watch.

The Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party (PCCh) and undisputed leader of the Asian giant Xi Jinping, today inaugurated the XX Formation Congresscalled to further strengthen his power with a third five-year term unprecedented among his predecessors.

Hours before the conclave, which is held with an armored Beijing and severe restrictions on journalists Due to the draconian measures against covid, the thick layer of pollution that has covered the Chinese capital in recent days has disappeared to make way for the blue sky characteristic of major events.

The journalists remained in quarantine two days in advance to be able to attend the meeting, during which the use of masks, mandatory white or blueit was mandatory, in line with China’s zero covid policy.

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