Home » today » Health » «Xec? One hundred deaths a week, never seen a virus grow so quickly.” The point on Covid, variants and flu: a critical moment at Christmas

«Xec? One hundred deaths a week, never seen a virus grow so quickly.” The point on Covid, variants and flu: a critical moment at Christmas

Covid and variants. Influenza and the Australian strain. Viruses continue to worry experts. The reason? The increase in cases of the new Sars-CoV-2 Xec variant, destined to become dominant in the world in the near future. «In Italy it grows and will grow». Virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco has no doubts: “It will be the winter variant.” “The symptoms vary greatly from one person to another.”

A range of events which, he explains toAdnkronos Salute Pregliasco, if at one extreme has the «many asymptomatic or mild forms which then maintain the continuity of the infection», at the opposite extreme sees «a picture that simulates the actual flu: fever, muscle and joint pain as well as cough, sore throat and stuffy nose, and the loss of taste and smell are still evident. In short, forms that can be burdensome, even in young people”, underlines the director of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the State University of Milan.

Features of Xec

Xec is a combination of two different variants: KS.1.1 (a so-called FLiRT variant) and KP.3.3 (FLuQE variant). According to the expert Mike Honey of Melbourne, who traced a first identikit of Xec, what is most striking is the “growth advantage” that it is showing “at a global level”.

The expert defined Xec as the variant «with the fastest growth” that I have observed so far.

«Xec will grow, we will have over one hundred deaths a week»

«I am convinced – says Pregliasco – that the numerical data reported» in the official bulletins «is absolutely underestimated, because now no one takes the test anymore or, if they do, they self-administer it and do not record the result, therefore, the real data of the contagions is totally missing. The objective data are the “hard” ones, of hospitalizations and mortality which is numerically high: over one hundred deaths recorded per week”, recalls the virologist: 117 from 10 to 16 October, up compared to one hundred from 3 to 9 October.

«New variants will arrive»

“I repeat my mantra: we will have to continue to live with the rising and falling waves” of Sars-CoV-2 infections and “at the moment we are in a rising phase which will continue further”, he warns. «We know that every four to six months new variants of Covid arrive, which tend to be more immunoevasive. Variants that are no longer “bad”, but which “surprise” our defenses, the hybrid immunity conferred by vaccines and infections, and “quantitatively affect the visible part of a submerged iceberg” such as that of infections.

The point on the risk of myocarditis

The Messina Military Medical Commission has recognized a causal link between the AstraZeneca anti-Covid vaccine and the myocarditis of a 35-year-old policeman who died in Agrigento in 2021, whose family has started the process to obtain compensation.

«As required by law, if the cause-effect link is proven and confirmed by the Ministry of Health, compensation for serious adverse events is due», but news like this «must not undermine the certainty of the importance and opportunity of vaccines », warns Pregliasco, recalling one fact above all: «Covid myocarditis is more than ten times more likely to occur than those associated with the vaccine». Without forgetting, he adds, that “now all eyes are on vaccines, but let’s think about the numerically superior side effects of all other pharmacological interventions, whose risks we instead accept in exchange for the benefits in terms of treatment”.

Myocarditis, inflammation of the muscular tissue of the heart, «is certainly a very rare event, in particular for mRna vaccines – explains the expert – and in the vast majority of the very rare cases in which they develop they give mild and self-contained manifestations. -they solve it. The correlation is possible”, although “there is still no clarity on the pathophysiological mechanism by which the anti-Covid vaccine can be associated with myocarditis”. Since it is Covid itself that increases the risk of these events, “it is probably something linked to the Spike protein” of the Sars-CoV-2 Coronavirus, “with transversal effects on the immune system which can then determine these myocarditis”.

However “I think it is important to reiterate that for Covid-19 vaccines these adverse events are possible, but very rare», insists the director of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the State University of Milan. «Even when the AstraZeneca product was used – he specifies – the elements of risk and the relationship with the benefit justified, and justify in hindsight, the adoption of that vaccine which in any case demonstrated good efficacy», we read on Adnkronos Health.

The point about the variations

But what is the situation today? The subvariants of Sars-CoV-2 are circulating today, with a prevalence of JN.1 and its sub-lines, including KP.3 and KP.3.1.1. To these is added the Xec variant. But how do SARS-CoV-2 variants form? In viruses, genome mutation is a phenomenon to be considered normal, especially for RNA viruses such as Sars-CoV-2. A variant is generated when the virus, multiplying within the host’s cells, undergoes one or more modifications within its genome (or genetic heritage), thus making it different from the original virus.

Variants under Monitoring

Variants under monitoring or control are variants that have genetic changes that are suspected to affect the characteristics of the virus. Currently, this group includes several subvariants of Omicron and, more precisely, lineages descendents of JN.1, such as: JN.1.7; KP.2; KP.3; KP.3.1.1;
JN.1.18; LB.1. To these, last September 24, the World Health Organization, WHO, also added the new recombinant variant Xec.

Symptoms of the new variants

The symptoms induced by the new variants of Sars-CoV-2 are: fever, sometimes high; sore throat; cough and upper airway congestion; runny nose; sneezing; tiredness and fatigue; osteoarticular pain; and (for Xec) loss of appetite.

Drugs and vaccines

Vaccines are and remain effective in preventing Covid-19 in severe form and the consequences, even very severe, that can arise from the contraction of the disease, even when induced by variants, although some of them may present mutations capable of decreasing them, at least in part, effectiveness. Regarding the drugs used so far in the treatment of the disease, there are some data that indicate a reduction in the effectiveness of some monoclonal antibodies. Studies and observations in this regard are ongoing and the situation is evolving.

How to prevent variants

Measures to prevent infection, according to theHigher Institute of HealthISS, remain unchanged from those in use so far. The use of masks, social distancing and hand hygiene is therefore recommended.

The peak is expected at Christmas

To make the situation worse there is the flu season already begun. The peak of the flu is expected around Christmas but the recommendation is one: get vaccinated and, preferably, do it with the double administration in a single session of the two vaccines, the one against the new seasonal virus and the one against Covid.

Also because, as revealed by many experts (in particular by Matteo Bassettiinfectious disease specialist at San Martino in Genoa), worries about the possible spread of the fearsome Australian variant of the flu.

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