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XboxDynasty: Is Ubisoft finished?

In a new XboxDynasty Community Survey we would like to know from you: Is Ubisoft finished?

Things are not going well for Ubisoft! Within two years, the company was “broken” and its value was more than halved. The stock has plummeted and a takeover or privatization is on the cards.

But can Ubisoft still be saved? It seems that the French manufacturer has lost the trust of players many times over and that some gamers only look at new titles from Ubisoft at a distance.

But how do you see that? Can Ubisoft still be saved and how do you feel about the publisher and game manufacturer? So let’s get to a new round of discussion here on XboxDynasty.

Is Ubisoft finished?

Post in the comments whether Ubisoft has made a mistake with you and whether you think that Ubisoft can still be saved?

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if (t.evaluate) return t.evaluate(e, document, null, 9, null).singleNodeValue;
while (e.charAt(0) == “/”) e = e.substr(1);
var n = t;
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throw new TypeError
var n = [];
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