I am one of the lucky ones in Spain to have a good Internet connection. My symmetrical 600 megabytes are a delight. However, not everyone can have access to this download speed; either for financial reasons or because the network in your locality is not yet well implemented. And this unfortunately is still more common than many imagine.
The case with this problem in mind, the new function that incorporates the Microsoft console can be useful. And is that both Xbox One and Xbox Series X notify the user if a game is slowing down downloads in progress.
Download speed on Xbox
The reasons for this can be varied. Especially in the One models that do not have SSD and the reading and writing speed can be affected if a game is running and on the other hand the data of a download is being written.
It can also be caused by an online game, which consumes a bandwidth that can interfere with the download of our pending queue. Be that as it may, now at least we can know and a notice similar to the one in the attached photo will be displayed.