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Xavier Salem: ‘Barcelona will pay only legitimate creditors’

Xavier Salem, financial vice president of BarcelonaIt was clear: “Barcelona will pay only legal and legitimate creditors.” He asserted this on Monday, June 1, 2020, during a press conference for the presentation of a project to recruit youth talents.

The Canary table has a deficit of USD 51.6 million according to the figures provided by an audit hired by former club officers. However, Salem specified that they will carry out a Detailed analysis with another forensic audit to “closely track those expenses.”

For this reason, the bullfighting manager asserted that only debts that are properly supported by documentation and not by “people who want to move on,” without proper support.

“After identifying the actual amount, we will restructure that liability and seek financing mechanisms. Barcelona will pay its legitimate creditorsThose responsible for embezzling club money will pay every dollar, “Salem added.

“The financial championship is a priority, the audit was the first step. The pandemic slowed credit that we manage with a financial institution, but we have already started conversations to close the negotiation, “he said about the way in which they will obtain the resources for the payments.

When the amount of the debt was known, José Francisco Cevallos and Juan Alfredo Accounts, the previous managers of Barcelona, ​​reacted and asserted that the report contains figures of debts recognized as illegitimate. Therefore, the current administration will focus on analyzing in detail each creditor.

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