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X Factor Controversy: Morgan Speaks Out and Plans Return to Rai

by Maria Volpe

Morgan speaks after being excluded from X Factor: «Me like Biagi and Santoro? Today censorship of words, unthinkable in those days. It’s all organised, I couldn’t even choose the songs for the boys: I exposed them”

A river in flood Morgan. Not even that furious. More than anything else, he was disappointed by TV, by the recording industry, by his colleagues, especially by Fedez. Predictably, Morgan was «fired» by Sky and Fremantle who «decided, by mutual agreement, to terminate the collaborative relationship with Morgan and his presence on “X Factor”». A note to explain that it was «an evaluation made following repeated incompatible and inappropriate behavior (the arguments in recent days with Fedez, Dargen, Ambra and Michielin, ed.), also held towards the production and during the performances of the competitors.”

Immediately Morgan spoke of a “satellite edict”, referring to “Berlusconi’s Bulgarian edict (which expelled Biagi, Santoro and Luttazzi, ed.), only because I upset the interests of a shocking lobby”. On the one hand, therefore, Sky, the three judges of the talent show who are now former friends, the presenter Michielin who could not tolerate Morgan’s outbursts (and insults); on the other he, an eccentric artist of the highest competence, who clearly says: «“X Factor” begged me to participate. And he asked me to do Morgan. Then when I do Morgan, he kicks me out.” He is angry because «I learned about the statement from social media, they didn’t tell me anything. For days they had been talking about the possible dismissal.”

But the production team let it be known that the broadcaster’s lawyers gave formal notice to Morgan’s lawyers via certified e-mail and that the artist himself was called by the production to notify him. Morgan says what hurt him most is the human aspect of the story. «They know me, they destroyed my life plans to make me participate in “X Factor”, they know that I have three dependent daughters, eviction, over-indebtedness. They involved me and then treated me without respect.” Morgan also underlines how Sky promised him «media protection and free will in song choices. But none of this has been maintained.” A diatribe that found great space on social media: pro Morgan, against Morgan, pro Sky, against Sky. And among the many posts also that of Bugo who laughs..Moragn replies: «I haven’t seen Bugo’s post. To think that I also wanted to invite him to “X Factor”… I don’t hold a grudge.”

It is difficult to understand how we got to this point, on both sides. First lots of love, then fury. Morgan also complained live on air about not being able to “choose the songs of his artists” and accused Dargen of having sold himself to showbiz. «The truth – underlines the former coach – is that I undermined the balance of their economic system, I exposed their illegitimacy, and they collectively asked for my head. It all started from the first episode when I said that Annalisa’s song with Simonetta’s lyrics was bad. Who works with D’Amico and Michielin. They are all from the same circle.”

It is true that Morgan often crossed the line. Live you called Fedez depressed. Then he apologized. And now he reveals: «What I said to Fedez was ironic and self-deprecating, but behind the scenes, at the end of the episode, he was violent towards me, he said terrible things. I was in the dressing room with my 3 year old daughter, he was screaming, swearing, saying: “Either him, or me, you have to kick him out”. My daughter said to me “Dad, why are you afraid?”». And he adds: «I have always thought that Fedez was an intelligent boy, I was close to him during his illness. And life is what matters most.”

The artist now thinks about his new single coming out and finally smiles and concludes: «All this makes me speed up my return to Rai». And to those who ask her if he intends to sue, she says: “There would be grounds for going before an employment judge, because that’s not how you fire a person, but someone who wants to.” She thinks of the past of «X Factor» when he laughed with Mara Maionchi and no one was offended. Now he just wants to put this experience behind him, an experience in which he has never felt “welcomed”. It was all against one.” But Sky also wants to put it behind us. She has had too many tensions over the past few weeks. And she thinks about tomorrow’s live broadcast. There are still three episodes and Morgan will not be replaced.

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November 21, 2023 (modified November 21, 2023 | 10:10 pm)

2023-11-21 20:50:29
#Morgan #Factor #Fedez #terrible #violent #shouted #Bug #didnt #read #post

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