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WWE SummerSlam 2020 Live

WWE SummerSlam 2020 Live – Coverage and Results

WWE SummerSlam 2020 Live – Coverage and Results | Planet Wrestling

Kickoff de WWE SummerSlam 2020.

United States Championship Match: Apollo Crews (c) vs MVP

The bell rings and the match begins with a knee bar attempt by MVP on Apollo Crews, but Apollo Crews touches the rope to indicate rope break. The fight continues with several attempts at pinfalls but none of them are successful. MVP gives Crews a right hand, he throws it against the cornerback but the champion takes advantage and gives the challenger a dropkick. Apollo sends the cornerback to MVP and tries to make an avalanche, but MVP throws him out. MVP returns to the ring and tries to apply a Big Boot to Apollo in the corner, but Apollo dodges it and attacks him with a kick in the back. Crews climbs on the third rope and MVP makes him fall. MVP achieves a Superplex against Apollo. Later, Crews counterattacks with a clothesline and then launches himself out of the ring with a Suicide Dive. Apollo corners MVP in the corner and launches with several Splashes. Crews finishes it off with a Spinebuster and a Standing Moonsault. The account for Crews is in two. MVP wants to try the Playmaker but Apollo reverses him and applies the Spin Out Powerbomb to take the victory.

After the combat, Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley appear to attack Apollo Crews but he manages to escape.

RESULT: Apollo Crews defeats MVP to retain the United States Championship at WWE SummerSlam 2020.

Main Show.

Match for the WWE SmackDown women’s championship: Bayley (c) vs Asuka

The combat begins with a strong struggle between both fighters. Asuka takes control, propels herself off with the help of the ropes, and drops Bayley a dropkick. After the dropkick, she continues with several kicks and finishes it by catching it in an armbar. However, Bayley touches the rope with her boot quickly. Asuka propels herself with the help of the ropes again and continues attacking Bayley to send her out of the ring. Asuka launches herself off the steel staircase and DDTs Bayley. The applicant covers Bayley and the account is in two. Bayley tries to regain control of the fight and guillotines Asuka with the ropes. The champion covers it and the account is in two. Bayley applies a Suplex, covers Asuka and the account is in two. After the count attempt, Bayley proceeds to apply a Headlock to Asuka, From a moment to another Asuka counterattacks against Bayley and gives her a Headkick, knocks her down with several Shoulder Tackles, places her against the corner, an avalanche for Bayley and the champion is Finish off with a German Suplex. Bayley surprises Asuka and punishes her on the edge of the ring, then introduces her and puts a lock on her legs. Asuka reverses and applies an Ankle Lock for a few seconds. Bayley gets rid of the Ankle Lock, but Asuka counterattacks again and tries to get the count of three but reaches two. The champion catches Asuka again and tries to make her perform, but she touches the rope. Bayley continues with the punishment on the corner, she launches from the third rope but Asuka catches her with an armbar and attacks Sasha Banks. Upon returning to the ring, Bayley tries to roll-up but the count reaches two. Asuka tries to attack Bayley but ends up attacking Asuka, Bayley takes advantage of the situation again with a roll-up and the count reaches three.

RESULT: Bayley defeats Asuka and continues as WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion.

After the match, Asuka was attacked by Sasha Banks and Bayley.

Fight for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships: The Street Profits (c) vs Andrade and Ángel Garza

The fight begins with Montez Ford facing Andrade and sends him out of the ring. Montez decides to launch but Andrade resorts to the help of Ángel Garza and both manage to take control of the fight. Relay for Garza and he attacks Montez Ford to continue with an advantage in the fight. Andrade returns to the ring and punishes Ford with several blows, kicks and finishes him off with an armbar. Garza returns to the ring again and knees Montez Ford in the corner. Angel places Montez in the corner. From one moment to another, Dawkins receives the relief and enters the ring delivered all kinds of blows. Andrade for his dominance with an elbow to the head of Anghelo, but despite being very effective he responds with a spear. Relay for Montez and Garza. Ford launches from the third rope with a Diving Crossbody and Garza catches him to make the count. The account is left in two and is canceled by the referee because it was a dirty pinfall. Relay for Dawkins, Spinebuster for Garza and Montez Ford launches with a Splash. The count reaches three and The Street Profits retain the WWE RAW Tag Team titles.

RESULT: The Street Profits defeat Ángel Garza and Andrade to retain the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships.

Bayley y Sasha Banks are interviewed. Bayley tells Kayla that it’s been a magical night for them, but wants to let Sasha speak. Banks says that if Bayley can defeat Asuka, she can too. Sasha comments proud of how they took out Asuka’s friend, Kairi Sane and will be too when she makes Asuka surrender. Bayley comments that the Role Model Era will continue at Payback when they retain the Tag Team titles.

Match without disqualification (loser must leave WWE) Mandy Rose vs Sonya Deville

The fight begins with Sonya Deville trying to take advantage of Mandy Rose but is unable to do so. The action moves out of the ring and Mandy Rose applies a suplex on the ramp to Sonya Deville. Mandy takes control and lands Deville several blows. After several blows, Rose climbs onto the commentators’ table and launches a Flying Clothesline at Sonya. Mandy pulls out a table, but while she’s setting it up, Sonya appears with a chair and attacks her. Deville hits Rose several times against the commentators’ table, introduces her into the ring and tries the count but reaches two. Deville continues with several kicks, he pushes himself with the help of the ropes to attack Mandy and tries the account but reaches two. Mandy counterattacks against Sonya with several punches, Sonya drives up and Rose knocks her down with a knee. Rose brings her down from the ring and attacks her with several blows against the commentators’ table. After these blows, Rose places Sonya on the table. However, Sonya escapes from Mandy and gives her a Jumping Kick. Back in the ring, Rose attacks Sonya with a triple running knee and finishes her off with a Facebuster. After the Facebuster, Mandy Rose finishes it off again with another Running Knee and gets the count of three.

RESULT: Mandy Rose defeats Sonya Deville at WWE SummerSlam 2020.

At the end of the match, Otis appears to celebrate with Mandy Rose.

Street Fight Match: Dominik Mysterio vs Seth Rollins

The combat begins with a contact between both but neither of them takes control of the combat. Dominik and Rollins take a scuffle and Rollins punishes Dominik’s arm. Dominik escapes from Rollins and applies several Arm Drags to Rollins. Seth proceeds to attack Dominik with several punches, charges Dominik, and lands him a Body Slam. Seth asks Murphy for a Knedo Stick and drops Rollins. Dominik snatches the Kendo Stick from Rollins, but he escapes from Dominik’s intentions and regains dominance by punishing him against the cornerbacks. Rollins’ Suplex for Dominik, he tries to counterattack but Seth responds with a Sling Blade. Murphy gives Seth a metal chair and sits in the center of the ring challenging Rey Mysterio to get into the ring. Seth tries the Stomp, but Dominik surprises him and trips him against the metal chair. Dominik attacks Seth against the cornerback, he grabs him for a Powerbomb, but Dominik applies a Hurricanarrana to him. Dominik surprises Seth and applies a DDT… 1… 2… the fight continues! Dominik takes the Kendo Stick and punishes Seth with several blows. Dominik Mysterio climbs to the third rope, but Seth prevents him from continuing in that position and gives him a Superplex followed by a Falcon Arrow…. 1… 2… Dominik escapes! Murphy gives Seth more Kendo Sticks and Seth attacks Dominik. Murphy keeps pulling out Kendo Sticks and also gives Seth a table. Suddenly, Dominik and Seth climb to the third rope and Dominik gives a Russian Leg Sweep with the help of a Kendo Stick to Seth Rollins on the table. Dominik launches from the third rope with a Frog Splash and covers Rollins…. one…. 2… the fight is not over yet. Dominik tries to drive a metal sllla into the ring, but Rollins counterattacks with a Superkick and then starts attacking him with a Kendo Stick.

Rollins takes out some handcuffs, but Dominik’s mother appears, Angie! She and Rey argue and Murphy steps in to attack Dominik. Murphy takes Dominik out of the ring and tries to smash his face against the steel staircase. Rey Mysterio comes to the rescue, but Murphy and Rollins handcuff him. Rollins and Murphy drop the Kendo Sticks and try to advance against Angie… Dominik appears to rescue her mother! We return to the ring and Dominik applies the 619 to Rollins, but Seth reverses Dominik’s Frog Splash and then stomps him… 1… 2… 3.

RESULTADO: Seth Rollins derrota a Dominik Mysterio en WWE SummerSlam 2020.

WWE RAW Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks (c) vs Asuka

The match begins with Sasha Banks attacking Asuka, but the challenger quickly gets up and tries to take advantage of the champion. Asuka proceeds to kick several kicks on Sasha’s abdomen. The applicant sends Sasha against the cornerback and applies an avalanche. Asuka grabs Banks’ arm to apply an Armbar to her, but she quickly escapes. The action moves over the edge of the ring and Banks applies a Powerbomb to Asuka. We continue with the action and Asuka and Banks are very even in the ring, Sasha tries a Frog Splash but Asuka moves away and then connects Banks with Asuka Lock. Banks reverses the padlock and tries the account but reaches two, after the account of two Banks applies the Banks Statement to Banks. Sasha falls into Asuka’s hands and again achieves the Asuka Lock. Banks escapes, Superkick Banks, Bayley tries to mislead Asuka, but she attacks him and then catches Banks with the Asuka Lock. Asuka makes Sasha Banks perform and becomes the new WWE RAW Women’s Champion.

RESULT: Asuka defeats Sasha Banks to become the new WWE RAW Women’s Champion.

WWE World Championship Match: Drew McIntyre (c) vs Randy Orton

(Coverage in process …)

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