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WWE review Friday Night Smackdown 02/28/2020

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Hello to everyone who survived after Super ShowDown! Today we are waiting for the first episode of the blue brand, where we are promised the appearance of Goldberg and John Cena. There were no announcements in terms of matches at the show, so it will be interesting to find out what they have prepared for us.

Goldberg’s live music theme opens. The newly made world champion appears in the ring. He smiles and picks up the microphone, but the audience buzzes and beeps. He asks people not to make a mistake and understand that the point is not who is last, but who will be next. He throws the microphone and looks at the ramp. The musical theme of Roman Raines sounds and the Samoan appears on our screens.

He looks at Bill Goldberg, and then says: “I’m next.” The champion smiles and .. that’s it. Ahaha. The title match was announced at Wrestlemania 36.

Bailey Ave. Naomi

Naomi wanted to immediately attack Bailey, but the champion between the ropes picked up the microphone and asked for time to say a few words. She says she should not be here, especially in front of us, idiots. Bailey says she made history last night. She is here for one single reason. She brought us a man who in the future will receive a Grammy Award and will be the most recognizable hip-hop artist – Sasha Banks. Bailey’s girlfriend appears with an updated musical theme and we begin the match.

Naomi attacks Bailey and takes several punches, but suddenly Sasha Banks attacks Naomi and prevents her from continuing to beat her friend. The referee announces the stoppage of the match in DC, while Sasha and Bailey beat Naomi together.

Winner: Naomi by DC

Suddenly, Lacey Evans appears in the ring. She flies to the aid of Naomi and the girls begin to fight against each other. Nobody can stop them and the announcement informs that we will see a team match now.

Naomi and Lacey Evans Ave Bailey and Sasha Banks

Lacey and Naomi catch courage and from the first seconds of the match attack their rivals with dropkiki. After they throw them out of the ring and jump through the ropes. After the advertisement, the control of the match returned to Sasha Banks and Bailey, but over time, Lacey Evans managed to enter the ring and deal with two girls at once. At the end of the match, Naomi turned Bailey and brought victory to her team.

Winners: Naomi and Lacey Evans

Kofi Kingston Ave Robert Rood

Robert Rood confidently begins the fight. He scores Kofi Kingston with his punches, but the former WWE champion suddenly opens a second wind and puts the match in his favor. He makes throws and shots, but he hits the headlock. Dolph Ziggler appears on the apron of the ring and distracts the referee, while Robert Rood demonstrates his acting skills. He kicks the stairs and falls side by side. The referee sees this picture and decides to remove Big Y from participating in the ring side. The participant of the New Day is trying to prove that he did not do anything, but, as they say, the referee himself is all the same.

In parallel with this, we are shown Mandy Rose, who is carefully watching the fight behind the scenes. Dolph Ziggler walks around the ring side, while Robert Rood continues to beat Kofi Kingston. The rope jump does not reach the goal and Kofi Kingston gets the opportunity to impose his script. He holds his classic combination and completes it with a boom drop. The finisher misses, but Kofi reverses the Ore attack and crossbands from the ropes. Robert Rud breaks loose and tried to make a spanbeister, but he managed to get out only on a back-breaker. Another exchange and Rud finally holds a spinebuster. Hold but no!

Kofi Kingston breaks out at the last second and Rood prepares to make Glorius DDT, but Kofi Kingston reverses and does SOS. Dolph Ziggler grabs his friend by the leg and puts it on the ropes. The referee cancels the countdown. Kofi Kingston is unhappy with this injustice, after which Rood turns him from the back and celebrates the victory.

Winner: Robert Rood

Mandy Rose backstage looks quite pleased with this outcome. We are also shown Otis, who sits in the locker room and tells Tucker that they need to find out what is happening in the relationship between Dolph Ziggler and Mandy Rose. Tucker says that it’s time for Otis to release Mandy Rose and convinces that there are girls whose heart cannot be won. Tucker says that next week we will give Otis the love he deserves, and Ziggler will not be able to take this love, because this is the love of the WWE universe.

Rene Young meets us in the ring and announces that he will now sign the contract for the match for the IR title. All participants in the action gather and Rene mentions that both applicants can review and re-read the contract, after which she asks Shinske to be the first to sign.

Samy Zane stops Shinske from signing. He tells Bron to take his place because he is here to conduct business negotiations, like gentlemen. Strouman throws a chair to the floor. Zane begins to wag his tongue, but Strawman asks him to close his mouth and finish this circus. Bron Strouman signs the contract and says that he is ready to fight. Samy Zane focuses on this and makes several changes to the already signed contract. He says that now it will be a 1-on-3 handicap match. Zane laughs and says that Bron Strawman has just signed his death sentence, and Strawman silently pushes the table aside and asks why Zane is so sure that he will get to the Elimination Chamber on two legs. ? A big battle begins, but the numerical advantage played a role and Nakamura and his friends send Bron Strouman to the table.

Daniel Brian Ave. Curtis Axel

The fight begins rather slowly. Curtis Axel gets the opportunity to show his skills. He dominates for several minutes, but is expected to lose. At the end of the mast, Brian holds Yes Lock and forces the opponent to surrender.

Winner: Daniel Brian

After the advertising in the ring, the team champions of SmackDown appear. Miz asks why fans don’t run the “you deserve it” chants? Miz says the Godfather, Terminator, Rocky and the Marine had great originals, but the sequels were better. Morrison supplements Miza’s words and says that if we thought they were great at the time, now they will be even better. Miz says that they have already proven that the haters are wrong, and now they can choke on their pancakes. Miz says they don’t hear yu sak chants, because there is a sweet sound of victory in their ears.

It is then announced that Miz and John Morrison will defend the titles against New Day, Ray House Party, Heavy Machinery, Dolph Siggler and Robert Ore, and also against the Uso brothers inside the Elimination Chamber cage. Miz and John Morrison are unhappy with this decision, after which Uso appears in the ring and we begin the classic team match.

Miz and John Morrison Ave. Jimmy and Jay Uso

The Uso brothers act as supporting players. John Morrison and Miz feel confident, but the dominance of champions ends when Jimmy Uso sends Miz out of the ring. He runs a superkick around Morrison and climbs to the corner of the ring to pass the tag to his brother, but Miz attacks Jay Uso outside the ring and prevents him from taking the tag.
After the advertisement, we already see that Jay Uso still entered the ring. He and Jimmy show a good team attack. Jimmy goes outside the ring, attacking Miza with a suiside dive, and Jay jumps from the ropes to Morrison, but John puts his knees down and reverses his attack. Jay Uso sends Miz out of the ring, and the Uso brothers alternately carry out attacks on Morrison from the ropes and hold him.

Winner: Uso

It’s time for the main event of the evening. John Cena appears in the ring. He thanks the fans, and then says that now is the season of Wrestlemania and many are interested in what John Cena is doing in this period of time? John replies that he remains a WWE superstar, and WrestleMania has always been and will be an event that every WWE wrestler wants to take part in. However, John Cena says he has other plans for the WrestleMania season. He understands how hard the WWE guys work every day to get one moment in WrestleMania. He is proud that he can listen to the WWE Universe and wants to do what fans want.

He hears their chants, he reads their comments and sees the general mood. He sees that the audience wants to give way to the younger generation. They want to see the future, so he wants to listen to the fans and do what will be most right at this moment – to remain in WrestleMania without a match. John Cena says a place in WrestleMania needs to be earned, not come and pick up a place there. People ambiguously accept his words, and Sina clarifies that he is not ending his career, he just does not want to take away a place that hungry and talented guys could get. John Cena says that someday he will still enter the ring and will then be even stronger than now. John says this makes tonight special because he doesn’t know when he will be back next time. He says he wanted to do it in front of his friends and family, and he wants to do it at home in his home state.

He looks at the fans and lowers his head, while the fans chant “Sina! Sina! Sina! ” He thanks the fans and throws the microphone. John enters the ring side and walks past the fans. He stands in his rack on the ramp and looks again at the audience, when suddenly strange sounds occur in the arena, and then the light turns off. After a moment, the light turns on again and we see behind it the Monster. Bray Wyatt points to WrestleMania, and John Cena accepts the challenge.

Smackdown rating: 3/10 (author)

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I can’t say that it was bad, because it was just crazy. When it comes to senility, the standard concepts of “good” and “bad” disappear, because it was really crazy. The opening match energizes the mood for the next show. So to speak, shit slurped from the start. I do not pretend to be a great screenwriter, but even it seems to me that announcing in this way a match for the world title on Wrestlemania is a little something that should happen on the first weekly after the show, where a member of the Hall of Fame defeated, according to legend, the strongest character of the roster.

We have repeatedly witnessed such announcements, but each time there was at least some kind of eyeliner. Could, for example, Vince McMan appear and say, I want so much, my show, my applicants for the title. They could have shown the behind-the-scenes conflict between Goldberg and Raines before the start of SmackDown, or at least something, if only what they saw on the screen seemed to be at least somehow alive, but instead we were spiritually announced a duel for the title and said that it was necessary. And my complaint is not against Raines or Goldberg, but in the very attitude of the creative department to what we see. It was evident that Raines and Goldberg themselves did not know why they would fight in WrestleMania, because of which none of them even read out the promo, in which there would be at least two sentences. This is the case when they do, but I am ashamed.

There is really nothing to say about matches. All the matches were not very, but the Ore vs. Kingston match is the only thing that you can still see. The guys managed to make a micro-story inside the match and, with this approach, watching was, of course, more interesting than the next Bailey matches against Naomi / Evans. Why did Naomi give this victory again? Why is Lacey Evans here again? Well, we already saw it and it was a very controversial quality. Why do it again?

And, of course, the final segment is above all praise, again, in quotation marks. John read out basically a soulful promo and said the right thing, but then he himself did not give a damn about his mouth, ha. I don’t even know what to add here, it’s just strange for me how WWE downgraded the status of the Elimination Chamber in one episode to a fierce prowler, because Rains, Goldberg, Monster and Sina, apparently, do not even know that there will be another PPV in front of WrestleMania.

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WWE Friday Night Smackdown 02/28/2020



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