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WWE Monday Night RAW: Coverage and Results for February 8, 2021

By Fede Fromhell – POSTED ON 02/09/2021 AT 01:41

Friendship review Drew McIntyre y Sheamus, prior to the Celtic Warrior’s betrayal last week.

Adam Pearce welcomes Shane McMahon to open the show. Shane teams up with Adam in making a big announcement for Elimination Chamber. Drew McIntyde to defend the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber. All five of Drew’s rivals will be former champions, Pearce says before naming them. Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, The Miz y Sheamus. Shane congratulates Adam on his work and leaves.

AJ Stlyes He walks out with Omos, meeting Shane on the way. Styles also compliments Pearce’s idea, saying that it would be a great time to become WWE Champion for the third time as it is the Road to Wrestlemania. The Phenomenal One throws Adam out of the ring to show a preview of what will happen at Elimination Chamber. Jeff Hardy comes out to face Styles next.

Drew McIntyre he meets Shane McMahon backstage. Drew preferred to have a heads-up match with Sheamus for the title, but Shane says they needed something big for Elimination Chamber.

Later, Edge will make an announcement regarding Wrestlemania.

AJ Styles (c/ Omos) vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff comes out aggressively, attacking AJ’s arm at the start. Jeff maintains control, crashing AJ for all the cornerbacks. Jeff continues to attack, but after dodging an attack by Styles, he seems to hurt his knee when he falls. AJ comes out of the ring to attack that leg in various ways. Coming back from commercials, AJ continues to hurt Jeff’s knee in the ring. Calf Crusher for Jeff. With much effort, Hardy reaches the rope. Styles looks for his Forearm but Jeff moves the rope to make him fall. He connects his classic offense on AJ but does not achieve the count of three. Facebuster for AJ and a count of two. Twist of Fate! Jeff looks for height for the Swanton Bomb but Styles dodges it. Calf Crusher and Jeff finally give up.
Winner: AJ Styles.

Riddle y Keith Lee They are backstage. Lee asks Riddle if he plans to continue after the United States Championship despite having all Hurt Business against him. Riddle assures that he will continue trying to fulfill his dream. Keith says he has what it takes to beat Lashley, and also to beat Riddle tonight. “May the best man win, good luck Bro,” Riddle tells his friend before leaving.

Sheamus rebukes Adam Pearce for his decision for Elimination Chamber. Pearce responds that the intention they “had” was to make the biggest possible main event for the show. Sheamus recalls that Shane gave Adam the credit for the idea. Sheamus yells in Pearce’s face that when he unleashes his brutality on the rest of the fighters in the chamber, it will be his fault for coming up with this.

The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. RETRIBUTION (Slapjack & T-Bar)

Mustafa Ali joins the commentary table. Xavier begins the action against Slapjack. Take control and give the relief to Kofi. Enter T-Bar and show your power against Kingston. He charges towards him but Kofi knocks him out of the ring, as does Slapjack. Kofi flies in Plancha on both and celebrates next to Woods. Upon returning, RETRIBUTION takes over to attack Woods. Slapjack prevents Xavier from reaching his corner while T-Bar applies a Big Boot to Kofi. RETRIBUTION’s Assisted Chokeslam on Xavier but it’s not enough. Enter Kofi and charge against the rivals. Boom Drop for Slapjack and Trouble in Paradise for T-Bar. Daybreak over Slapjack for the count of three.
Ganadores: The New Day.

T-Bar and Mace run to the ring right away but The New Day escape in time.

Bad Bunny y Damian Priest they converse. Later, the artist will be in Priest’s corner during his fight with Ángel Garza.

Ric Flair y Lacey Evans they are in the ring. Ric says he doesn’t take orders from any woman, least of all his own daughter. She adds that Lacey has everything to be a star, she just needs her advice. She claims that Evans will be the next Raw Women’s Champion. “I respect this man, I give him the respect he deserves. I treat him like the legend that he is, unlike his ungrateful daughter,” says Lacey.

Charlotte Flair interrupts them. “I’ve seen this a thousand times,” Charlotte accuses. “I have tried to protect our legacy these years,” he adds. Lacey wants them to work together, Ric proposes that they be a team. Charlotte wants to show that she can do it on her own and rejects Evans’s offer because her partner is Asuka. Lacey announces that if she beats Charlotte she will get a starting shot. Ric intervenes between the two, Lacey takes the opportunity to treacherously attack Charlotte.

Lacey Evans (c/ Ric Flair) vs. Charlotte Flair

Lacey takes advantage of the damage done before the bell rings to dominate the first minutes of the fight. Lacey manages to stop Flair’s responses, but Charlotte continues to be defiant. Lacey imitates Ric’s dance, Charlotte is enraged and charges at her. Charlotte looks for an Iron towards ringside but stops to avoid falling on her father. Evans focuses his attack on Charlotte’s arm after the break. She looks for a Moonsault but Flair receives her with her knees and goes on to connect Chops. Charlotte is distracted by her father at ringside, Lacey takes the opportunity to crash her against the metal steps. Flair rages in the ring and destroys Lacey with blows against the cornerback. She does not stop at the referee’s warning and is disqualified.
Winner: Lacey Evans.

The Miz and John Morrison chat with Angel Garza backstage.

Edge goes out to the ring. He says he came close to making his decision last week after going through Raw, NXT and Smackdown. But now the landscape has changed thanks to McIntyre’s fight at Elimination Chamber. “I know that Roman Reigns and Finn Balor are champions. I do not like the chances that Drew has to be champion of the camera. There is no point in making the decision now, I have to wait for Elimination Chamber to pass …” said Edge, but is interrupted by The Miz.

The Miz comes out next to John Morrison and Angel Garza. Remember Edge was always the “Ultimate Opportunist” while he was always a strategist. No matter if his path leads him to be champion, Miz assures that he will be after him and will come out with the Wrestlemania title. Edge criticizes Miz’s way of thinking. “I NEED to be champion. Can you tell the difference? Think about it,” Edge yells before leaving the ring.

Damian Priest (c/ Bad Bunny) vs. Angel Garza (c/ The Miz & John Morrison)

Priest takes control from the start, attacking Garza against the cornerback. He punishes Angel against the ropes but is distracted by Miz and John. Garza takes the opportunity to attack and look for the account. Priest responds with hard kicks and a brutal Clothesline. Miz and Morrison climb to the edge of the ring, Angel surprises Priest attacking him from behind to get him out of the ring. Miz and Morrison attack Damian at ringside, Bad Bunny steals their Money in the Bank briefcase and approaches them. With all the chaos, the referee ends up kicking Miz and Morrison out. Priest connects The Reckoning for the count of three.
Ganador: Damian Priest.

Charly Caruso interviews Drew McIntyre. The WWE Champion says that at this time of year it is normal to “expect the unexpected.” “If Sheamus wanted a chance he just had to ask for it, it wasn’t necessary to ruin a twenty-year friendship,” he says. Drew goes over all the things he has against him: Randy Orton, Sheamus, Miz with the briefcase. But when the title is up for grabs, he claims it gets dangerous and challenges them to come for him.

If confirmed for Elimination Chamber, Asuka vs. Lacey Evans for the Raw Women’s Championship.

Charly Caruso interviews Bianca Belair. The Royal Rumble winner says it wouldn’t be smart to play her cards so fast, and speaks well of both current champions Asuka and Sasha Banks. Asuka shows up and congratulates her, but says she’s not ready for her. Bianca says she is ready, Lacey Evans is not.

Riddle vs. Keith Lee

MVP joins the commentary table. Riddle attempts a Flying Armbar at the start, but Keith shows his strength and doesn’t budge. Riddle tries a Sleeperhold but Keith shakes him off. Riddle dodges a blow and connects several to Keith’s body. Lee’s pounce to stop his opponent. Riddle hits but fails to hit Keith, who instead connects with his forearm and knocks the Original Bro down. Pele Kick from Riddle that makes Keith stagger. Grizzly Magnum to Keith. He looks for the Spirit Bomb but Riddle escapes and connects a knee that almost gives him the victory. Floating Bro and a count of two about Lee. Keith stops the Final Flash and charges Riddle for his shot. From there Riddle applies an Armbar to Keith. Lee picks it up and slams it against the corner. Final Flash for Keith who responds with Spirit Bomb despite the damage received. 1 … 2 … 3!
Winner: Keith Lee.

After the combat, Bobby Lashley appears and attacks Keith Lee. Next apply the Hurt Lock to Riddle. Lashley attacks Lee with the metal steps at ringside.

Compilation video of the rivalry Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton.

Randy Orton text Drew McIntyre. He says he has business to finish with McIntyre and doesn’t care what he has to do to get the title back. He claims that he will arrive at Wrestlemania as a WWE Champion.

Combat of Tables
Nia Jax (c/ Shayna Baszler) vs. Lana (c/ Naomi)

Lana charges towards Nia but is quickly overtaken by Jax’s power. Dura Powerbomb Lana in the middle of the ring. Nia applies a Stretch Muffler to Lana and the star against the corner. Nia continues to dominate and yell at Lana during the match. Lana avoids a Leg Drop in the corner, and takes advantage of the fact that Nia is so injured and distracted to push her against a table.
Winner: Lana.

Shayna Baszler attacks Lana after the match, but Naomi defends her.

Naomi (c/ Lana) vs. Shayna Baszler

Shayna punishes Naomi’s arm at the start of the match. Naomi tries to get up but Shayna knocks her down with a quick kick. Naomi’s facebuster to reply. Try the Rear View but Shayna reverses with the Kirifuda Clutch. Naomi turns to the strings and Shayna drops the key on the count of four. Lana tries to cheer up Naomi, Shayna comes out and attacks her. Upon returning to the ring, Naomi surprises her with a pin for victory.
Winner: Naomi.

Video about Elimination Chamber, with images from past editions and an explanation of the rules of combat.

Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

Both try their shots in the first minutes of the fight. Drew almost applied Orton’s DDT but Randy escapes. Sheamus runs off and approaches the ring. Randy takes advantage and attacks Drew from behind. Returning from commercials, Randy throws Drew against the commentary table. Drew reacts and applies a Suplex. Neckbreaker for Randy, the Champion grows in combat. Randy avoids Future Shock DDT and looks for the account with a Jacknife. Drew’s Spinebuster for a count of two. McIntyre looks for height but Randy stops him with a Superplex. Glassgow Kiss Randy, who reacts fast with his DDT. Orton lurks looking for his RKO, but receives the Future Shock instead. Sheamus enters the ring to attack but Drew moves, causing Orton to receive a Brogue Kick. Champion’s claymore for Sheamus.
The referee ends the match but the winner is not announced.

Drew McItnyre He closes by posing with the title while Sheamus and Orton lie on the canvas.

You can see all the Monday Night Raw videos below. Remember that to see all the videos you have to press the button at the top right of the Youtube video box.


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Remember that the next WWE PPV is Elimination Chamber and in Solowrestling you will be up to date with all related news.

Fede Fromhell
Event Writer at Solowrestling. Passionate about all kinds of wrestling, defender of indie and deathmatch.

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