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Würzburg lawyer sues against Corona regulation for gastronomy

Already in the early summer, the Würzburg lawyer Alexander Lang had made the headlines several times, because: The lawyer had ensured that, for example, corona requirements for hoteliers or the corona lockdown in Gütersloh were overturned. Now Lang has again filed a lawsuit with the Bavarian Administrative Court.

Criticism: insufficient basis and disproportionality

Lang and a Würzburg restaurateur and hotelier want to declare the eighth Bavarian infection protection measure from November 2 to be ineffective – i.e. the now applicable partial lockdown, which provides for the closure of restaurants. According to the lawyer, the regulation “does not have a sufficient authorization”. Because the Bavarian Administrative Court stated on April 27, 2020 that “if the pandemic continues to develop, a law” will be necessary to enforce the measures. Currently, however, only a regulation is the basis for the protective measures and is therefore ineffective, according to Lang. In addition, there is a “disproportionate interference with freedom of occupation and property”.

A restaurateur representing many

The lawsuit is only being filed in the name of a restaurateur, for legal reasons. But behind it are other restaurateurs and hoteliers in the region, says Lang in an interview with the BR: “There are many behind this lawsuit, because it is simply life-threatening for many.” Initially, the partial lockdown, which the federal and state governments had agreed on, will apply until November 30th. In the areas of culture and gastronomy, the measures are met with great incomprehension.

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