Wintergmeind is supposed to agree to join the Surbtal District School Association – and loans of almost 1.5 million francs
Although Würenlingen has been sending students to the district school in Endingen for several decades, the town has not yet had voting rights in the community association. That should change now.
The students from Würenlingen have been attending the Endingen district school for around 80 years. Since 2009 it has been part of the district school Surbtal, a community association of the communities of Endingen, Freienwil, Lengnau, Schneisingen and Tegerfelden. Before that, Würenlingen only had an advisory vote on the board.
Würenlingen wants to be part of the Surbtal district school association.
Now the community should be a full member of the society. This “is to formally confirm the already established cooperation and participation methods and also to officially obtain the right to vote,” wrote the local council in the invitation booklet. The entrance of the town of Würenlingen to a school Surbtal district is cost-neutral for all involved. The town already pays the school fees for each student; there is no buy-in amount provided in the statutes.
The approval of the town of Würenlingen would mean a simple change to the statutes. On Thursday, the town meeting will make a decision on the town council’s application. Winter communities must also be approved by association members.
Voters also voted on the revised tax schedule in construction matters. The tariff should be adjusted to current and future conditions after 25 years. The new fees for uncreated parking spaces will now be incorporated into the regulations and increased. These were no longer regulated with the introduction of new parking regulations. A fee of 100 francs will now be paid for an exit permit. Existing fees should not be changed.
The council also granted three loans. The Birkenweg is to be renovated over a length of 140 meters for 494,000 francs. A lot of damage can be seen on the road and on the edges there. Some levels are even missing completely. Some areas needed urgent repairs. The cover also needs to be completely redone.
The local council wants to widen the Unterbodenweg for 205,000 francs. This is in accordance with the “Römerstrasse” development plan between Römerstrasse and Tegerfelderstrasse over a length of 65 meters. The repair of the Althau SBB bridge over the railway line to Holcim is expected to cost 790,000 francs.
In addition, the voters should approve three loan arrangements: for the renovation of the accommodation at Rennweg 19, the renovation of Seilerweg and the new construction of the day facilities. The latter cost about 193,000 francs more than the estimate of 2.035 million. This is due, among other things, to higher prices and additional orders such as a side escape door or additional ventilation, as the local council writes. (scave)
2024-11-13 15:34:00
#Würenlinger #Wintergmeind #allowed #join #Surbtal #District #School #Association