Wülfrath | 16 September 2024
Cinema for young and old in the WIR-Haus
Autumn is cinema time – and that’s also the case in the WIR-Haus. The Wülfrather Ideen Räume (WIR) e. V. is starting its cinema program again next weekend. Once a month, starting on September 21st/22nd, there will be film classics for grown-ups (Saturdays) and well-known and popular children’s films for the whole family (Sundays).
“WIR love cinema” is the name of the arthouse cinema series that WIR e. V. is now offering for the third season. The idea: fans can request films in advance. WIR members prepare the cinema evening, including a theoretical introduction before the screening. And everyone revels in the art of film together for an evening.
It’s cozy in the “KinderKissenKino”, the film series that WIR e. V. has developed for the whole family. The cinema screen is the same as in the arthouse cinema. But the cinema hall at the “KinderKissenKino” is covered with mats – so you can make yourself comfortable with pillows you bring with you. Here, too, little cinephiles can request films, which they have been busy doing for the coming season.
The program:
The WIR cinema for adults will be showing the musical biopic about Elton John (21.9.), a retro classic from New York in the 80s in which ghost hunters play a leading role (19.10.), a visually stunning Stanley Kubrick epic from 1968 (16.11.) and an action thriller from 1988, the action of which takes place on Christmas Eve (14.12.).
For children, there are cartoons, animations and adventure films in which the little visitors are enchanted by lions, a magician, fairy tale characters and a chocolate factory owner (every Sunday after the arthouse cinema).
Every film event involves guessing. The cinema makers are not allowed to mention the original film titles for licensing reasons. Admission is free. More information about the individual titles can be found on the WIR website www.wir-wuelfrath.de
“WE love cinema” and “Children’s pillow cinema”, from September 21st and 22nd, 8 p.m. and 3 p.m. respectively (doors: half an hour beforehand), WIR-Haus, Wilhelmstr. 189, 42489 Wülfrath. Free admission!
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