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Wu Xinying’s Participation in United Front Event Raises Questions about National Identity

Reporter Li Guanzhi/Reporting from Taipei

▲People’s Party vice presidential candidate Wu Xinying (data map)

People’s Party vice-presidential candidate Wu Xinying recently said that she was “Chinese” and was questioned about her national identity. Political commentator Li Zhenghao today (27) stepped up and criticized Wu Xinying. In 2016, Wu Xinying was invited to China to participate in the United Front event “Outstanding Female Entrepreneurs from Four Regions across the Taiwan Strait” “Love Friendship Exchange Meeting”, the theme of the event at that time was “Women’s Heart to the Party, Sail for a New Journey”. The whole event had a strong sense of united front. In addition to the speeches by superiors, all the songs performed included “Beautiful Chinese Dream”, “One Family” “people” etc., all have strong connotations of united front.

Li Zhenghao said that according to the activity page of the United Front Organization of China, Wu Xinying participated in United Front activities as a Taiwan representative attended by high-level officials of the Chinese Communist Party and government, including the 2016 event with the theme of “Women’s Heart to the Party and Set Sail on a New Journey.” According to the website information, This event page clearly states that “leaders of the party and state, as well as leaders of ministries and commissions” have attended all previous conferences. The qualifications for participation also include female representatives who have been certified as high-ranking members of the Communist Party of China, winners of the March 8th Red Flag Bearer, and model women for meritorious service. Li Zhenghao explained that as can be seen from the event page, the entire event has a strong sense of united front. In addition to the speeches by superiors, all the songs performed include “Beautiful Chinese Dream”, “One Family”, etc., which have a strong sense of united front.

Li Zhenghao questioned that in 2014, China used the “ten-dash line” to directly include the eastern waters of Taiwan on the map; the Communist Army sent ships to challenge the central line of the Taiwan Strait in 2014; and began to cruise around the island in 2016, approaching the ADIZ boundary or cutting into the North Point of the ADIZ. activities to blur the central line of the Taiwan Strait, and anti-China sentiment within Taiwan has gradually increased under pressure from China. The Sunflower Student Movement broke out in Taiwan in 2014. This time, Wu Xinying can’t explain it by using different “time and space backgrounds”, right? Li Zhenghao also called on Wu Xinying not to evade and fight directly. “The theme of this United Front event is Women’s Heart to the Party. It is very clear that this party refers to the ‘Communist Party.’ Can a person who loves the Communist Party still be Taiwan’s vice presidential candidate?” “

2023-12-27 03:47:00
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