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Wrong Place | Young

“Hei, Ta.”

At the same time, his hand spontaneously wrapped around my shoulder. At this hour he was already on campus.

“Come on, let’s go to the canteen! I’ll pay,” said Dimas.

Usually, if that’s the case, the child will definitely want it.

Please“Please help, Ta…”

Well, that’s right, isn’t it! Sita sipped warm sweet tea while trying to ward off the sudden feeling of tightness. He started to feel bad.

“At first it was normal, sih. But, the longer you look at it, the sweeter it gets. “Help me so I can be close to Anggi, okay, Ta,” asked Dimas.

Sita took a deep breath then nodded. “No need to say it again and again! Then don’t forget to pay for meatballs and sweet tea. Hmm, since I’m still hungry, fee also a portion of dumplings.”

“Okay, dear Sita.”

Sita quickly got up and left Dimas who was just about to eat the meatballs he ordered. Obviously, he’s been there ever since nerocos Keep going. This time Anggi was the one “topic of the day“said Dimas. Sita already knew her playmate’s habits by heart. If he likes someone, his mouth will never shut up saying that lucky girl’s name.

Lucky yes. Sita smiled bitterly.

If only Tora’s motorbike had not broken down at that time, Dimas would not have met Anggi at the ballet studio where he was practicing. And since then, Dimas has volunteered to replace Tora’s job of picking up Sita.

This is not the first time Dimas has asked Sita for help in approaching his crush. Surprisingly, all the girls Dimas has a crush on, Sita also knows. Luckily no one has yet invented but it was not Sita but Dimas himself who suddenly withdrew.

Hopefully that’s the case this time too.


“Ta, I think this time, I’m going to shoot Anggi,” said Dimas slowly.

The two of them were sitting on the front porch of Sita’s house. It’s something they’ve always done before. Dimas’ house is not far from Sita’s house, it’s a five minute walk to get there.

Sita looked at her childhood friend blankly.

“Anggi is different, Ta,” said Dimas as if answering Sita’s unspoken question. “He was fun to chat with. Very connected with me.”

“Aren’t you also talking fluently with me right now? Yesterday was the same. It’s always like that, right? Sita only dared to ask in her heart. It seemed like this time his heart would truly be broken.

Sita didn’t realize exactly when the feeling appeared. If she could choose, she would like to fall in love with another guy, not her best friend. But apparently arrows cupid this time it shot in an unexpected place. Never mind that he had to struggle to control his heartbeat when dealing with Dimas, now he also had to endure the pain of hearing his friend’s outpouring of heartache.

“How come, you’ve been quiet for a long time now? Sick?”. Suddenly Dimas’ hand landed on Sita’s forehead.

The girl was surprised. He brushed Dimas’ hand away. “Just a little dizzy. I’ll go in first, okay? Want a break.”

Sita went in, leaving Dimas just like that.


“Stupid aja!”

Again the hand still lightly landed on Sita’s shoulder. Even though his status had changed to someone else’s girlfriend two weeks ago.

“Sis Tora isn’t here yet?”

Sita shook her head slowly.

“Want me to take you? Anggi definitely won’t mind waiting a little.”

This time Sita shook her head vigorously. “No need, at least a little later, really.”

“Certainly the motorbike breaks down again. “Wait a minute, I’ll help you phone Sis Tora.” Dimas rushed to take his cell phone from his jacket pocket.

“Dim, Already It is okay. You go first. “Anggi has come,” interrupted Sita who saw Anggi coming out of the door of the studio where they were practicing ballet.

Dimas raised his hand, telling Sita to be quiet.

“Not picked up.” Dimas made another call.

“That means it’s on the road. “You guys go ahead,” said Sita, taking turns looking at Dimas and then at Anggi, who was now standing next to Dimas.

This time it was Dimas who shook his head. “I’ll wait until Sis Tora comes. Nggi, let’s wait a moment, I feel sorry for Sita,” Dimas looked at Anggi, who nodded with a little objection.

Sita became increasingly uncomfortable. On the one hand, he was happy that Dimas still paid attention to him, but if he thought back to Dimas’ status, it felt like that attention was misplaced. Sita pretended to check the conversation application on her cellphone.

“Geez! This is Sis Tora from earlier chat apparently I am! He said I was told to wait at the Osterica cafe. “Then I’ll go first, Dim, Nggi.” Sita turned and hurried away from there without leaving Dimas a chance to speak.

While walking, Sita hurriedly sent a message to Kak Tora. Sis, I’m at Osterica cafe. Just pick him up here tomorrow, okay? Thx. (Vin)

Vina AgustinaIndonesian Literature student at Pamulang University, Tangerang.

2023-11-21 09:49:04
#Wrong #Place #Young

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