Home » today » Health » “Wrong medical diagnosis excluded him from the competition”, a young man could become a carabiniere

“Wrong medical diagnosis excluded him from the competition”, a young man could become a carabiniere

He had been excluded from enrollment in the Carabinieri for an alleged diagnosis of “bilateral valgus knee”. For a twenty-three year old from Alessandria della Rocca, however, the doors of the competition could now reopen to wear the uniform.

The young man, defended by the lawyers Girolamo Rubino and Daniela Piazza, appealed to the Lazio TAR against the Ministry of Defense and the General Command of the Carabinieri, presenting a series of health documents attesting to the absence of the problem detected during the visit medical center from the National Carabinieri Recruitment Center.

The health commission in charge, having examined the documentation and subjected the young person to checks again, found the incorrectness of the previous assessment, ascertaining, according to a note from the lawyer Rubino, “the absence of anomalies in the joint examined and, consequently, the non-existence of the conditions on which the judgment of non-eligibility for enrollment had been formulated and, therefore, judged the health profile of the young person compatible with the continuation of the competition procedure “.

The Lazio TAR, therefore, considering the complaints well founded, accepted the appeal, annulling both the judgment of unfitness and the ranking of merit of the competition and sentenced the weapon to pay the costs.

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