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Writers and young artists join the exhibition “Wildlife” / Article / LSM.lv

Exhibition “In the wild” in the wild nature area between Dūķi and Jaundrustis can be seen from July 10 with Andris Eglītis, Raita Hrolovičs, Kate Krolle and Reiņš Bērziņš, Austra Mailītis, Katrīna Neiburga, Jānis Noviks, Kaspars Podnieks, Liene Rumpe, Kristīne Upīte and Linda Vidgorča. –

According to the organizers of the exhibition, new works of art by Theme Corpus (Teemu Korpela, Finland), Elza Sīle and Laimdota Malle, as well as Andris Eglītis. In turn, the Internet portal “Satori” together with writers has created a “Wild Book” with texts by Latvian authors, which were created as a result of visiting the exhibition. At the opening, they will be read by Pēteris Draguns, Lauris Veips, Marija Luīze Melķe and Henriks Elias Zēgners, and the notebook will be available for reading in two specially equipped reading rooms.

On Saturday, August 1, visitors can arrive from 12.00, when new works of art will be available for viewing, but Iveta Pole and Katrīna Neiburga will offer individual “Contemporary Pseudo-Rituals”. At 19.00 poetry readings of “Wild Book” will take place, and at midnight sound artist Maksims Šenteļevs will play a disco.

The artists’ works are located on a route of two levels of complexity, which will bring visitors the joy of meeting art and nature. Everyone can choose how to experience the “Wild” – as a mowed path or a wandering with not always dry feet with approximate directions. Therefore, it is better to go “in the wild” with rubber boots. People can also come in tents and stay longer. The exhibition does not have working hours and supervisors – it is available to visitors at any time until the end of the year.

The most convenient way to follow the current events of the exhibition is to follow the exhibition “Facebook” page a Homepage.

For several years, the vast nature area with meadows, bogs, forests and overgrown housing ruins has been Andris Eglītis’ wild workshop, a place for solitary creative wandering and extraction of natural materials – for example, of sand, clay, mud, beaver-treated logs lying in the swamp, from which sculptures were made. The idea of ​​organizing the “Wild” for a wider circle of people was born a long time ago, but it was the time of the pandemic that was the impetus to do so in order to further reduce the pace of city life and experience the joy of local travel.

Admission to the exhibition is free. Location coordinates 57 ° 12’43.4 “N 25 ° 58’05.7” E, route from Riga available here.

“Wild” is a common experience and, when you go to nature, what you bring, it takes away. Supported by: State Cultural Capital Fund, “Latvian State Forests”, Vidzeme Planning Region, “Malduguns”.

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