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Writer Egons Līvs Memorial Award “People of the Coast” presented to Benita Laumane and Jana Egle | The news

Riga, Sept. 18, LETA. The writer Egons Līvs memorial award “People of the Coast 2020” was presented to Benita Laumane and Jana Egle, the agency was informed by Katrīna Vectirāne, the project manager of the Liepāja City Municipal Institution “Culture Board”.

Today in Liepāja, in the Berči Hall of the gallery “Romas dārzs”, at the Latvian Literature Festival, writers and publishers gathered to present the memorial prize of the literary classic Līva “People of the Coast”.

In the anniversary year of the award ceremony, the best works of original literary prose and youth literature were awarded. The latest Latvian literature, which is related to the reflection of the sea and the coast and expresses the meaning of Latvianness and patriotism, has been evaluated, Vectirāne pointed out.

This year, the jury awarded the main prize and a cash prize of 600 euros to Laumane for the book “Names of Fishing Gears on the Latvian Coast” and to Egle 400 euros for the book “Birthday”.

The special prize of the Liepāja Rotary Club was awarded to Rasa Bugavičute-Pēce for her bright literary work in a virtuoso depiction of a socially sensitive topic from the child’s experience and point of view in the book “The Boy Who Saw in the Dark”. It is an unusual story that makes the reader see the contradictions in society’s attitude towards the visually impaired, Vectirāne said.

The special award of the Liepaja Special Economic Zone was presented to Paul Bankovskis for a peculiar, witty and intellectual view of ordinary coastal people on current, present and future events, problems, mistakes and the progress of the entire world civilization over time. .

Young and talented Latvian literary contestants were also awarded. In the nomination “For the best school youth literary work” the prize in the amount of 600 euros was awarded to Ieva Kanepone 1st place for the work “Voice of the Sea”, Charlotte Luize Odzina 2nd place for the work “Lose and Gain” and Klinta Dzelme Cola 3rd place for the work “Erosion “.

The event was hosted by Liepāja Theater actors Agnese Jēkabsone-Ozoliņa and Kaspars Kārkliņš. Rēzija Kalniņa and Kaspars Zemītis delighted with the musical performance.

Vectirāne said that the Liepāja Culture Board has been organizing the Egons Līva Memorial Award “People of the Coast” for the tenth year in a row. It is an annual competition in which the best literary works are awarded. The aim of the competition is to promote interest in the Latvian literary classic Liv and his literary heritage, the actualization and popularization of Latvianness, patriotism, maritime and social processes, the strong character of the people of the land and the illumination of national color.

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