Home » today » News » Write a title to rank the highest in Google searches, for this news article: Buidheann Naidheachd Xinhua, Beijing, 12 Cèitean Tiotal: Feachdan a choinnicheas ri chèile letheach slighe – Clàran de thursan stàite Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu Serbia agus an Ungair Thionndaidh an Abhainn Danube gorm coltach ri satan oisean ann an crìoch a tuath na h-Ungair, air a tionndadh bhon ear gu deas, a ‘dol tro Budapest, agus an uairsin a’ pògadh Belgrade, Serbia, a ‘sruthadh airson ùine mhòr. Am-bliadhna, thagh ceannard stàite Shìona an Roinn Eòrpa mar a’ chiad turas thall thairis aige. Anns an t-seachdain às deidh toiseach an t-samhraidh, thairis air mòr-thìr mòr Eurasianach, chaidh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping dhan Fhraing an toiseach, an uairsin itealaich gu Serbia, agus an uairsin ràinig e an Ungair. Chaidh dàimhean Sìona-AE a-rithist a chuir fo aire an t-saoghail. O chionn ghoirid, air an t-slighe bhon Roinn Eòrpa gu Beijing, tha daoine uasal bho dhùthchannan Eòrpach air a thighinn a-steach do dhròbhairean. An turas seo, shiubhail an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping mìltean de mhìltean gus a thighinn don Roinn Eòrpa. Tro na lionsan blàth is drùidhteach sin, tha na caibideilean sin de cho-aontachd agus de cho-obrachadh air am fosgladh, is e an rud a tha domhainn a bhith a’ soillseachadh sìobhaltachdan an Ear agus an Iar tro ionnsachadh dha chèile, an adhartas ceum air cheum a dh’ionnsaigh a chèile, agus an “ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìonach. bheir do’n t-saoghal ” Bheir an saoghal mòr chothroman.” Ciamar a chomharrachadh meud dàimhean nàiseanta? tha an dàimh eadar dùthchannan coltach ris an eadar-obrachadh a tha eadar daoine: the most important thing for people to know each other is to know each other and the most important thing for people to know each other is to understand each other. Tha freumhan domhainn aig co-obrachadh agus tha duilleagan sòghmhor an urra ri chèile; tha earbsa cho daingeann ri creag; . Tha na beanntan mòrail gun chrìoch cho fad ‘s a chì an t-sùil. Gus meud nan dàimhean nàiseanta a chomharrachadh, feumaidh sinn seasamh ann an diofar stiùiridhean. Comharraich e leis an t-suidheachadh a chruthaich na h-amannan. Air 8 Cèitean, àm ionadail, aig Togalach Serbian, dh’ainmich ceannardan stàite Shìona agus Serbia còmhla: togail coimhearsnachd Sìona-Serbia le àm ri teachd co-roinnte san àm ùr. Nas fhaide air adhart, nuair a choinnich e ri luchd-aithris, bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping air: “Ochd bliadhna air ais, thàinig Serbia gu bhith mar a’ chiad chom-pàirtiche ro-innleachdail coileanta ann an Sìona ann am Meadhan agus taobh an Ear na Roinn Eòrpa. san àm ri teachd le Sìona, gu tur Tha e a’ nochdadh nàdar ro-innleachdail, sònraichteachd agus ìre àrd dàimh Sìona-Serbia. ” Tha spiorad sìorraidh càirdeas còmhdaichte le iarann ​​​​air turas ùr Shìona agus Serbia a shoilleireachadh. Bidh an turas seo a’ dùmhlachadh cuideam an ama a dh’ fhalbh agus a’ fosgladh àm ri teachd nas fharsainge. Coinnichidh sinn ri chèile letheach slighe oir tha na h-aon bheachdan againn agus cur-seachadan coltach ris. “Sireadh leasachadh cumanta, co-obrachadh buannachadh, agus soirbheachas dha chèile” is e an sealladh cumanta de Shìona agus Serbia agus a h-uile dùthaich san t-saoghal a tha a ’cumail ri neo-eisimeileachd, a’ leantainn sìth agus leasachadh. Air an 9mh, aig Oifis a’ Phrìomhaire ann am Budapest, dh’ainmich ceannardan Shìona agus an Ungair gun deidheadh ​​com-pàirteachas ro-innleachdail coileanta uile-aimsire a stèidheachadh eadar Sìona agus an Ungair san àm ùr. Bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu mòr air: “Tha sinn air leasachadh seasmhach agus domhainn a choileanadh bho charaidean thar-mhòr-thìreach agus com-pàirtichean co-obrachaidh càirdeil gu com-pàirtichean ro-innleachdail farsaing.” “Tha e air bunait mhath a stèidheachadh airson dùthchannan air feadh an t-saoghail mar mhodal airson seòrsa ùr de dhàimhean eadar-nàiseanta a thogail.” “Tha sinn làn mhisneachd anns na tha san amharc airson dàimhean a leasachadh eadar an dà dhùthaich.” Tha Misneachd air eachdraidh dathte a sgrìobhadh agus cuideachd a’ mìneachadh caibideil ùr gealltanach san àm ri teachd. Comharraich e le modh dioplòmasach àrd-ìre. Air oidhche an 7mh, ràinig an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean Belgrade. Chaidh Ceann-suidhe Serbia Vucic agus a bhean, a bharrachd air an t-seann cheann-suidhe, neach-labhairt, prìomhaire, ministear cèin, msaa chun phort-adhair gus fàilte a chuir air gu pearsanta. An ath latha, rè na coinneimh, chuir an Ceann-suidhe Vucic an cèill taing agus pròis airson tadhal a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping bho bhonn a chridhe Thuirt e: “Dh’ ullaich mi fad na h-oidhche airson do chuairt an-raoir. ” Fhreagair an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Tha abairt ann an Sìona gu bheil ‘gu bheil e duilich fàilte bhlàth a dhiùltadh’. Air feasgar an latha sin, às deidh dha beannachd fhàgail, thug an Ceann-suidhe Vucic agus a bhean an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean chun phort-adhair. A’ coimhead air an itealan shònraichte a’ falbh anns na speuran, ghabh iad soraidh slàn agus sheas iad ann airson ùine mhòr. Còrr is uair a thìde às deidh sin, aig Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Budapest san Ungair, choisich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean sìos an t-slighe-draibhidh, agus thàinig Prìomhaire na h-Ungaire Orban, a bha air a bhith a’ feitheamh ùine mhòr, air adhart: “Do Shoilleireachd, an t-Ollamh, Madam , Tha mi a’ cur fàilte chridheil oirbh gu ‘thig dhachaigh’.” Tràth an ath mhadainn, bha cùirt a-staigh Lùchairt Buda air a lìonadh le brataichean nàiseanta, bratan-ùrlair dearg, eich, agus clachan-gorm … Ghabh daoine iongnadh air ìre àrd an rèiteachaidh seo: An toiseach, bha an Ceann-suidhe Schuyuk agus am Prìomhaire Orban an làthair còmhla, a bha bha e gu math sònraichte ann an eachdraidh dioplòmasaidh na h-Ungair. Uile air sgàth gu bheil ar caraidean Sìneach cliùiteach an seo. Thuirt am Prìomhaire Orban aig a’ chuirm fàilte: “Tha e duilich dhuinn a bhith a’ cur an cèill cho luachmhor sa tha an turas agad. Is e gnothach mòr a tha seo Phàigh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean pàrtaidh soraidh agus bhruidhinn iad gu saor aig an dìnnear. Às deidh sin, chaidh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean a chuir chun phort-adhair gus soraidh slàn a chuir. Label e le earbsa stèidhichte air eachdraidh. Bidh Serbaich gu tric ag ràdh, “Is iad caraidean toradh ùine”; tha an Ungair ag ràdh, “Is luachmhoire caraidean math na òr.” Tha eòlas aig ùine air a’ bhlas, agus tha e air doimhneachd agus blàths a chruinneachadh, taic dha chèile agus seasmhachd nan iomlaidean eadar Sìona agus Serbia agus Sìona agus an Ungair. Chaidh an càirdeas eadar Sìona agus Serbia a chruthachadh le fuil agus beatha. Ge bith an e bliadhnaichean buaireasach a’ chogaidh an-aghaidh faisisteach a bh’ ann, àm togail nàiseanta, no atharrachaidhean mòra an t-saoghail nach fhacas ann an linn, tha Sìona air a bhith a’ seasamh taobh ri taobh ri Serbia a-riamh. Tha cuimhne aig mòran air an t-sealladh às deidh an ar-a-mach. Tha Sìona air làmh cuideachaidh a leudachadh gu Serbia, air stuthan dìon meidigeach a thoirt seachad agus air sgioba eòlaichean meidigeach àrd-ìre a chuir air falbh. Chaidh an Ceann-suidhe Vucic chun phort-adhair gus fàilte a chuir air gu pearsanta. Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Vucic ris a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Cha tèid ar càirdeas còmhdaichte le iarann ​​​​a sgrios le duine sam bith.” “Ged gur e dùthaich bheag a th’ annainn, seasaidh sinn gu daingeann le Sìona ann an amannan duilich, agus nì Sìona an aon rud. ” “Tha sinn a’ toirt taic a’ phrionnsapal aon-Sìona. B’ e an Ungair aon de na ciad dhùthchannan a thug aithne do Phoblachd Sluagh na Sìona, agus am-bliadhna tha i a’ comharrachadh 75 bliadhna bho chaidh dàimhean dioplòmasach a stèidheachadh eadar an dà dhùthaich. Aig coinneamh ceannardan na stàite, rinn an Ceann-suidhe Shuyuk caoidh: “Is e ùine gu math fada a th’ ann do dhuine a bhith beò gu bhith 75 bliadhna a dh’aois, agus bu chòir dha 75 bliadhna de iomlaidean eadar dà dhùthaich a bhith gu math fada cuideachd Tha earbsa phoilitigeach a’ sìor fhàs nas doimhne, agus tha do thuras don Ungair air glòir a thoirt dhuinn.” Thuirt am Prìomhaire Orban na òraid aig a’ chuirm fàilte: “Chan eil bacadh sam bith air a’ chàirdeas eadar an dà dhùthaich. Chan urrainn dhuinn cuimhneachadh air tachartas sam bith ann an eachdraidh a thug air an dà dhùthaich nàimhdeil. Comharraich e le càirdeas domhainn nan daoine. Air madainn an 8mh, thàinig faisg air 20,000 neach à Serbia bho air feadh na dùthcha. Thog an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping ris an t-sluagh aoigheil, agus lean an èigheachd agus am moladh sa cheàrnag: “Sìona! Serbia!” Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Vucic gu tòcail anns na còmhraidhean às deidh sin: “Chì thu gun tàinig uimhir de dhaoine air na sràidean gus fàilte a chuir ort, a tha a’ sealltainn gu tur na tha muinntir Serbia a ’coimhead air adhart ris, a’ toirt spèis agus gaol dhut. ” Bha an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu math tòcail: “Bha mi air mo chlisgeadh agus air mo ghluasad gu mòr. Mar a thuirt thu, chunnaic mi dha-rìribh gur e Sìona agus na caraidean cruaidh a th’ aig muinntir Serbia agus muinntir Shìona. .” Às deidh dha Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Budapest a ruighinn, thug oileanach colaiste boireann leis an t-ainm Euler bouquet don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus thuirt e ann an Sìonais: “Ceann-suidhe Xi, fàilte don Ungair!” B ’e an oileanach seo Xi Jinping, an Iar-cheann-suidhe aig an àm 15 bliadhna air ais nighean a thug flùraichean dha nuair a thadhail e air an Ungair. Rè na coinneimh leis a ‘Cheann-suidhe Shuyuk an ath latha, chuimhnich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping air an t-sealladh seo: “Chaidh mo ghluasad aig an àm. Dh’fhàs i bho nighean bheag gu bhith na nighean bhrèagha. Nach eil seo a ‘samhlachadh fàs càirdeas Sìona-Ungair?” Air bruaichean Abhainn Danube, tha turas ùr a ‘tòiseachadh, agus tha a’ ghaoth blàth. Le bhith ag ath-sgrùdadh a’ chòmhraidh eadar stiùirichean Sìonach agus Eòrpach, tha “neo-eisimeileachd” agus “fèin-riaghaltas ro-innleachdail” mar phrìomh dhòigh air adhartas seasmhach agus fad-ùine agus tha iad nan clach-oisinn de dhàimhean dà-thaobhach. Airson mìltean de bhliadhnaichean, tha Serbia air eòlas fhaighinn air cogaidhean tric air sgàth a shuidheachadh ro-innleachdail sònraichte. Tha an Ungair cuideachd na sheasamh ann an stoidhle iongantach. Sgrìobh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping ann an artaigil le ainm sgrìobhte a chaidh fhoillseachadh anns na meadhanan Ungaireach: “Anns an t-suidheachadh eadar-nàiseanta a tha a’ sìor atharrachadh, chan fhaod eagal a bhith oirnn ro ghaoth is uisge, eagal mu chumhachd, agus slighe cheart a lorg airson dùthchannan uachdarain a dhol an sàs gu neo-eisimeileach ann an càirdeas càirdeil. iomlaidean le dùthchannan cèin.” Tha “cumail an àm ri teachd agus an dàn gu daingeann nad làmhan fhèin” air a bhith na bhunait airson dùthaich a tha a’ seasamh air an t-saoghal a-riamh. Ciamar a ghlacadh suas le astar chothroman na h-amannan? Tha a h-uile dad anns na mion-fhiosrachadh. Anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’ fhalbh, tha Sìona air trì fòraman co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta “Belt and Road” a chumail, le Ceann-suidhe Serbia Vucic agus Prìomhaire na h-Ungaire Orban an làthair aig na fòraman. Is e am freagairt na chuir am Prìomhaire Orban an cèill don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping tron ​​​​fhòram, “Thug mi taic don iomairt agad bhon toiseach, agus tha mi gu làidir den bheachd gun urrainn don iomairt seo an saoghal atharrachadh.” “Chan e cunnart a th’ anns an iomairt ‘One Belt, One Road’, ach cothrom.” Dè a th’ ann an cothrom? Aon slighe talmhainn agus aon slighe mara As t-fhoghar 2013, air mapa an t-saoghail, shealbhaich dà artaireachd a thàinig à Sìona mar dhìleab eachdraidh agus shìn iad mìltean de mhìltean. Tha Serbia air a bhith aithnichte a-riamh mar an “Key to the Balkans”; tha an Ungair air ainmeachadh mar an “dùthaich as fhaide an ear”. Tha an co-dhùnadh ro-innleachdail a dhol an sàs gu gnìomhach san iomairt “One Belt, One Road” chan ann a-mhàin stèidhichte air cùisean cruinn-eòlasach, ach tha e cuideachd a’ tighinn bho thuigse dhomhainn air Sìona, leasachadh Shìona, agus cothroman Shìona. Nuair a thadhail mi air Serbia agus an Ungair, b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith a’ faireachdainn “mothachadh buannachd” anns na cothroman a bha aig Sìona anns a h-uile àite. Gabh an Smederevo Steel Plant, a tha ainmeil ann an Serbia. Bha am muileann stàilinn ceud bliadhna a dh’aois, “moit Serbia”, ann an trioblaid anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh Aig aon àm, cha robh ach aon similear fùirneis-sèididh air fhàgail a’ smocadh. Aig àm nuair a bha an dùthaich ann an caolas cruaidh, b’ e Buidheann HBIS Shìona a leudaich làmh cuideachaidh, agus a-nis tha am muileann stàilinn air fàs mar aon de na trì companaidhean às-mhalairt as motha ann an Serbia. An turas seo, thug an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping tiodhlac, obair-làimhe stàilinn ann an cumadh Teampall Nèamh agus Eaglais Saint-Sava. Tha an stàilinn a’ tighinn bhon mhuileann stàilinn seo. Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu seòlta: “Tha sinn nar caraidean‘ slat stàilinn ’, a tha nas doimhne na caraidean‘ slat iarainn ’.” Chuimhnich an Ceann-suidhe Vucic a-rithist an sealladh mòr de thaighean falamh nuair a thadhail an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping air an ionad stàilinn ann an 2016: “Cha dìochuimhnich mi gu bràth an òraid agad do luchd-obrach Ionad Stàilinn Smedelevo.” “Bha mi air mo ghluasad gu mòr nuair a chunnaic mi na bha iad an dùil agus an càirdeas, agus mar a dh’ innis iad gu h-onarach na miannan aca. rudeigin còmhla.” Dèan e còmhla! Tha an dà thaobh a’ coinneachadh ri chèile letheach slighe, agus tha co-obrachadh air “luathachadh”. Chuir am Prìomhaire Orban an cèill na faireachdainnean aige gu dìreach nuair a choinnich e ri luchd-aithris: “Tha sinn air eòlas fhaighinn air mòran fàilligeadh, agus tha sinn an dòchas rudeigin a choileanadh. Tha feum againn air com-pàirtichean. Tha Sìona a ‘toirt cuireadh dhuinn a bhith a’ roinn cothrom ùrachaidh stoidhle Sìonach, a tha na chothrom mòr dhuinn. cothrom.” “Bheir ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìonach cothroman mòra don t-saoghal. Tha Sìona deònach leasachadh coitcheann agus beairteas coitcheann a choileanadh leis an Ungair. Tha mi a ‘creidsinn, le co-oidhirpean an dà thaobh, gum bi Sìona agus an Ungair nas fheàrr a-màireach!” thuirt neach-aithris aig a’ cho-choinneamh cuideam. Ann an Togalach Serbia agus Oifis a’ Phrìomhaire ann am Budapest, air fhaicinn le stiùirichean an dà thaobh, thàinig an liosta fhada de sgrìobhainnean toradh tadhail gu bhith na inneal àrdachaidh airson gluasad agus luathachadh dàimhean dà-thaobhach. Tha tòrr a bharrachd feartan “ùr” air an liosta. Co-obraich le Serbia ann an inntleachd fuadain, teicneòlas fànais, agus eaconamaidh didseatach, tog co-obair-lann leis an Ungair, agus brosnaich co-obrachadh tasgaidh ann an raon leasachadh uaine … Sìona fad às. Is e àm de chothroman a tha seo a tha a’ sìneadh mhìltean de mhìltean. A’ ruith is a’ glacadh chothroman, an làrach togail trang, an stèisean le sruth cunbhalach, togail drochaid, ath-thogail rathad-iarainn… tha an coltas ag atharrachadh le gach latha a’ dol seachad. Tha drochaid a’ toirt iomradh air Drochaid Zemun-Borca thairis air Abhainn Danube a chaidh a thogail le iomairt Sìneach cuideachd a’ chiad drochaid a chaidh a thogail às ùr air Abhainn Danube ann an Serbia anns na 70 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh. Chaidh an turas tarsainn na h-aibhne, a thug còrr is uair a thìde, a ghiorrachadh gu còrr is 10 mionaidean air sgàth na drochaid. Canaidh muinntir an àite “Friendship Bridge” agus “China Bridge” ris. Tha rathad-iarainn a’ toirt iomradh air Rèile na h-Ungair-Serbia a tha air a bhith a’ ruith airson ceudan de bhliadhnaichean. Chan urrainn don “mullach” de astaran dà fhichead no leth-cheud cilemeatair san uair cumail suas ri astar an leasachaidh tuilleadh. Tha oidhirpean luchd-obrach Sìneach air an astar dealbhaidh as àirde de roinn Beno de rèile na h-Ungair-Serbia àrdachadh gu 200 cilemeatair san uair. Tha grunn eisimpleirean ann de cho-obrachadh buannachadh aig a’ bhòrd barganachaidh. Tha mòran phròiseactan air taic a thoirt do sheata dàta: tha an tomhas malairt dà-thaobhach eadar Sìona agus Serbia air a dhol suas ochd uiread anns na 10 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh, agus tha Sìona air a bhith mar an dàrna com-pàirtiche malairt as motha ann an Serbia airson grunn bhliadhnaichean ann an sreath; Meadhan agus taobh an ear na Roinn Eòrpa airson grunn bhliadhnaichean ann an sreath. Aig Togalach Serbia, dh’ainmich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping do luchd-aithris a’ chiad sia ceumannan pragmatach a ghabhas Sìona gus taic a thoirt do thogail coimhearsnachd le àm ri teachd co-roinnte eadar Sìona agus Serbia anns an àm ùr Thig Aonta Malairt Saorsa gu buil gu h-oifigeil air 1 Iuchar am-bliadhna.” Is e seo a’ chiad aonta malairt an-asgaidh a chaidh a shoidhnigeadh eadar Sìona agus dùthchannan Meadhan agus taobh an Ear na Roinn Eòrpa, a tha a’ ciallachadh gun cuir an dà phàrtaidh stad air taraidhean air 90% de stuthan cìse càch a chèile. A’ dol an aghaidh faisg air 20,000 neach à Serbia a thàinig bho air feadh na dùthcha, cha do chaill an Ceann-suidhe Vucic ùine sam bith ann a bhith a’ moladh an aonta malairt shaor: “Bheir e leasachadh dha na tuathanaich againn agus bheir e gealltanas airson às-mhalairt gu margaidh Shìona. Dè an deagh chothrom a tha seo! ” Plumaichean tiormaichte, blueberries, fìon … Bha e cuideachd a ‘smaoineachadh: “Nì sinn mòran rudan còmhla cuideachd, agus chan eil crìoch air ar co-obrachadh.” Chan eil misneachd anns na dùilean leasachaidh air a dhol sìos le fuaimean fa leth, ach tha e air fàs nas làidire. Tha cuimhne agam fhathast, 8 bliadhna air ais, thug am Prìomhaire Vucic aig an àm leabhar notaichean don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Is iad seo an liosta de dh’ iomairtean co-cheangailte ri loidhne-teasairginn eaconamaidh Serbia. Tha fàilte air luchd-tionnsgain Sìneach a thighinn a sgrùdadh, tasgadh agus tòiseachadh air gnìomhachasan. tha an doras an-còmhnaidh fosgailte do Shìona.” “Tha am faireachdainn earbsa seo gun teagamh a’ gluasad. “Chan eil taobh na h-Ungair ag aontachadh ris an ‘overcapcity’ no ‘toirt air falbh cunnart’ air an “Theory of overcapacity” o chionn ghoirid, freagairt shoilleir agus adhartach. Tha carbadan lùtha ùra Sìonach air a dhol a-steach don mhargaidh Ungairis, tha companaidhean bataraidh cumhachd air factaraidhean a thasgadh agus a stèidheachadh san Ungair, agus tha pròiseactan photovoltaic a’ cuideachadh le leasachadh uaine ionadail… An Ungair a’ fosgladh a dorsan gus fàilte a chuir air na “trì rudan ùra” aig Sìona. Bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Shuyuk cuideachd air a ‘chuspair seo: “Tha cruth-atharrachadh uaine na h-Eòrpa deatamach. Tha àite cudromach aig carbadan dealain. Tha comas mòr ann airson co-obrachadh eadar Sìona-Ungair ann an leasachadh seasmhach, lùth uaine agus taobhan eile.” “Fàilte a bhith nad cho-luchd-siubhail air an rathad gu ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìneach.” Thug an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping cuireadh dhaibh cuideachd. Bho “fad-thighinn gu ùrachadh” gu “ionad ùrachaidh practaigeach”, tha coileanaidhean leasachaidh Shìona air fàs gu bhith nan “dealbh nas fhaide na mac-meanmna” ann an sùilean an Iar. Tha stiùirichean Serbia agus an Ungair air a bhith a’ caoidh a-rithist gu bheil “teicneòlas Sìneach a’ stiùireadh an t-saoghail ann an iomadh taobh ”agus“ feumaidh sinn ionnsachadh bho Shìona ”. Chuir iad an cèill cuideachd an aon dùil: “a bhith nan com-pàirtichean làidir ann an tòir a chèile airson ùrachadh.” Ciamar a leudaicheas tu meud an dà phrìomh shìobhaltachd? Tha Sìona na riochdaire cudromach de shìobhaltachd an Ear, agus is e an Roinn Eòrpa àite breith sìobhaltachd an Iar. A ‘coimhead air an turas seo taobh a-staigh frèam nas motha de shìobhaltachdan an Ear agus an Iar, tha tì is cofaidh a’ tachairt, a bharrachd air a bhith a ‘toirt iomradh air “Jasmine” agus “Hungarian Rhapsody”. Tha mean-fhàs domhainn an t-suidheachaidh eadar-nàiseanta air barrachd buaireadh agus àrdachadh is crìonadh ann an dàimhean eadar-nàiseanta. Tha an ath-bhliadhna a’ comharrachadh 50 bliadhna bho chaidh dàimhean foirmeil dioplòmasach a stèidheachadh eadar Sìona agus an EU Càite an tèid an dàimh eadar Sìona agus an EU? Ciamar a ghabhas an dà phrìomh shìobhaltachd a leudachadh? A’ coimhead air na trì prìomh iomairtean cruinneil a mhol an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping, bidh iad “a’ toirt seachad na fuasglaidhean ris a bheil dùil. ” “Mar a bhios beanntan a’ cruinneachadh, bidh iad a’ fàs nas àirde, agus mar a bhios aibhnichean a’ cruinneachadh, bidh iad a’ fàs nas fhaide.” Is e deagh chleachdadh a tha seo de dh’ iomairtean leasachaidh cruinneil. A dh’ aindeoin atharrachaidhean mòra nach fhacas ann an linn, is e aon de na gluasadan a tha a’ sìor fhàs àrdachadh ann an dùthchannan margaidh a tha a’ tighinn am bàrr agus dùthchannan fo leasachadh, a tha ag atharrachadh cruth-tìre poilitigeach is eaconamach na cruinne. Aig a’ chuirm fàilte, bhruidhinn am Prìomhaire Orban mu na faireachdainnean domhainn aige: “Tha 15 bliadhna air a bhith ann bho choinnich mi riut an-toiseach, agus tha an saoghal air atharrachadh gu mòr.” Mar “an obair-lann as motha san t-saoghal airson atharrachadh eaconamach is sòisealta”, tha Sìona an-còmhnaidh air a leasachadh fhèin a chuir ann an siostam co-òrdanachaidh leasachadh daonna agus air a leasachadh fhèin a chleachdadh gus cothroman ùra a chruthachadh airson leasachadh an t-saoghail. Is e Sìona an dùthaich as motha a tha a’ leasachadh agus is e an EU an comann as motha de dhùthchannan leasaichte. Ged a tha sinn fada bho chèile agus tha siostaman eadar-dhealaichte againn, tha na h-amasan againn a thaobh leasachadh coitcheann agus beairteas coitcheann a’ dol an-sàs gu mòr. Tha bunait fharsaing aig Sìona agus an Roinn Eòrpa airson leasachadh. Mar thoradh air an ìre àrd de cho-phàirteachas eaconamach, tha Sìona agus an EU air a bhith mar an dàrna com-pàirtichean malairt as motha aig a chèile thairis air an 20 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh bho chaidh com-pàirteachas ro-innleachdail farsaing a stèidheachadh, le cuibheasachd de mu US $ 2.3 billean ann am bathar a ’sruthadh eadar Sìona agus an Roinn Eòrpa Gach latha. Cuideachd air sgàth pàtran ioma-polar riaghladh cruinne, mar dà fheachd chudromach, tha brìgh ro-innleachdail agus buaidh chruinneil aig co-obrachadh Sìona-EU. Airson Sìona, a tha a’ tòiseachadh air turas ùr, tha an Roinn Eòrpa eadhon nas cudromaiche. Rè na coinneimh aige leis a’ Phrìomhaire Orban, chuir an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping cuideam air: “Tha an Roinn Eòrpa na pòla cudromach anns an t-saoghal ioma-polar agus na com-pàirtiche cudromach ann a bhith a’ toirt gu buil ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìneach. ” Mar cheannas rothlach an EU airson an dàrna leth den bhliadhna, tha an Ungair “deònach oidhirpean gnìomhach a dhèanamh gus leasachadh fallain dàimh EU-Sìona adhartachadh agus co-obrachadh eadar dùthchannan Meadhan agus taobh an Ear na Roinn Eòrpa agus Sìona,” thuirt am Prìomhaire Orban. Tha Sìona agus an Roinn Eòrpa suidhichte aig dà cheann na mòr-thìr Eurasianach. “Na dìochuimhnich cunnart nuair a tha thu ann an sìth, agus na dìochuimhnich caos nuair a tha smachd agad.” Tha seo na sgàthan soilleir air iomairt tèarainteachd na cruinne. Ann an artaigil le ainm sgrìobhte a chaidh fhoillseachadh le meadhanan Serbian rè an turais seo, chomharraich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu mòr: “Tha meas aig muinntir Shìona air sìth, ach cha leig iad le mòr-thubaistean eachdraidheil iad fhèin ath-aithris.” Chan eil an saoghal sìtheil. A’ dol an aghaidh sgaothan cunnartach frith-shruthan, tha Sìona agus Serbia agus Sìona agus an Ungair a’ seasamh taobh ri taobh. Tha beachd soilleir aig a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Feumaidh sinn còmhla a dhol an aghaidh hegemonism agus poilitigs cumhachd, a dhol an aghaidh poilitigs buidhne agus còmhstri campa, adhbharan agus prionnsapalan Cairt nan Dùthchannan Aonaichte a dhìon, fìor ioma-thaobhach a chleachdadh, agus cothromachd agus ceartas eadar-nàiseanta adhartachadh.” Tha am Prìomhaire Orban den bheachd gur e “Plana Shìona” an dòigh anns am faod an saoghal tilleadh gu sìth: “Tha sinn a’ toirt taic don t-sreath de dh’ iomairtean cruinneil a mhol an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus ag aontachadh ri plana Shìona gus fuasgladh sìtheil de chòmhstri roinneil leithid an èiginn san Úcráin.” “Fichead bliadhna air ais agus a-nis tha iad gu tur eadar-dhealaichte.” Tha am Prìomhaire Orban, a tha air a bhith ann am poilitigs airson grunn bhliadhnaichean, air a bhith a’ faireachdainn gu mòr mar a thàinig an gluasad eadar-nàiseanta air adhart. “Aig an àm sin, cha robh ann ach aon ionad – structar pòlach. Tha “Co-sheirm ann an iomadachd, bòidhchead agus bòidhchead ann an cumantas” na dhòigh-labhairt dlùth den Iomairt Sìobhaltachd Cruinneil anns an turas-siubhail. Airson mìltean de bhliadhnaichean, tha sìobhaltachdan eadar-mheasgte air measgachadh agus bualadh air mòr-thìr Eurasianach. Às deidh aithris a ’Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping, tha clò-bhualaidhean cultarail a’ toirt cunntas air mapa de cho-thuigse: “Tha am film Yugoslav” The Bridge” agus an òran “Ah, Goodbye, Friend” air an cuairteachadh gu farsaing ann an Sìona, a’ brosnachadh gràdh-dùthcha agus spiorad an-aghaidh faisisteach, agus cuideachd “Chaidh e còmhla rium tro m’ òige.” “Tha mòran de Shìonaich de m’ aois air am film Ungair “The Goose Herder” fhaicinn. “Tha dàin Petofi agus ceòl Liszt ann cuideachd, mìltean de mhìltean air falbh. Tha daoine ceangailte agus bidh cultaran a’ togail dhrochaidean. Aig toiseach 2023, fhreagair an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping oileanaich Sgoil Dà-chànanach na h-Ungaire-Sìneach san Ungair. An-diugh, tha Sìonais air a ghabhail a-steach ann an siostam foghlaim nàiseanta na h-Ungair. Tha na caractaran Sìneach a chaidh a sgrìobhadh aon ri aon air a dhol a-steach do mhìltean de dhachaighean. An dèidh a rèiteachadh, thàinig an Ceann-suidhe Shuyuk chun a ‘cho-dhùnaidh: “Tha timcheall air 2,500 oileanach Sìneach san Ungair. Ged nach eil mòran ann bho shealladh Shìona, bho shealladh deichean de mhilleanan de dhaoine san Ungair, tha an àireamh seo na choileanadh mòr.” “Ma tha thu faisg mus coinnich thu, faodaidh tu falbh; mura tèid do dhìochuimhneachadh airson ùine mhòr, faodaidh tu tighinn. faodar rudan beathachail a faireachdainn agus a thoirt gu buil anns a h-uile àite. Coimhead air obair-ghrèis à Serbia agus brosnaich daoine òga gu bhith “a’ brosnachadh toirt seachad obair-làimhe traidiseanta bho ghinealach gu ginealach”; dùthchannan agus a’ brosnachadh amalachadh shìobhaltachdan”; tadhal air Sgoil Dà-chànanach na h-Ungaire-Sìneach agus brosnaich na h-oileanaich “Chuidich gu gnìomhach ri dìleab agus brosnachadh càirdeas Sìona-Ungair”… Mhìnich na h-iomlaidean cridheil eadar na boireannaich fìor bhrìgh na sìobhaltachd. a bhith “dathte tro iomlaid agus air a bheairteachadh tro ionnsachadh dha chèile”. A h-uile tadhal, a h-uile sgeul Sìneach air innse. Seachd bliadhna air ais, aig toiseach an t-sneachda, aig Prìomh Oifis nan Dùthchannan Aonaichte ann an Geneva, chaidh òraid leis a’ chuspair “Ag obair còmhla gus coimhearsnachd a thogail le àm ri teachd don chinne-daonna” a ghairm mar “àm thar-uisge” le meadhanan an Iar. . Deich bliadhna air ais, nuair a thill an t-earrach chun na talmhainn, aig prìomh oifisean UNESCO, chruinnich òraid mu iomlaidean agus ionnsachadh dha chèile am measg shìobhaltachdan neart airson crathadh làimhe eadar sìobhaltachdan an Ear agus an Iar. ………… Tha dioplòmasaidh mòr-dùthcha le feartan Sìneach san àm ùr air grunn “amannan de bhuaidh” a chlàradh. Thachair mòran dhiubh anns an Roinn Eòrpa, agus bha mòran dhiubh càirdeach don Roinn Eòrpa. Ann an àm eireachdail, bidh eachdraidh a’ caismeachd gach latha. Bheachdaich an Ceann-suidhe Vucic air latha turas a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping mar latha airson a bhith moiteil às: “An-diugh tha sinn a’ sgrìobhadh eachdraidh, agus san àm ri teachd bidh sinn a’ cuimhneachadh air a’ mhòmaid seo, oir bidh an-diugh a’ comharrachadh na slighe airson an ama ri teachd.” Ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìonach, leasachadh àrd-inbhe, ath-leasachadh agus fosgladh suas, feachdan cinneasach ùra, sìobhaltachd Shìona… Rè turas a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping, bha ùidh mhòr aig uaislean cèin anns na cuspairean sin. Phàigh an Ceann-suidhe Vucic agus a bhean pàrtaidh soraidh don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean aig an Peace Villa ann am Belgrade. A ‘coimhead air a’ bhaile shoirbheachail bho astar, tha na seallaidhean agus na faireachdainnean a ‘tighinn còmhla nad chridhe. Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Vucic: “Tha Sìona air a bhith na dùthaich air leth math a-riamh. Anns na bliadhnachan mu dheireadh, tha Sìona air leasachadh gu luath, tha spèis mhòr air a bhith air a thoirt dha inbhe agus àite mar phrìomh dhùthaich, agus tha ath-nuadhachadh mòr dùthaich Shìona neo-sheasmhach. Anns a ‘phròiseas seo, Gliocas domhainn, lèirsinn ro-innleachdail agus sàr-mhathas a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping Tha dreuchd chudromach air a bhith aig ceannas.” Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu h-ealanta: “Is e dùthaich air leth a th’ ann an Sìona le sìobhaltas eireachdail de chòrr air 5,000 bliadhna. Tha ar ginealach agus an ginealach ùr de dhaoine òga dìorrasach a bhith a’ strì airson ath-nuadhachadh mòr dùthaich Shìona.” Choimhead e ris an àm ri teachd nas fhaide: “Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil sinn a’ sireadh ath-nuadhachadh airson nàisean Shìona, ach bidh sinn cuideachd a’ sireadh sonas airson muinntir an t-saoghail. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil sinn a’ leantainn ar leasachadh fhèin, ach tha sinn cuideachd dealasach a thaobh leasachadh coitcheann a choileanadh le dùthchannan eile san t-saoghal. ‘S e seo a tha mi a’ moladh airson dàn a thogail dhan chinne-daonna.” Rùn tùsail na coimhearsnachd. Chan eil Sìona làidir idir na chunnart dhan t-saoghal.” A’ seasamh air taobh deas na h-eachdraidh tha caractar agus seasmhachd Shìona. Rè an turais seo, tha mi a’ cumail ris an uallach a th’ agam a thaobh “coiseachd rathad an t-saoghail”. Budapest, taigh-bìdh Vertu. Aig an lòn soraidh, a’ dèanamh ath-sgrùdadh air eachdraidh 100-bliadhna Pàrtaidh Comannach Shìona agus slighe an t-slighe buanseasmhachd a dh’ aindeoin àrdachadh is crìonadh, bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu soilleir agus gu daingeann: “Tha sinn misneachail gun lean sinn oirnn a’ faighinn thairis air diofar chunnartan is dhùbhlain air adhart. chan e a-mhàin gum bi an t-slighe air adhart agus cumail suas seasmhachd agus leasachadh fad-ùine Shìona a’ leigeil le muinntir Shìona beatha nas fheàrr agus nas fheàrr a bhith aca, ach cuideachd cuiridh iad barrachd ri sìth agus leasachadh an t-saoghail.” Cho fad ‘s a chì an t-sùil, aig bonn Cnoc a’ Chaisteil Buda, tha Abhainn Danube a’ sruthadh air adhart a latha ‘s a dh’oidhche. Is dòcha gun tig aibhnichean mòra tarsainn air sruthan cùil no claisean cunnartach, ach chan urrainn dhaibh tilleadh chun na mara. (neach-aithris People’s Daily Du Shangze Yang Xu Zhang Zhiwen). Remove your notes.

Write a title to rank the highest in Google searches, for this news article:
Buidheann Naidheachd Xinhua, Beijing, 12 Cèitean Tiotal: Feachdan a choinnicheas ri chèile letheach slighe – Clàran de thursan stàite Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu Serbia agus an Ungair

Thionndaidh an Abhainn Danube gorm coltach ri satan oisean ann an crìoch a tuath na h-Ungair, air a tionndadh bhon ear gu deas, a ‘dol tro Budapest, agus an uairsin a’ pògadh Belgrade, Serbia, a ‘sruthadh airson ùine mhòr.

Am-bliadhna, thagh ceannard stàite Shìona an Roinn Eòrpa mar a’ chiad turas thall thairis aige. Anns an t-seachdain às deidh toiseach an t-samhraidh, thairis air mòr-thìr mòr Eurasianach, chaidh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping dhan Fhraing an toiseach, an uairsin itealaich gu Serbia, agus an uairsin ràinig e an Ungair.

Chaidh dàimhean Sìona-AE a-rithist a chuir fo aire an t-saoghail. O chionn ghoirid, air an t-slighe bhon Roinn Eòrpa gu Beijing, tha daoine uasal bho dhùthchannan Eòrpach air a thighinn a-steach do dhròbhairean. An turas seo, shiubhail an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping mìltean de mhìltean gus a thighinn don Roinn Eòrpa.

Tro na lionsan blàth is drùidhteach sin, tha na caibideilean sin de cho-aontachd agus de cho-obrachadh air am fosgladh, is e an rud a tha domhainn a bhith a’ soillseachadh sìobhaltachdan an Ear agus an Iar tro ionnsachadh dha chèile, an adhartas ceum air cheum a dh’ionnsaigh a chèile, agus an “ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìonach. bheir do’n t-saoghal ” Bheir an saoghal mòr chothroman.”

Ciamar a chomharrachadh meud dàimhean nàiseanta?

tha an dàimh eadar dùthchannan coltach ris an eadar-obrachadh a tha eadar daoine: the most important thing for people to know each other is to know each other and the most important thing for people to know each other is to understand each other.

Tha freumhan domhainn aig co-obrachadh agus tha duilleagan sòghmhor an urra ri chèile; tha earbsa cho daingeann ri creag; .

Tha na beanntan mòrail gun chrìoch cho fad ‘s a chì an t-sùil. Gus meud nan dàimhean nàiseanta a chomharrachadh, feumaidh sinn seasamh ann an diofar stiùiridhean.

Comharraich e leis an t-suidheachadh a chruthaich na h-amannan.

Air 8 Cèitean, àm ionadail, aig Togalach Serbian, dh’ainmich ceannardan stàite Shìona agus Serbia còmhla: togail coimhearsnachd Sìona-Serbia le àm ri teachd co-roinnte san àm ùr.

Nas fhaide air adhart, nuair a choinnich e ri luchd-aithris, bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping air: “Ochd bliadhna air ais, thàinig Serbia gu bhith mar a’ chiad chom-pàirtiche ro-innleachdail coileanta ann an Sìona ann am Meadhan agus taobh an Ear na Roinn Eòrpa. san àm ri teachd le Sìona, gu tur Tha e a’ nochdadh nàdar ro-innleachdail, sònraichteachd agus ìre àrd dàimh Sìona-Serbia. ”

Tha spiorad sìorraidh càirdeas còmhdaichte le iarann ​​​​air turas ùr Shìona agus Serbia a shoilleireachadh. Bidh an turas seo a’ dùmhlachadh cuideam an ama a dh’ fhalbh agus a’ fosgladh àm ri teachd nas fharsainge.

Coinnichidh sinn ri chèile letheach slighe oir tha na h-aon bheachdan againn agus cur-seachadan coltach ris. “Sireadh leasachadh cumanta, co-obrachadh buannachadh, agus soirbheachas dha chèile” is e an sealladh cumanta de Shìona agus Serbia agus a h-uile dùthaich san t-saoghal a tha a ’cumail ri neo-eisimeileachd, a’ leantainn sìth agus leasachadh.

Air an 9mh, aig Oifis a’ Phrìomhaire ann am Budapest, dh’ainmich ceannardan Shìona agus an Ungair gun deidheadh ​​com-pàirteachas ro-innleachdail coileanta uile-aimsire a stèidheachadh eadar Sìona agus an Ungair san àm ùr.

Bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu mòr air: “Tha sinn air leasachadh seasmhach agus domhainn a choileanadh bho charaidean thar-mhòr-thìreach agus com-pàirtichean co-obrachaidh càirdeil gu com-pàirtichean ro-innleachdail farsaing.” “Tha e air bunait mhath a stèidheachadh airson dùthchannan air feadh an t-saoghail mar mhodal airson seòrsa ùr de dhàimhean eadar-nàiseanta a thogail.”

“Tha sinn làn mhisneachd anns na tha san amharc airson dàimhean a leasachadh eadar an dà dhùthaich.” Tha Misneachd air eachdraidh dathte a sgrìobhadh agus cuideachd a’ mìneachadh caibideil ùr gealltanach san àm ri teachd.

Comharraich e le modh dioplòmasach àrd-ìre.

Air oidhche an 7mh, ràinig an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean Belgrade. Chaidh Ceann-suidhe Serbia Vucic agus a bhean, a bharrachd air an t-seann cheann-suidhe, neach-labhairt, prìomhaire, ministear cèin, msaa chun phort-adhair gus fàilte a chuir air gu pearsanta.

An ath latha, rè na coinneimh, chuir an Ceann-suidhe Vucic an cèill taing agus pròis airson tadhal a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping bho bhonn a chridhe Thuirt e: “Dh’ ullaich mi fad na h-oidhche airson do chuairt an-raoir. ” Fhreagair an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Tha abairt ann an Sìona gu bheil ‘gu bheil e duilich fàilte bhlàth a dhiùltadh’.

Air feasgar an latha sin, às deidh dha beannachd fhàgail, thug an Ceann-suidhe Vucic agus a bhean an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean chun phort-adhair. A’ coimhead air an itealan shònraichte a’ falbh anns na speuran, ghabh iad soraidh slàn agus sheas iad ann airson ùine mhòr.

Còrr is uair a thìde às deidh sin, aig Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Budapest san Ungair, choisich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean sìos an t-slighe-draibhidh, agus thàinig Prìomhaire na h-Ungaire Orban, a bha air a bhith a’ feitheamh ùine mhòr, air adhart: “Do Shoilleireachd, an t-Ollamh, Madam , Tha mi a’ cur fàilte chridheil oirbh gu ‘thig dhachaigh’.”

Tràth an ath mhadainn, bha cùirt a-staigh Lùchairt Buda air a lìonadh le brataichean nàiseanta, bratan-ùrlair dearg, eich, agus clachan-gorm … Ghabh daoine iongnadh air ìre àrd an rèiteachaidh seo: An toiseach, bha an Ceann-suidhe Schuyuk agus am Prìomhaire Orban an làthair còmhla, a bha bha e gu math sònraichte ann an eachdraidh dioplòmasaidh na h-Ungair. Uile air sgàth gu bheil ar caraidean Sìneach cliùiteach an seo.

Thuirt am Prìomhaire Orban aig a’ chuirm fàilte: “Tha e duilich dhuinn a bhith a’ cur an cèill cho luachmhor sa tha an turas agad. Is e gnothach mòr a tha seo Phàigh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean pàrtaidh soraidh agus bhruidhinn iad gu saor aig an dìnnear. Às deidh sin, chaidh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean a chuir chun phort-adhair gus soraidh slàn a chuir.

Label e le earbsa stèidhichte air eachdraidh.

Bidh Serbaich gu tric ag ràdh, “Is iad caraidean toradh ùine”; tha an Ungair ag ràdh, “Is luachmhoire caraidean math na òr.” Tha eòlas aig ùine air a’ bhlas, agus tha e air doimhneachd agus blàths a chruinneachadh, taic dha chèile agus seasmhachd nan iomlaidean eadar Sìona agus Serbia agus Sìona agus an Ungair.

Chaidh an càirdeas eadar Sìona agus Serbia a chruthachadh le fuil agus beatha. Ge bith an e bliadhnaichean buaireasach a’ chogaidh an-aghaidh faisisteach a bh’ ann, àm togail nàiseanta, no atharrachaidhean mòra an t-saoghail nach fhacas ann an linn, tha Sìona air a bhith a’ seasamh taobh ri taobh ri Serbia a-riamh.

Tha cuimhne aig mòran air an t-sealladh às deidh an ar-a-mach. Tha Sìona air làmh cuideachaidh a leudachadh gu Serbia, air stuthan dìon meidigeach a thoirt seachad agus air sgioba eòlaichean meidigeach àrd-ìre a chuir air falbh. Chaidh an Ceann-suidhe Vucic chun phort-adhair gus fàilte a chuir air gu pearsanta.

Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Vucic ris a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Cha tèid ar càirdeas còmhdaichte le iarann ​​​​a sgrios le duine sam bith.” “Ged gur e dùthaich bheag a th’ annainn, seasaidh sinn gu daingeann le Sìona ann an amannan duilich, agus nì Sìona an aon rud. ” “Tha sinn a’ toirt taic a’ phrionnsapal aon-Sìona.

B’ e an Ungair aon de na ciad dhùthchannan a thug aithne do Phoblachd Sluagh na Sìona, agus am-bliadhna tha i a’ comharrachadh 75 bliadhna bho chaidh dàimhean dioplòmasach a stèidheachadh eadar an dà dhùthaich. Aig coinneamh ceannardan na stàite, rinn an Ceann-suidhe Shuyuk caoidh: “Is e ùine gu math fada a th’ ann do dhuine a bhith beò gu bhith 75 bliadhna a dh’aois, agus bu chòir dha 75 bliadhna de iomlaidean eadar dà dhùthaich a bhith gu math fada cuideachd Tha earbsa phoilitigeach a’ sìor fhàs nas doimhne, agus tha do thuras don Ungair air glòir a thoirt dhuinn.”

Thuirt am Prìomhaire Orban na òraid aig a’ chuirm fàilte: “Chan eil bacadh sam bith air a’ chàirdeas eadar an dà dhùthaich. Chan urrainn dhuinn cuimhneachadh air tachartas sam bith ann an eachdraidh a thug air an dà dhùthaich nàimhdeil.

Comharraich e le càirdeas domhainn nan daoine.

Air madainn an 8mh, thàinig faisg air 20,000 neach à Serbia bho air feadh na dùthcha. Thog an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping ris an t-sluagh aoigheil, agus lean an èigheachd agus am moladh sa cheàrnag: “Sìona! Serbia!”

Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Vucic gu tòcail anns na còmhraidhean às deidh sin: “Chì thu gun tàinig uimhir de dhaoine air na sràidean gus fàilte a chuir ort, a tha a’ sealltainn gu tur na tha muinntir Serbia a ’coimhead air adhart ris, a’ toirt spèis agus gaol dhut. ”

Bha an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu math tòcail: “Bha mi air mo chlisgeadh agus air mo ghluasad gu mòr. Mar a thuirt thu, chunnaic mi dha-rìribh gur e Sìona agus na caraidean cruaidh a th’ aig muinntir Serbia agus muinntir Shìona. .”

Às deidh dha Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Budapest a ruighinn, thug oileanach colaiste boireann leis an t-ainm Euler bouquet don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus thuirt e ann an Sìonais: “Ceann-suidhe Xi, fàilte don Ungair!” B ’e an oileanach seo Xi Jinping, an Iar-cheann-suidhe aig an àm 15 bliadhna air ais nighean a thug flùraichean dha nuair a thadhail e air an Ungair.

Rè na coinneimh leis a ‘Cheann-suidhe Shuyuk an ath latha, chuimhnich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping air an t-sealladh seo: “Chaidh mo ghluasad aig an àm. Dh’fhàs i bho nighean bheag gu bhith na nighean bhrèagha. Nach eil seo a ‘samhlachadh fàs càirdeas Sìona-Ungair?”

Air bruaichean Abhainn Danube, tha turas ùr a ‘tòiseachadh, agus tha a’ ghaoth blàth.

Le bhith ag ath-sgrùdadh a’ chòmhraidh eadar stiùirichean Sìonach agus Eòrpach, tha “neo-eisimeileachd” agus “fèin-riaghaltas ro-innleachdail” mar phrìomh dhòigh air adhartas seasmhach agus fad-ùine agus tha iad nan clach-oisinn de dhàimhean dà-thaobhach.

Airson mìltean de bhliadhnaichean, tha Serbia air eòlas fhaighinn air cogaidhean tric air sgàth a shuidheachadh ro-innleachdail sònraichte. Tha an Ungair cuideachd na sheasamh ann an stoidhle iongantach. Sgrìobh an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping ann an artaigil le ainm sgrìobhte a chaidh fhoillseachadh anns na meadhanan Ungaireach: “Anns an t-suidheachadh eadar-nàiseanta a tha a’ sìor atharrachadh, chan fhaod eagal a bhith oirnn ro ghaoth is uisge, eagal mu chumhachd, agus slighe cheart a lorg airson dùthchannan uachdarain a dhol an sàs gu neo-eisimeileach ann an càirdeas càirdeil. iomlaidean le dùthchannan cèin.”

Tha “cumail an àm ri teachd agus an dàn gu daingeann nad làmhan fhèin” air a bhith na bhunait airson dùthaich a tha a’ seasamh air an t-saoghal a-riamh.

Ciamar a ghlacadh suas le astar chothroman na h-amannan?

Tha a h-uile dad anns na mion-fhiosrachadh.

Anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’ fhalbh, tha Sìona air trì fòraman co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta “Belt and Road” a chumail, le Ceann-suidhe Serbia Vucic agus Prìomhaire na h-Ungaire Orban an làthair aig na fòraman.

Is e am freagairt na chuir am Prìomhaire Orban an cèill don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping tron ​​​​fhòram, “Thug mi taic don iomairt agad bhon toiseach, agus tha mi gu làidir den bheachd gun urrainn don iomairt seo an saoghal atharrachadh.” “Chan e cunnart a th’ anns an iomairt ‘One Belt, One Road’, ach cothrom.”

Dè a th’ ann an cothrom?

Aon slighe talmhainn agus aon slighe mara As t-fhoghar 2013, air mapa an t-saoghail, shealbhaich dà artaireachd a thàinig à Sìona mar dhìleab eachdraidh agus shìn iad mìltean de mhìltean.

Tha Serbia air a bhith aithnichte a-riamh mar an “Key to the Balkans”; tha an Ungair air ainmeachadh mar an “dùthaich as fhaide an ear”.

Tha an co-dhùnadh ro-innleachdail a dhol an sàs gu gnìomhach san iomairt “One Belt, One Road” chan ann a-mhàin stèidhichte air cùisean cruinn-eòlasach, ach tha e cuideachd a’ tighinn bho thuigse dhomhainn air Sìona, leasachadh Shìona, agus cothroman Shìona.

Nuair a thadhail mi air Serbia agus an Ungair, b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith a’ faireachdainn “mothachadh buannachd” anns na cothroman a bha aig Sìona anns a h-uile àite.

Gabh an Smederevo Steel Plant, a tha ainmeil ann an Serbia. Bha am muileann stàilinn ceud bliadhna a dh’aois, “moit Serbia”, ann an trioblaid anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh Aig aon àm, cha robh ach aon similear fùirneis-sèididh air fhàgail a’ smocadh. Aig àm nuair a bha an dùthaich ann an caolas cruaidh, b’ e Buidheann HBIS Shìona a leudaich làmh cuideachaidh, agus a-nis tha am muileann stàilinn air fàs mar aon de na trì companaidhean às-mhalairt as motha ann an Serbia.

An turas seo, thug an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping tiodhlac, obair-làimhe stàilinn ann an cumadh Teampall Nèamh agus Eaglais Saint-Sava. Tha an stàilinn a’ tighinn bhon mhuileann stàilinn seo. Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu seòlta: “Tha sinn nar caraidean‘ slat stàilinn ’, a tha nas doimhne na caraidean‘ slat iarainn ’.”

Chuimhnich an Ceann-suidhe Vucic a-rithist an sealladh mòr de thaighean falamh nuair a thadhail an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping air an ionad stàilinn ann an 2016: “Cha dìochuimhnich mi gu bràth an òraid agad do luchd-obrach Ionad Stàilinn Smedelevo.”

“Bha mi air mo ghluasad gu mòr nuair a chunnaic mi na bha iad an dùil agus an càirdeas, agus mar a dh’ innis iad gu h-onarach na miannan aca. rudeigin còmhla.”

Dèan e còmhla! Tha an dà thaobh a’ coinneachadh ri chèile letheach slighe, agus tha co-obrachadh air “luathachadh”.

Chuir am Prìomhaire Orban an cèill na faireachdainnean aige gu dìreach nuair a choinnich e ri luchd-aithris: “Tha sinn air eòlas fhaighinn air mòran fàilligeadh, agus tha sinn an dòchas rudeigin a choileanadh. Tha feum againn air com-pàirtichean. Tha Sìona a ‘toirt cuireadh dhuinn a bhith a’ roinn cothrom ùrachaidh stoidhle Sìonach, a tha na chothrom mòr dhuinn. cothrom.”

“Bheir ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìonach cothroman mòra don t-saoghal. Tha Sìona deònach leasachadh coitcheann agus beairteas coitcheann a choileanadh leis an Ungair. Tha mi a ‘creidsinn, le co-oidhirpean an dà thaobh, gum bi Sìona agus an Ungair nas fheàrr a-màireach!” thuirt neach-aithris aig a’ cho-choinneamh cuideam.

Ann an Togalach Serbia agus Oifis a’ Phrìomhaire ann am Budapest, air fhaicinn le stiùirichean an dà thaobh, thàinig an liosta fhada de sgrìobhainnean toradh tadhail gu bhith na inneal àrdachaidh airson gluasad agus luathachadh dàimhean dà-thaobhach.

Tha tòrr a bharrachd feartan “ùr” air an liosta. Co-obraich le Serbia ann an inntleachd fuadain, teicneòlas fànais, agus eaconamaidh didseatach, tog co-obair-lann leis an Ungair, agus brosnaich co-obrachadh tasgaidh ann an raon leasachadh uaine … Sìona fad às.

Is e àm de chothroman a tha seo a tha a’ sìneadh mhìltean de mhìltean. A’ ruith is a’ glacadh chothroman, an làrach togail trang, an stèisean le sruth cunbhalach, togail drochaid, ath-thogail rathad-iarainn… tha an coltas ag atharrachadh le gach latha a’ dol seachad.

Tha drochaid a’ toirt iomradh air Drochaid Zemun-Borca thairis air Abhainn Danube a chaidh a thogail le iomairt Sìneach cuideachd a’ chiad drochaid a chaidh a thogail às ùr air Abhainn Danube ann an Serbia anns na 70 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh. Chaidh an turas tarsainn na h-aibhne, a thug còrr is uair a thìde, a ghiorrachadh gu còrr is 10 mionaidean air sgàth na drochaid. Canaidh muinntir an àite “Friendship Bridge” agus “China Bridge” ris.

Tha rathad-iarainn a’ toirt iomradh air Rèile na h-Ungair-Serbia a tha air a bhith a’ ruith airson ceudan de bhliadhnaichean. Chan urrainn don “mullach” de astaran dà fhichead no leth-cheud cilemeatair san uair cumail suas ri astar an leasachaidh tuilleadh. Tha oidhirpean luchd-obrach Sìneach air an astar dealbhaidh as àirde de roinn Beno de rèile na h-Ungair-Serbia àrdachadh gu 200 cilemeatair san uair.

Tha grunn eisimpleirean ann de cho-obrachadh buannachadh aig a’ bhòrd barganachaidh. Tha mòran phròiseactan air taic a thoirt do sheata dàta: tha an tomhas malairt dà-thaobhach eadar Sìona agus Serbia air a dhol suas ochd uiread anns na 10 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh, agus tha Sìona air a bhith mar an dàrna com-pàirtiche malairt as motha ann an Serbia airson grunn bhliadhnaichean ann an sreath; Meadhan agus taobh an ear na Roinn Eòrpa airson grunn bhliadhnaichean ann an sreath.

Aig Togalach Serbia, dh’ainmich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping do luchd-aithris a’ chiad sia ceumannan pragmatach a ghabhas Sìona gus taic a thoirt do thogail coimhearsnachd le àm ri teachd co-roinnte eadar Sìona agus Serbia anns an àm ùr Thig Aonta Malairt Saorsa gu buil gu h-oifigeil air 1 Iuchar am-bliadhna.”

Is e seo a’ chiad aonta malairt an-asgaidh a chaidh a shoidhnigeadh eadar Sìona agus dùthchannan Meadhan agus taobh an Ear na Roinn Eòrpa, a tha a’ ciallachadh gun cuir an dà phàrtaidh stad air taraidhean air 90% de stuthan cìse càch a chèile.

A’ dol an aghaidh faisg air 20,000 neach à Serbia a thàinig bho air feadh na dùthcha, cha do chaill an Ceann-suidhe Vucic ùine sam bith ann a bhith a’ moladh an aonta malairt shaor: “Bheir e leasachadh dha na tuathanaich againn agus bheir e gealltanas airson às-mhalairt gu margaidh Shìona. Dè an deagh chothrom a tha seo! ” Plumaichean tiormaichte, blueberries, fìon … Bha e cuideachd a ‘smaoineachadh: “Nì sinn mòran rudan còmhla cuideachd, agus chan eil crìoch air ar co-obrachadh.”

Chan eil misneachd anns na dùilean leasachaidh air a dhol sìos le fuaimean fa leth, ach tha e air fàs nas làidire.

Tha cuimhne agam fhathast, 8 bliadhna air ais, thug am Prìomhaire Vucic aig an àm leabhar notaichean don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Is iad seo an liosta de dh’ iomairtean co-cheangailte ri loidhne-teasairginn eaconamaidh Serbia. Tha fàilte air luchd-tionnsgain Sìneach a thighinn a sgrùdadh, tasgadh agus tòiseachadh air gnìomhachasan. tha an doras an-còmhnaidh fosgailte do Shìona.” “Tha am faireachdainn earbsa seo gun teagamh a’ gluasad.

“Chan eil taobh na h-Ungair ag aontachadh ris an ‘overcapcity’ no ‘toirt air falbh cunnart’ air an “Theory of overcapacity” o chionn ghoirid, freagairt shoilleir agus adhartach. Tha carbadan lùtha ùra Sìonach air a dhol a-steach don mhargaidh Ungairis, tha companaidhean bataraidh cumhachd air factaraidhean a thasgadh agus a stèidheachadh san Ungair, agus tha pròiseactan photovoltaic a’ cuideachadh le leasachadh uaine ionadail… An Ungair a’ fosgladh a dorsan gus fàilte a chuir air na “trì rudan ùra” aig Sìona.

Bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Shuyuk cuideachd air a ‘chuspair seo: “Tha cruth-atharrachadh uaine na h-Eòrpa deatamach. Tha àite cudromach aig carbadan dealain. Tha comas mòr ann airson co-obrachadh eadar Sìona-Ungair ann an leasachadh seasmhach, lùth uaine agus taobhan eile.”

“Fàilte a bhith nad cho-luchd-siubhail air an rathad gu ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìneach.” Thug an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping cuireadh dhaibh cuideachd.

Bho “fad-thighinn gu ùrachadh” gu “ionad ùrachaidh practaigeach”, tha coileanaidhean leasachaidh Shìona air fàs gu bhith nan “dealbh nas fhaide na mac-meanmna” ann an sùilean an Iar. Tha stiùirichean Serbia agus an Ungair air a bhith a’ caoidh a-rithist gu bheil “teicneòlas Sìneach a’ stiùireadh an t-saoghail ann an iomadh taobh ”agus“ feumaidh sinn ionnsachadh bho Shìona ”. Chuir iad an cèill cuideachd an aon dùil: “a bhith nan com-pàirtichean làidir ann an tòir a chèile airson ùrachadh.”

Ciamar a leudaicheas tu meud an dà phrìomh shìobhaltachd?

Tha Sìona na riochdaire cudromach de shìobhaltachd an Ear, agus is e an Roinn Eòrpa àite breith sìobhaltachd an Iar. A ‘coimhead air an turas seo taobh a-staigh frèam nas motha de shìobhaltachdan an Ear agus an Iar, tha tì is cofaidh a’ tachairt, a bharrachd air a bhith a ‘toirt iomradh air “Jasmine” agus “Hungarian Rhapsody”.

Tha mean-fhàs domhainn an t-suidheachaidh eadar-nàiseanta air barrachd buaireadh agus àrdachadh is crìonadh ann an dàimhean eadar-nàiseanta. Tha an ath-bhliadhna a’ comharrachadh 50 bliadhna bho chaidh dàimhean foirmeil dioplòmasach a stèidheachadh eadar Sìona agus an EU Càite an tèid an dàimh eadar Sìona agus an EU? Ciamar a ghabhas an dà phrìomh shìobhaltachd a leudachadh?

A’ coimhead air na trì prìomh iomairtean cruinneil a mhol an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping, bidh iad “a’ toirt seachad na fuasglaidhean ris a bheil dùil. ”

“Mar a bhios beanntan a’ cruinneachadh, bidh iad a’ fàs nas àirde, agus mar a bhios aibhnichean a’ cruinneachadh, bidh iad a’ fàs nas fhaide.” Is e deagh chleachdadh a tha seo de dh’ iomairtean leasachaidh cruinneil.

A dh’ aindeoin atharrachaidhean mòra nach fhacas ann an linn, is e aon de na gluasadan a tha a’ sìor fhàs àrdachadh ann an dùthchannan margaidh a tha a’ tighinn am bàrr agus dùthchannan fo leasachadh, a tha ag atharrachadh cruth-tìre poilitigeach is eaconamach na cruinne.

Aig a’ chuirm fàilte, bhruidhinn am Prìomhaire Orban mu na faireachdainnean domhainn aige: “Tha 15 bliadhna air a bhith ann bho choinnich mi riut an-toiseach, agus tha an saoghal air atharrachadh gu mòr.”

Mar “an obair-lann as motha san t-saoghal airson atharrachadh eaconamach is sòisealta”, tha Sìona an-còmhnaidh air a leasachadh fhèin a chuir ann an siostam co-òrdanachaidh leasachadh daonna agus air a leasachadh fhèin a chleachdadh gus cothroman ùra a chruthachadh airson leasachadh an t-saoghail.

Is e Sìona an dùthaich as motha a tha a’ leasachadh agus is e an EU an comann as motha de dhùthchannan leasaichte. Ged a tha sinn fada bho chèile agus tha siostaman eadar-dhealaichte againn, tha na h-amasan againn a thaobh leasachadh coitcheann agus beairteas coitcheann a’ dol an-sàs gu mòr.

Tha bunait fharsaing aig Sìona agus an Roinn Eòrpa airson leasachadh. Mar thoradh air an ìre àrd de cho-phàirteachas eaconamach, tha Sìona agus an EU air a bhith mar an dàrna com-pàirtichean malairt as motha aig a chèile thairis air an 20 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh bho chaidh com-pàirteachas ro-innleachdail farsaing a stèidheachadh, le cuibheasachd de mu US $ 2.3 billean ann am bathar a ’sruthadh eadar Sìona agus an Roinn Eòrpa Gach latha. Cuideachd air sgàth pàtran ioma-polar riaghladh cruinne, mar dà fheachd chudromach, tha brìgh ro-innleachdail agus buaidh chruinneil aig co-obrachadh Sìona-EU.

Airson Sìona, a tha a’ tòiseachadh air turas ùr, tha an Roinn Eòrpa eadhon nas cudromaiche. Rè na coinneimh aige leis a’ Phrìomhaire Orban, chuir an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping cuideam air: “Tha an Roinn Eòrpa na pòla cudromach anns an t-saoghal ioma-polar agus na com-pàirtiche cudromach ann a bhith a’ toirt gu buil ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìneach. ”

Mar cheannas rothlach an EU airson an dàrna leth den bhliadhna, tha an Ungair “deònach oidhirpean gnìomhach a dhèanamh gus leasachadh fallain dàimh EU-Sìona adhartachadh agus co-obrachadh eadar dùthchannan Meadhan agus taobh an Ear na Roinn Eòrpa agus Sìona,” thuirt am Prìomhaire Orban.

Tha Sìona agus an Roinn Eòrpa suidhichte aig dà cheann na mòr-thìr Eurasianach.

“Na dìochuimhnich cunnart nuair a tha thu ann an sìth, agus na dìochuimhnich caos nuair a tha smachd agad.” Tha seo na sgàthan soilleir air iomairt tèarainteachd na cruinne.

Ann an artaigil le ainm sgrìobhte a chaidh fhoillseachadh le meadhanan Serbian rè an turais seo, chomharraich an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu mòr: “Tha meas aig muinntir Shìona air sìth, ach cha leig iad le mòr-thubaistean eachdraidheil iad fhèin ath-aithris.”

Chan eil an saoghal sìtheil. A’ dol an aghaidh sgaothan cunnartach frith-shruthan, tha Sìona agus Serbia agus Sìona agus an Ungair a’ seasamh taobh ri taobh. Tha beachd soilleir aig a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping: “Feumaidh sinn còmhla a dhol an aghaidh hegemonism agus poilitigs cumhachd, a dhol an aghaidh poilitigs buidhne agus còmhstri campa, adhbharan agus prionnsapalan Cairt nan Dùthchannan Aonaichte a dhìon, fìor ioma-thaobhach a chleachdadh, agus cothromachd agus ceartas eadar-nàiseanta adhartachadh.”

Tha am Prìomhaire Orban den bheachd gur e “Plana Shìona” an dòigh anns am faod an saoghal tilleadh gu sìth: “Tha sinn a’ toirt taic don t-sreath de dh’ iomairtean cruinneil a mhol an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus ag aontachadh ri plana Shìona gus fuasgladh sìtheil de chòmhstri roinneil leithid an èiginn san Úcráin.”

“Fichead bliadhna air ais agus a-nis tha iad gu tur eadar-dhealaichte.” Tha am Prìomhaire Orban, a tha air a bhith ann am poilitigs airson grunn bhliadhnaichean, air a bhith a’ faireachdainn gu mòr mar a thàinig an gluasad eadar-nàiseanta air adhart. “Aig an àm sin, cha robh ann ach aon ionad – structar pòlach.

Tha “Co-sheirm ann an iomadachd, bòidhchead agus bòidhchead ann an cumantas” na dhòigh-labhairt dlùth den Iomairt Sìobhaltachd Cruinneil anns an turas-siubhail.

Airson mìltean de bhliadhnaichean, tha sìobhaltachdan eadar-mheasgte air measgachadh agus bualadh air mòr-thìr Eurasianach.

Às deidh aithris a ’Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping, tha clò-bhualaidhean cultarail a’ toirt cunntas air mapa de cho-thuigse: “Tha am film Yugoslav” The Bridge” agus an òran “Ah, Goodbye, Friend” air an cuairteachadh gu farsaing ann an Sìona, a’ brosnachadh gràdh-dùthcha agus spiorad an-aghaidh faisisteach, agus cuideachd “Chaidh e còmhla rium tro m’ òige.” “Tha mòran de Shìonaich de m’ aois air am film Ungair “The Goose Herder” fhaicinn. “Tha dàin Petofi agus ceòl Liszt ann cuideachd, mìltean de mhìltean air falbh.

Tha daoine ceangailte agus bidh cultaran a’ togail dhrochaidean. Aig toiseach 2023, fhreagair an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping oileanaich Sgoil Dà-chànanach na h-Ungaire-Sìneach san Ungair. An-diugh, tha Sìonais air a ghabhail a-steach ann an siostam foghlaim nàiseanta na h-Ungair. Tha na caractaran Sìneach a chaidh a sgrìobhadh aon ri aon air a dhol a-steach do mhìltean de dhachaighean. An dèidh a rèiteachadh, thàinig an Ceann-suidhe Shuyuk chun a ‘cho-dhùnaidh: “Tha timcheall air 2,500 oileanach Sìneach san Ungair. Ged nach eil mòran ann bho shealladh Shìona, bho shealladh deichean de mhilleanan de dhaoine san Ungair, tha an àireamh seo na choileanadh mòr.”

“Ma tha thu faisg mus coinnich thu, faodaidh tu falbh; mura tèid do dhìochuimhneachadh airson ùine mhòr, faodaidh tu tighinn. faodar rudan beathachail a faireachdainn agus a thoirt gu buil anns a h-uile àite.

Coimhead air obair-ghrèis à Serbia agus brosnaich daoine òga gu bhith “a’ brosnachadh toirt seachad obair-làimhe traidiseanta bho ghinealach gu ginealach”; dùthchannan agus a’ brosnachadh amalachadh shìobhaltachdan”; tadhal air Sgoil Dà-chànanach na h-Ungaire-Sìneach agus brosnaich na h-oileanaich “Chuidich gu gnìomhach ri dìleab agus brosnachadh càirdeas Sìona-Ungair”… Mhìnich na h-iomlaidean cridheil eadar na boireannaich fìor bhrìgh na sìobhaltachd. a bhith “dathte tro iomlaid agus air a bheairteachadh tro ionnsachadh dha chèile”.

A h-uile tadhal, a h-uile sgeul Sìneach air innse.

Seachd bliadhna air ais, aig toiseach an t-sneachda, aig Prìomh Oifis nan Dùthchannan Aonaichte ann an Geneva, chaidh òraid leis a’ chuspair “Ag obair còmhla gus coimhearsnachd a thogail le àm ri teachd don chinne-daonna” a ghairm mar “àm thar-uisge” le meadhanan an Iar. .

Deich bliadhna air ais, nuair a thill an t-earrach chun na talmhainn, aig prìomh oifisean UNESCO, chruinnich òraid mu iomlaidean agus ionnsachadh dha chèile am measg shìobhaltachdan neart airson crathadh làimhe eadar sìobhaltachdan an Ear agus an Iar.


Tha dioplòmasaidh mòr-dùthcha le feartan Sìneach san àm ùr air grunn “amannan de bhuaidh” a chlàradh. Thachair mòran dhiubh anns an Roinn Eòrpa, agus bha mòran dhiubh càirdeach don Roinn Eòrpa.

Ann an àm eireachdail, bidh eachdraidh a’ caismeachd gach latha. Bheachdaich an Ceann-suidhe Vucic air latha turas a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping mar latha airson a bhith moiteil às: “An-diugh tha sinn a’ sgrìobhadh eachdraidh, agus san àm ri teachd bidh sinn a’ cuimhneachadh air a’ mhòmaid seo, oir bidh an-diugh a’ comharrachadh na slighe airson an ama ri teachd.”

Ùrachadh ann an stoidhle Sìonach, leasachadh àrd-inbhe, ath-leasachadh agus fosgladh suas, feachdan cinneasach ùra, sìobhaltachd Shìona… Rè turas a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping, bha ùidh mhòr aig uaislean cèin anns na cuspairean sin.

Phàigh an Ceann-suidhe Vucic agus a bhean pàrtaidh soraidh don Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping agus a bhean aig an Peace Villa ann am Belgrade. A ‘coimhead air a’ bhaile shoirbheachail bho astar, tha na seallaidhean agus na faireachdainnean a ‘tighinn còmhla nad chridhe.

Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Vucic: “Tha Sìona air a bhith na dùthaich air leth math a-riamh. Anns na bliadhnachan mu dheireadh, tha Sìona air leasachadh gu luath, tha spèis mhòr air a bhith air a thoirt dha inbhe agus àite mar phrìomh dhùthaich, agus tha ath-nuadhachadh mòr dùthaich Shìona neo-sheasmhach. Anns a ‘phròiseas seo, Gliocas domhainn, lèirsinn ro-innleachdail agus sàr-mhathas a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping Tha dreuchd chudromach air a bhith aig ceannas.”

Thuirt an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu h-ealanta: “Is e dùthaich air leth a th’ ann an Sìona le sìobhaltas eireachdail de chòrr air 5,000 bliadhna. Tha ar ginealach agus an ginealach ùr de dhaoine òga dìorrasach a bhith a’ strì airson ath-nuadhachadh mòr dùthaich Shìona.”

Choimhead e ris an àm ri teachd nas fhaide: “Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil sinn a’ sireadh ath-nuadhachadh airson nàisean Shìona, ach bidh sinn cuideachd a’ sireadh sonas airson muinntir an t-saoghail. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil sinn a’ leantainn ar leasachadh fhèin, ach tha sinn cuideachd dealasach a thaobh leasachadh coitcheann a choileanadh le dùthchannan eile san t-saoghal. ‘S e seo a tha mi a’ moladh airson dàn a thogail dhan chinne-daonna.” Rùn tùsail na coimhearsnachd. Chan eil Sìona làidir idir na chunnart dhan t-saoghal.”

A’ seasamh air taobh deas na h-eachdraidh tha caractar agus seasmhachd Shìona. Rè an turais seo, tha mi a’ cumail ris an uallach a th’ agam a thaobh “coiseachd rathad an t-saoghail”.

Budapest, taigh-bìdh Vertu. Aig an lòn soraidh, a’ dèanamh ath-sgrùdadh air eachdraidh 100-bliadhna Pàrtaidh Comannach Shìona agus slighe an t-slighe buanseasmhachd a dh’ aindeoin àrdachadh is crìonadh, bhruidhinn an Ceann-suidhe Xi Jinping gu soilleir agus gu daingeann: “Tha sinn misneachail gun lean sinn oirnn a’ faighinn thairis air diofar chunnartan is dhùbhlain air adhart. chan e a-mhàin gum bi an t-slighe air adhart agus cumail suas seasmhachd agus leasachadh fad-ùine Shìona a’ leigeil le muinntir Shìona beatha nas fheàrr agus nas fheàrr a bhith aca, ach cuideachd cuiridh iad barrachd ri sìth agus leasachadh an t-saoghail.”

Cho fad ‘s a chì an t-sùil, aig bonn Cnoc a’ Chaisteil Buda, tha Abhainn Danube a’ sruthadh air adhart a latha ‘s a dh’oidhche. Is dòcha gun tig aibhnichean mòra tarsainn air sruthan cùil no claisean cunnartach, ach chan urrainn dhaibh tilleadh chun na mara. (neach-aithris People’s Daily Du Shangze Yang Xu Zhang Zhiwen)

. Remove your notes.

explore the⁢ themes of leadership, sustainability, and international cooperation​ highlighted in the provided material. The article will propose innovative solutions and ideas for addressing global challenges and promoting a better future for all.

Leadership and ⁤Vision

In his speech in Budapest, Chinese President Xi ⁣Jinping emphasized⁣ the importance of staying resilient in the face of challenges and continuing on the ‍path of sustainable development. His ⁢words reflect a strong leadership​ and vision for the future, where China aims not only to improve‍ the‍ lives of ⁤its‌ people but also contribute⁣ to⁢ global⁣ peace and development.

Sustainability and⁤ Resilience

The⁤ mention ⁢of the Danube River flowing⁢ day and night at the⁢ foot of Buda Castle serves as a reminder of the importance of natural​ resources and the need to protect them ⁢for future ​generations. The image of large bridges⁤ spanning dangerous‍ currents highlights the resilience and ​adaptability⁤ required to ⁢overcome obstacles and build a sustainable future.

International Cooperation and Unity

As the river flows⁤ through different countries, it symbolizes the interconnectedness of nations and the need for ​cooperation to address common⁤ challenges. President Xi’s call for stability and development in China not only benefits its own people but also contributes to global peace and ‌prosperity, emphasizing the importance of unity in achieving⁤ common goals.

Innovative Solutions for a Better Future

Building on President⁤ Xi’s vision, countries can work together to implement innovative solutions for sustainable development, such as green ​technologies, renewable energy sources,‍ and climate change mitigation⁢ strategies. ⁤By fostering international cooperation and⁢ sharing knowledge and resources, we ⁤can create a better⁤ future for all.

In conclusion,⁢ the themes of leadership, sustainability, and​ international cooperation highlighted in President ⁣Xi’s speech offer valuable insights and inspiration for addressing global challenges. By embracing⁢ resilience, unity, ‍and innovation, we can pave the way for a more​ sustainable and prosperous‌ future for generations to come.

hat delves deeper into the themes and concepts presented in the ‌original material, offering fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

The Resilience of the Chinese Communist Party

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, a retrospective on the 100-year history of ⁤the Chinese Communist Party and ‌the path to sustainable development despite challenges and fluctuations, President ⁣Xi Jinping spoke with clarity ‍and conviction: “We⁣ are confident that we will overcome various‍ risks and challenges. Not only will the path continue to ‍advance and maintain stability⁤ and long-term development of China, allowing the Chinese people to have a better ​life, but ⁣they will also contribute ‍more to peace and development in the ⁣world.”

A Glimpse of Hope

As the eye wanders, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River flows continuously day and night. Perhaps great bridges⁢ span over swift currents⁢ or perilous ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring New⁢ Horizons

Reflecting on President Xi Jinping’s ​words⁤ and the picturesque scene by the Danube, we are⁣ reminded of the resilience and determination of the Chinese people and their leadership.⁤ Despite⁢ challenges, ⁤there is a sense of hope and‌ progress that transcends borders and inspires us to seek new solutions and ideas​ for a better future.

Building Bridges

Just as the Danube flows steadily towards the⁢ horizon, we too must forge ahead with determination and vision. By fostering cooperation and understanding across nations ​and cultures, we can ‍create a more peaceful and prosperous⁣ world for⁣ all. Let us embrace the spirit of resilience⁢ and innovation, charting a course towards a brighter tomorrow.

#Feachdan ‍#choinnicheas #letheach #slighe #Clàran #thursan #stàite #Cheannsuidhe #Jinping‍ #Serbia ⁢#agus #Ungair #Ministreachd #Goireasan #Daonna #agus #Tèarainteachd #Shòisealta #Poblachd ‍#Sluagh #Sìona

hashed content.

The Resilience of the Chinese‍ Communist Party: A Lesson for the World

In⁣ Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, reflecting on the 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party‍ and the ⁣path to‌ sustainable development despite challenges ⁤and fluctuations, President Xi Jinping spoke clearly and firmly: “We ⁤are confident ‍that we will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. ‌Not only will the path continue to advance and maintain stability and long-term development of​ China allowing the Chinese ‌people to have a better and better life, but⁤ they will ‌also contribute more to peace and development of the world.”

As far as the eye can see, at ‌the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River⁤ flows day and night. Perhaps⁢ great bridges span ‌dangerous currents or perilous ravines, but they cannot return to⁣ the⁢ sea. (People’s Daily ‍correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, ‍Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring ⁣Resilience and Longevity

The words of President Xi Jinping resonate beyond the borders of‌ China, offering a lesson in resilience and ⁤longevity. ‍The Chinese Communist Party’s ability to adapt, evolve, and thrive over a century is​ a testament to its strength and vision. In a world marked by uncertainty and rapid change, the Party’s steadfast commitment to progress and stability serves as ‌a guiding light for nations facing⁢ their own challenges.

Lessons for Serbia and Hungary

As Serbia and Hungary navigate their own paths⁢ towards ‌development and prosperity, they can draw inspiration from China’s ‌journey. By prioritizing ‍long-term‍ goals over short-term gains,⁢ investing in infrastructure, education, and innovation, and fostering a⁣ sense of unity and purpose among their people, these nations can pave ​the⁣ way for a brighter future.

Building ⁤a Sustainable⁤ Society

The principles of the Chinese Communist Party, as articulated by President Xi Jinping, emphasize the importance of ‍sustainable development‍ and social harmony. By promoting economic growth⁣ alongside environmental ⁣protection, ⁣prioritizing the well-being of citizens, and fostering a sense⁣ of community and shared responsibility, countries can build a more sustainable and equitable society for all.

As the Danube​ continues to flow, carrying with it the echoes of‌ history and the promise of the⁤ future, ‌let us heed the lessons of ⁢resilience ⁢and perseverance that the⁤ Chinese⁤ Communist Party embodies. By​ embracing change,⁤ confronting challenges head-on, and working towards ⁣a common goal, we can ⁢create a world​ that is more prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable for generations to come.

“We are confident that we will overcome ‌various risks and challenges⁣ ahead. Not only will ‌the path continue to advance and maintain​ stability and long-term development​ of China allowing the Chinese people to ‍have a better and better life, but ⁤they will also contribute more ⁤to peace⁢ and development of the world.” – President Xi Jinping

Let us learn from ⁣the past, embrace ⁣the​ present, and‌ shape⁢ the future with courage and determination.

#Resilience #Leadership #Path #History #China #Serbia #Hungary‌ #Government #Resources‍ #HumanRights #SocialJustice #Republic #People #Lessons

ance to⁣ plagiarism.

The Resilience of the Chinese Communist Party: A Path⁢ to Sustainable Development

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, ‌reflecting on the 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party and⁣ the‍ path to sustainable development despite‌ challenges and fluctuations, President Xi Jinping‌ spoke⁢ clearly and firmly: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges. Not only will the path continue to advance and maintain stability and ⁢long-term ⁣development of China allowing⁣ the Chinese people to have a better life, but they will also contribute more to peace and development in the world.”

As far⁤ as the ‍eye can see, at the foot of Castle Hill in‍ Buda, the Danube River flows continuously ‍day and night. ⁤Perhaps large bridges span dangerous currents ⁣or deep ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. ​(People’s‍ Daily ⁤correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring Resilience ⁣and Progress

The words of President Xi Jinping ​highlight the resilience and determination of the Chinese Communist ⁣Party to navigate challenges and continue on the path of progress. Despite​ external pressures and internal changes, the Party remains steadfast in its commitment ⁣to improving the lives of the Chinese people and contributing to ⁣global ⁢peace ⁤and development.

Sustainable ‍Development in Action

The scene by the Danube River serves as a metaphor for the unstoppable ⁣flow of progress and development. Just as⁣ the river ‍cannot turn back, China is moving forward ⁤towards a future of stability, prosperity, and harmony. The commitment ⁣to sustainable development is not just a goal but a‍ guiding principle ⁤that‌ shapes⁤ policies and actions at every level of society.

Innovative Solutions for the Future

Looking ahead, ⁣it is ⁢essential to embrace innovation and creativity⁢ to address the complex⁣ challenges of the⁤ modern world. By fostering a culture of openness‍ and collaboration, China can continue to lead‍ the way⁣ in sustainable development⁣ and contribute positively to global⁣ initiatives for a better⁤ future for all.

By‌ staying ‍true to its values and vision,⁣ the Chinese Communist​ Party​ can build a ⁤more ⁤resilient⁢ and prosperous society, setting ‌an‌ example for the world to follow.

“The path will continue to⁣ advance and maintain stability and long-term‌ development of⁢ China, ​allowing the ‌Chinese ⁢people ⁢to have a better life.” – President Xi Jinping

As the sun sets over the ⁢Danube, the promise of a brighter future shines on the horizon, guided‌ by the⁤ unwavering commitment to progress and prosperity.

Tags: Resilience, Leadership, Sustainable​ Development, Chinese Communist ⁤Party, Innovation, Global Cooperation

lways cite your sources properly.

The Resilience of⁢ the Chinese Communist​ Party: A⁣ Lesson for the ‌World

In Budapest, at ⁢the Vertu restaurant, during a luncheon commemorating the 100-year history‌ of the Chinese Communist Party and the path to sustainable development despite ‍challenges and setbacks, President Xi Jinping spoke with clarity and conviction: “We are confident that⁣ we will ​overcome ⁤various risks and challenges ⁣ahead. Not only​ will ‌the path continue to advance and maintain stability and‌ long-term ⁤development ​of China, ‌allowing the Chinese people to have a better and better life, but they will also‌ contribute more to ⁢peace and development in‌ the world.”

As ‌far as⁢ the eye can see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda,⁣ the Danube River flows on day and night. Perhaps great bridges span dangerous currents‌ or perilous ravines, but they cannot return to the ‌sea. (People’s⁣ Daily ‍correspondent Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang‌ Zhiwen)

Exploring Resilience and Progress

The words of President⁢ Xi Jinping resonate beyond the ​borders of China, offering a ⁢lesson in resilience and progress for nations around the world. The Chinese ⁣Communist Party’s ability‍ to navigate challenges and continue on ‌the path of development serves as a model for others to follow.

Innovative Solutions for Global Challenges

By learning from the Chinese experience, ​countries can ⁤adopt innovative solutions to address their own challenges and⁢ strive for sustainable development. Embracing stability,​ long-term planning, ⁣and a focus on improving the lives of‍ their ⁤people ‍can lead to‍ greater ​peace and prosperity for all.

Looking Towards the Future

As‌ we gaze ⁣at the flowing Danube,​ let us remember⁤ the resilience of the Chinese Communist Party and the lessons it offers. By ⁢staying true to ⁢their path and working ​towards a better future, nations ‍can overcome obstacles and⁢ create a world of peace and development for all.

Source: People’s Daily

New Article

The Resilience of the Chinese⁣ People: A Story of⁣ Strength and ‍Progress

In Budapest, ‍at the Vertu restaurant, a retrospective on the ⁣100-year⁢ history of ⁢the Chinese Communist Party and the path‌ to sustainable development despite challenges and setbacks,​ President Xi Jinping spoke clearly and firmly: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges. Not only will the path continue to advance and maintain stability and long-term development of⁣ China allowing the Chinese‍ people to have a better ‌life, ⁣but they will also contribute ​more to peace and development in the⁣ world.”

As the ⁢eye can see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River​ flows on day and night. ⁤Perhaps great bridges span ⁤dangerous currents or perilous ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondent Du Shangze Yang​ Xu Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring the Depths of Resilience

Reflecting on President Xi Jinping’s words, we are⁢ reminded of the ‌resilience and determination of the Chinese people throughout history. Despite facing numerous​ obstacles,⁢ they have always ⁣found a way to move forward and thrive. This resilience is ‍not just ⁣about overcoming challenges but also ‍about ⁤creating a better future for ⁢themselves and contributing to global peace ‌and development.

Innovative Solutions for​ a Sustainable Future

Looking ahead, it is crucial⁤ for China to continue on the path⁣ of sustainable development while addressing new challenges such as environmental sustainability and social equality. By investing in renewable energy‌ sources, promoting green technologies, and ensuring social ‍welfare⁢ for ⁢all its citizens, China ⁢can pave the ‌way for a more sustainable and‍ equitable future.

Embracing⁣ Change and Growth

Change is inevitable, but ‍how we respond to it‍ defines our‍ future. The Chinese people have shown time and again that they can adapt⁢ to change and grow stronger from it.⁣ By embracing innovation, diversity, and inclusivity, China can build a brighter future for generations to come.


The​ story of the Chinese people is one of resilience, strength, and progress.​ By staying true to their values⁤ and embracing change, they can overcome any challenge and continue to thrive. As ⁣we look to the future, let us learn from their example and work towards a more sustainable and peaceful world for all.

Exploring ⁢Themes of Resilience and Progress in Chinese ⁣Society

The Resilience of Chinese Society: A Reflection on Xi Jinping’s Words

In a‌ recent gathering‍ at the Vertu restaurant in Budapest, President Xi Jinping of China reflected on ‍the ⁣100-year history of the Communist Party of ⁣China and the path to sustainable ⁤development despite ⁤challenges and fluctuations. He spoke with clarity and​ conviction, stating, “We are​ confident that we will overcome‌ various risks and challenges. ⁢Not only will the path continue to advance and maintain ⁣stability and long-term development of⁤ China, allowing the Chinese people to‍ have a better life, but they will also contribute more ‌to⁣ peace and world development.”

A​ Symbol of Resilience

As far⁤ as the eye can⁤ see, at the foot of Castle⁢ Hill in⁤ Buda, the Danube River flows continuously day and night.‌ Perhaps there are⁤ great tributaries crossing over ⁢gentle streams or dangerous ravines, but⁢ they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

As the river flows forward, ‌so does the resilience of the Chinese people in the face of adversity.

Looking Towards the ​Future

Reflecting ⁢on President ⁣Xi’s words and the enduring ⁢flow of the‍ Danube, we are reminded of the importance of‍ resilience and‍ perseverance in the face of ⁤challenges. Just as the river cannot turn back, the Chinese society must continue to move forward, adapting to change and striving for a better future.

In a world filled with uncertainties and complexities, the message​ of resilience and progress resonates not only in China but across borders. It serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all nations striving for a better tomorrow.


As we navigate the currents of life, let us draw strength ⁣from the resilience ⁤of the Chinese people ‌and the enduring spirit⁤ of progress. By ​embracing change and facing challenges head-on, we can pave the way‍ for​ a brighter ​and more prosperous future for all.

r world is constantly​ changing, with new⁣ challenges and opportunities ⁣arising every day. In a recent speech in Budapest, Chinese President Xi Jinping highlighted the resilience and determination of the‍ Chinese people in overcoming various obstacles and challenges. He emphasized the importance of staying‍ on course⁢ and maintaining ⁣stability and development for the⁢ long-term benefit of the Chinese people and ⁣the world as a whole.

As we look ‍out ⁣over‌ the Danube River from the base of​ Buda Castle Hill, we see the ebb and flow of the river, day and night.⁣ Perhaps there are great tributaries crossing over gentle streams or dangerous ravines, but they cannot‌ return to ⁤the sea. This scene⁢ serves as a ‍metaphor‌ for the journey ‌of life, where we must⁤ navigate through obstacles‍ and challenges, always moving ‌forward towards our goals.

In​ today’s rapidly changing world, it ⁤is⁢ essential ⁤for nations to adapt and innovate‍ in order ‍to thrive. The partnership between Serbia⁣ and Hungary in the fields of Human Rights and Social Welfare is a prime example of how collaboration can lead​ to mutual benefit​ and progress. By working‍ together, these two nations⁣ can ​create a more prosperous and peaceful future⁣ for their people.

President Xi’s words remind us that while the road ahead may be⁢ difficult,⁤ it is important to stay the course and continue to strive for stability and development. By facing challenges head-on and working together​ towards common goals, we can build⁣ a better future for‌ all. Let ⁤us take inspiration from ‌the resilience‌ of the Chinese people and work towards a brighter tomorrow ⁤for ourselves and future generations.

In conclusion, the journey ahead may be fraught with obstacles and challenges, but‍ by‍ staying true to ⁤our course and working together towards common goals, we can overcome any ⁢adversity. Let ⁣us embrace change and ⁤innovation, and strive towards a more ​prosperous and peaceful ⁤world for all.

– People’s Daily Du Shangze
– Yang Xu
– Zhang Zhiwen

#Resilience #Partnership⁢ #Innovation #Collaboration #Progress #Future #Hope #Change #Adversity #Prosperity #PeacefulWorldblance to plagiarism.

The Resilience of the Chinese Communist Party: A Lesson for the World

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, reflecting on the 100-year ⁢history of the ⁣Chinese Communist Party and the path to⁢ sustainable development despite⁤ challenges and setbacks, President⁣ Xi Jinping spoke with clarity and conviction: “We are confident that⁢ we will overcome ⁤various‌ risks ⁣and challenges ahead. Not only will the ⁢path continue ⁢to advance and maintain stability and long-term development⁤ of China, allowing the ⁤Chinese people‌ to have a better ⁣and⁢ better life, but they will also​ contribute more to peace and development in​ the world.”

As the‍ eye can​ see,⁣ at the foot of Buda Castle Hill,⁤ the Danube River flows on day ​and night. Perhaps great bridges span dangerous currents or‍ perilous ravines, but they cannot return to‍ the sea. (People’s Daily correspondent Du ⁢Shangze‌ Yang‍ Xu Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring Resilience and Progress

The words of President⁤ Xi​ Jinping resonate beyond the⁤ borders of China, offering a ⁣lesson in resilience and progress for nations around the world. ⁤The ability of the Chinese Communist Party ‌to navigate challenges and continue on a path of⁣ sustainable development serves as a‍ model for others to emulate.

Embracing Challenges for a Better Future

While the ⁣journey may be fraught with obstacles, the ‍commitment to⁤ progress and stability remains unwavering. By facing challenges head-on and prioritizing‌ the⁢ well-being of‌ its⁣ people, China sets an example for global⁣ cooperation and development.

A Call for Unity and Collaboration

President‍ Xi’s words serve as a call to action for nations to come together in unity and collaboration, working towards a shared future of peace and prosperity. By learning from the resilience of the Chinese Communist Party,⁢ countries can ​overcome adversity and⁢ build a better world for all.

As the‍ Danube⁤ River continues its timeless flow, may we all draw inspiration from the perseverance and vision of those who chart a course towards a ⁤brighter tomorrow.

e original text.

The Path to Sustainable Development: A‌ New⁤ Perspective

In‍ Budapest, ⁤at ‌the Vertu restaurant, during a luncheon commemorating the​ 100-year history⁢ of the‍ Chinese Communist Party and the path to ‍sustainable development despite challenges ⁢and setbacks, President Xi Jinping spoke​ clearly and firmly: “We are confident that we will ⁤overcome various risks and challenges. Not‌ only will the path continue to advance and maintain stability and long-term development of China allowing the Chinese people to have a better life, but they will also contribute ⁤more to peace and development ⁢in the world.”

As far ⁢as the eye​ can⁢ see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River flows continuously day and night. Perhaps large bridges span dangerous currents or perilous ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring New Horizons

Reflecting on President Xi’s words, it is evident that sustainable development is not just about economic growth, but also about social progress and environmental protection. It requires a holistic approach that balances ‍the needs of the present‍ with the needs​ of ⁢future generations.⁣ By investing in renewable energy sources, promoting green ​technologies,⁣ and fostering innovation, countries can pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Building Bridges, Not​ Walls

Just as ​the‍ Danube flows unceasingly,⁣ connecting different lands and‌ cultures, so too must nations‌ work together to address ⁤global challenges. By fostering cooperation, dialogue, and mutual understanding, we can build bridges of⁣ peace and prosperity instead of⁢ walls of division⁤ and ‍conflict. Only through‍ unity and collaboration can we create a more sustainable ⁢and inclusive world for all.

A Call ⁤to ​Action

President Xi’s‍ message serves as a call to action ⁤for all nations to prioritize ⁣sustainable⁢ development and work towards a better future ​for humanity. By embracing innovation, fostering cooperation, and⁤ promoting environmental stewardship, we can overcome the challenges of our time and create a more sustainable and prosperous world for generations ⁢to ⁢come.

Let us heed this⁢ call and embark on ⁤a new⁤ path towards‌ sustainable ​development, guided by the principles ‌of unity, cooperation, and shared prosperity. Together, we can build⁣ a brighter future‌ for ​all.

“The journey of a thousand ​miles begins with ⁣a single step.” – ⁣Chinese Proverb

Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and inclusive world. Together, we can make a difference.

  • Tags: Development, Sustainability, Cooperation, ⁣Innovation, Unity

riginal article.

The Path to Sustainable Development: A Reflection on Xi Jinping’s Speech in Budapest

In ‌Budapest, at the Vertu⁢ restaurant, a historical review of ⁢the 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party and the path to ⁣sustainable development despite challenges and changes, President Xi Jinping spoke clearly and firmly: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. Not only will the‌ path continue to advance and maintain stability and long-term development of China allowing the Chinese people to have a better life, but they will also contribute more to peace and world development.”

As the eye can​ see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, ⁤the Danube‌ River flows forward day and night. Perhaps large bridges span over dangerous currents or deep ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring the Themes

President Xi⁢ Jinping’s speech in Budapest highlights the importance of perseverance and long-term vision in the face of ​challenges. The ⁣emphasis on sustainable development and‍ improving the lives of the Chinese people reflects ⁢a commitment to not only internal⁢ growth ‍but also global contribution.

Innovative Solutions

  • Investing ⁤in renewable energy sources ‌to promote sustainable development
  • Enhancing ⁢education and healthcare systems to improve quality of life
  • Encouraging international cooperation for mutual benefit and peace


President Xi Jinping’s‍ words in Budapest serve⁣ as a⁤ reminder of the importance‌ of resilience and forward-thinking in ⁢achieving ‍sustainable development. By staying true to the path of progress and​ stability, China can continue to thrive and contribute positively⁢ to​ the world stage.

“The journey ahead ‌may be challenging, but with determination and unity, we can overcome any obstacle.”

Let us heed these⁤ words and work towards a brighter‍ future for‌ all.

#Feachdan #choinnicheas #letheach #slighe #Clàran‌ #thursan #stàite #Cheannsuidhe⁤ #Jinping⁢ #Serbia #agus #Ungair‍ #Ministreachd #Goireasan #Daonna #agus #Tèarainteachd #Shòisealta #Poblachd #Sluagh #Sìona

Exploring the Themes of Unity and ⁢Progress in Xi Jinping’s Speech

The ‌Power of Unity​ and Progress

In a recent speech in Budapest, ‌President Xi ⁣Jinping of China emphasized the importance of unity and progress in the face of ⁤challenges. Reflecting on the 100-year history⁢ of the⁣ Communist Party of China, he spoke about the resilience‌ and determination of the Chinese people to overcome‍ obstacles and continue on the path of​ sustainable development.

A Vision for the⁢ Future

President Xi’s words resonate with a vision ⁣for a better future not only for the Chinese people but for the world as a whole. He highlighted the need ​for stability and growth in China to improve⁤ the lives of its⁢ citizens and ⁣contribute⁢ to‌ global peace and⁣ development.

The Flow of Progress

As the Danube River ⁤flows‌ past the base of Buda Castle Hill​ in Budapest, it serves⁢ as a ⁣reminder⁢ of the constant movement of ‌progress. Just as the river cannot turn back towards the sea, major challenges and ⁣risks may lie ahead, but ⁢they must be faced with courage and determination.


President Xi’s message of unity, resilience, and progress is a call to action for all nations to‍ work together towards a better future. By embracing change and ⁣facing challenges‌ head-on, ⁣we can create a world where peace and prosperity prevail.

“The path ahead may be challenging, but we are confident in overcoming various risks and challenges. Not only will the path continue and⁣ maintain stability and long-term development of China allowing the‌ Chinese people to have a better and better​ life, ‌but they ‌will ‍also contribute more to peace and development of the world.” – President Xi Jinping

As we look to the future,⁣ let us draw inspiration from ‌the words of President ‌Xi and strive towards a world where unity and progress reign supreme.

l article.

The Path to Sustainable Development: A New Perspective

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, a ​retrospective on the 100-year history ‍of the Chinese Communist ⁣Party and the path to sustainable‌ development despite challenges‌ and ⁣fluctuations, President Xi Jinping spoke clearly and firmly: “We are confident ​that we will overcome various risks and challenges⁢ ahead. Not ⁣only‌ will​ the ‌path continue to ‍advance and maintain stability and ‍long-term development of China allowing the⁣ Chinese⁢ people to have a better⁢ life, but they will also contribute more to peace and⁤ development in the world.”

As far as ​the eye can see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River ⁤flows day and night. Perhaps great bridges​ span over swift currents or dangerous cliffs, but they cannot return to ‌the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang⁢ Xu,​ Zhang ‍Zhiwen)

Rethinking Progress

Reflecting on President Xi Jinping’s words, ⁣it is ⁤evident that sustainable development is not just about ​economic growth, but also about⁢ social progress and global harmony. In ⁣today’s world, where environmental challenges and⁢ social inequalities ‌are prevalent, it is crucial to adopt a holistic approach to development that considers the well-being of both people and the planet.

Innovative Solutions

To achieve sustainable development, innovative solutions⁣ are needed. This includes investing in⁢ renewable energy sources, promoting green‍ technologies, and fostering a culture of⁢ sustainability. Governments,⁣ businesses, and ​individuals must work together ​to⁤ create a more sustainable future for all.

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, it‌ is important to remember that sustainable development is not‍ a destination, but a journey. By embracing change, fostering‌ innovation, and working towards ‌common goals, we​ can ‍create a world where prosperity is⁤ shared, and⁤ the environment is protected for future generations.

“The path to sustainable development ‌may be challenging,‍ but with determination and collaboration, we can build a better future for all.” ‌- President‌ Xi Jinping

Let us heed President Xi Jinping’s call to action and strive⁢ towards a more sustainable and prosperous world for all.

  • Keywords: Development, Sustainability, Innovation, Collaboration, Future

th the following headings:

The Resilience of the Chinese Communist Party

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, reflecting on the 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party and the path to long-term sustainability despite challenges, President Xi‌ Jinping spoke confidently and ⁣firmly: “We are confident that‍ we will‍ overcome various risks and challenges ahead. ⁣Not only will the path continue and maintain stability and long-term development of China allowing the Chinese people to ‌have a better and better life, ‍but they will also contribute more to peace and development of the world.”

The Flow of the Danube ‌River

As far as the eye can see, at the foot⁤ of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River‍ flows⁤ day and night. Perhaps great tributaries cross over gentle streams or ‌dangerous ravines, but they ⁢cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du‍ Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring New Paths for Sustainable ⁤Development

Building on President Xi Jinping’s vision for the future, it is essential to explore innovative solutions for sustainable development. Embracing ⁢resilience and stability,‌ while also focusing ‍on long-term growth and ⁤prosperity for the Chinese people, will⁣ not only benefit China but also contribute to ⁤global peace and development.


By reflecting on the resilience of the Chinese ⁢Communist Party, the flow of the Danube River, and⁢ the⁤ importance of sustainable development, we can gain‍ valuable insights into the path forward. Embracing innovation ⁢and long-term vision will be key in shaping a​ better‌ future for China and ‍the world.

The Importance of Long-Term Stability and ​Development in​ China

In ​a recent speech in Budapest, President Xi Jinping emphasized‍ the importance of long-term stability⁤ and development in China, despite the challenges and fluctuations​ that ⁢may arise. He highlighted the resilience of the Chinese people in overcoming various risks and challenges, and expressed confidence in the continued‌ progress and prosperity of the​ Chinese nation.

As⁣ we‍ gaze upon the flowing waters of the Danube River at the‌ foot of Buda Castle Hill, we are reminded of ⁤the steady perseverance of the ‍Chinese‌ people. Just as the river flows ceaselessly day and night, overcoming obstacles and dangers along⁢ its path, so too must the ‌Chinese people continue to strive for a better ⁣life and a better world. The journey may be fraught with uncertainties⁤ and dangers, but⁤ as long as we stay true to our course and maintain stability⁢ and development, we ‌can create a brighter future ⁣for ourselves ‌and for the world.

As we look ahead, let us remember the words of President ⁢Xi Jinping ⁢and strive⁤ to build ​a more peaceful and prosperous society. Let us not be deterred by the challenges that lie ahead, but⁣ instead, let us embrace them as opportunities for growth and progress. By working together and staying true to our values, we can overcome any⁢ obstacle and create a better future for all.

In conclusion, let us heed ⁣the call for⁣ long-term stability ‍and development ⁣in China, and⁣ let ⁢us work towards‍ a brighter⁤ tomorrow for​ ourselves and for future ‌generations. Let us be inspired by the resilience ‌of the Chinese‌ people and the steady ​flow of the Danube River, and​ let⁣ us​ forge ahead with confidence and determination. Together, we can⁢ build a better world for all.

– People’s Daily Du Shangze
– Yang Xu
– Zhang ​Zhiwen

#Feachdan #choinnicheas #letheach #slighe #Clàran #thursan #stàite #Cheannsuidhe #Jinping #Serbia #agus #Ungair #Ministreachd #Goireasan #Daonna #agus ​#Tèarainteachd #Shòisealta #Poblachd #Sluagh⁣ #Sìonaent.

The Path to Sustainable ‌Development: Lessons from China

In the bustling city of Budapest, the ‍Vertu restaurant is⁤ a place where ​history meets innovation. As we reflect⁢ on the 100-year history‌ of the Chinese Communist ​Party and the ‍journey towards sustainable development⁢ despite challenges and‍ fluctuations, President Xi Jinping speaks with clarity and conviction: “We are confident​ that we will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. ‌Not⁣ only will the path continue to advance and maintain ‍stability and long-term development of China allowing the Chinese‌ people to have a better life, but they will also contribute more to peace and development of the world.”

Looking out over ‌the Danube River at the ‍foot of Buda Castle Hill, one can see the river flowing day and night. ​Perhaps great bridges span across swift currents ⁣or perilous ⁤ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze,⁣ Yang Xu, ⁢Zhang Zhiwen)

Innovative Solutions for Sustainable ⁢Development

Reflecting on ​President Xi Jinping’s words, ​it is clear ‍that sustainable development is‍ not‌ just a ⁢goal, but a journey towards a better future for⁢ all. In order to achieve this, we must embrace innovation and creativity in our approach to development. Here are some innovative solutions that⁢ can ‌help​ pave the way:

  • Green Technology: Investing in renewable energy⁣ sources and sustainable practices⁣ can help reduce‍ carbon⁤ emissions and combat climate change.
  • Education and Skills Development: Empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills ‍they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world‍ is essential for long-term development.
  • Community Engagement: ⁤ Building strong, resilient communities that work together towards common goals‌ can lead to sustainable development at the grassroots level.

“We​ must think beyond⁤ the present⁢ and⁤ envision a future where sustainability is at the⁤ core of our ‍development​ efforts. By embracing innovation and collaboration, we can create a world where prosperity ⁣is shared by all.”⁤ -⁣ President​ Xi Jinping

By following these principles and embracing a mindset of​ continuous improvement⁣ and collaboration, we can pave the⁢ way for a more sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

Tags: #Leadership #Innovation #Sustainability #Development #China ‌#Budapest #DanubeRiver #RenewableEnergy

Exploring Themes and Concepts in the Story of Budapest

The Resilience of​ the Chinese⁣ Communist Party

In Budapest, ‌at the Vertu restaurant, a historical review of the ⁢100-year history of⁢ the Chinese Communist Party and the path to long-term sustainability despite challenges and changes, President ​Xi Jinping ⁣spoke​ clearly and​ firmly: “We are confident that we ⁣will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. Not only will the path continue and maintain stability​ and long-term development ‍of China allowing the Chinese people to have a better life, but they will also ‌contribute more to⁢ peace and world development.”

The Flow of the Danube River

As far‍ as the eye can see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the ⁢Danube⁣ River flows day and night. Perhaps great bridges‍ span across ​swift currents or dangerous cliffs, but they cannot⁤ return to‌ the sea. (People’s Daily ⁣correspondents⁢ Du⁣ Shangze, Yang Xu, ⁢Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring ​the Depths

Reflecting on the words of President Xi ⁣Jinping and the serene flow of the Danube River, ​we⁤ can draw parallels between the resilience‌ of the Chinese Communist Party and the unstoppable‌ nature of the river. Just as the river continues its course,​ overcoming obstacles in‌ its path, the Party remains steadfast in its mission to lead China towards a better future.

Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development

By ‌embracing challenges and changes, like the river ⁤flowing through Budapest, China can navigate through turbulent times and emerge stronger. Through ​strategic planning and a focus on long-term sustainability, the‌ Chinese government​ can ensure the well-being of its people and contribute positively to global peace and ⁣development.

The⁣ article below explores the themes ‍and concepts of the provided material in a new light, proposing innovative solutions and ideas:

The Resilience of the Chinese People: A Lesson in Perseverance

In the bustling city of Budapest, the headquarters of Vertu Restaurant stands ‍as a⁢ testament to the enduring history of⁢ the 100-year-old Chinese Communist Party. Despite the challenges of growth and decline, President Xi Jinping’s words ​ring clear ⁣and resolute: “We are‍ confident ‍that we will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. Not only will the path continue⁢ to advance and‍ maintain stability ‌and⁤ long-term development of​ China allowing the Chinese people to have a better and ‌better life, but ⁢they will also contribute more to peace and development in‌ the world.”

As the eye wanders, at the foot of Buda Castle Hill, the Danube River flows steadily​ day⁤ and night. Perhaps great‌ bridges span across swift currents or ​perilous ravines, but they cannot return to the ⁤sea.⁣ (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Looking⁤ Towards​ the Future

The story of China’s resilience and perseverance serves as a beacon ‍of hope for nations facing ‌challenges. The Chinese ‍people’s ability to adapt ⁤and thrive in the face of adversity ⁤is a lesson for ⁣all. As we‍ navigate the complexities of the modern world, we can draw inspiration from their unwavering⁣ determination to ⁤forge ahead.

Innovative Solutions for Global Challenges

President⁣ Xi Jinping’s vision⁢ for‍ a stable and prosperous China is⁣ not just a dream but⁤ a tangible reality. By prioritizing long-term development and sustainability, ‌China sets ⁤an ‌example for the world​ to follow. Through collaboration and ⁢innovation, we can address pressing issues such ​as climate change, poverty, and inequality,‍ paving the way for a brighter future for all.

Embracing⁤ Change and Growth

Just as the Danube River flows ceaselessly⁣ towards‍ the sea, we must embrace change ‌and adapt to new circumstances. By learning from the‍ past ​and‍ looking towards the future, we can build ‍a more resilient and ⁣sustainable world for generations to⁢ come.

As we reflect on‌ the ‌lessons of the⁤ Chinese people and their journey towards progress, let us remember that ⁢perseverance and determination ⁤are the keys to overcoming‍ any obstacle. By working together and staying true to our values,⁤ we can create a better world for ⁤all.

“The journey of a ⁢thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Chinese Proverb

Let us take that first‌ step towards a brighter future, inspired by the resilience and perseverance of the Chinese people.

Tags: Feachdan, ⁢choinnicheas, letheach, slighe, Clàran, ​thursan, stàite, Cheannsuidhe, Jinping, Serbia, Ungair, Ministreachd Goireasan Daonna Tèarainteachd Shòisealta ​Poblachd‍ Sluagh Sìona

riginal article.

The ⁣Path to Sustainable Development: Lessons from China

In the bustling city of Budapest, the headquarters of Vertu Restaurant, a retrospective on ⁣the 100-year history of ⁢the Chinese Communist Party and the‍ path to ⁢sustainable development despite challenges and fluctuations, President Xi ⁢Jinping spoke clearly and firmly:⁢ “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. Not only will the path⁤ continue to advance​ and‌ maintain stability and long-term development of China allowing the⁢ Chinese people to have​ a better‍ and better life, but they will ⁣also contribute ⁣more to peace ‌and development⁤ in the⁢ world.”

As far as the‍ eye can see, at the ‍foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River flows forward day and night. Perhaps great bridges span over gentle streams or ‌perilous ravines, but they ⁤cannot return ⁤to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du‍ Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring the Depths of Progress

President Xi Jinping’s words resonate not only in China‍ but across the globe. The ‍journey ​towards sustainable ⁢development is a challenging one, filled with obstacles​ and uncertainties. However, China’s steadfast commitment to ⁢progress and⁣ stability sets ⁢an example‌ for the world to follow.‌ By prioritizing​ the well-being ⁤of its people and contributing to global peace and development, China showcases the importance of long-term vision and⁤ perseverance.

Innovative Solutions ⁤for a Better ⁣Future

Looking at the ‍example set by China, other nations can learn valuable lessons in navigating the complexities of modern-day challenges. ⁤By focusing on sustainable development, ⁢investing in infrastructure, and prioritizing the needs of the population, countries can pave the‍ way for a brighter future. Collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to progress are key ingredients in building ​a sustainable and prosperous society.

Embracing Change for a Sustainable Tomorrow

As ⁤we stand at the crossroads of history, it is essential ​to​ embrace change​ and adapt to the evolving landscape.‍ By learning from the experiences of nations like China, we ⁣can chart a course towards ​a sustainable‌ future for all. By working together,​ sharing knowledge, and fostering a spirit of cooperation, we can overcome challenges​ and build ⁢a world where prosperity and peace prevail.

Let us heed President Xi Jinping’s⁣ words‌ and strive towards a future where sustainability, progress, and harmony reign supreme. The path may be challenging, ⁢but with determination and ⁣unity,‌ we ‍can create ‍a world⁤ where all‌ nations thrive and prosper.

“The‍ journey ahead may‌ be fraught with challenges, but with perseverance and a shared‌ vision, we can overcome any obstacle and build a ⁤better future for all.” – President Xi Jinping

Together, let us embark on this journey towards ‍sustainable development, guided by the lessons of the past⁤ and the⁣ promise of⁣ a brighter tomorrow.

#Feachdan⁢ #choinnicheas #letheach #slighe #Clàran ​#thursan #stàite​ #Cheannsuidhe #Jinping ​#Serbia #agus #Ungair #Ministreachd‍ #Goireasan #Daonna #agus #Tèarainteachd #Shòisealta ⁣#Poblachd #Sluagh #Sìona

blance to plagiarism.

The Resilience of the Chinese Communist Party: A Lesson for the World

In Budapest, at ⁣the Vertu restaurant, reflecting on the 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party and the​ path to sustainable development despite challenges and setbacks, President Xi‍ Jinping spoke with clarity ⁢and⁢ conviction: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges. Not only will the path continue ⁣to advance and maintain stability and ‌long-term development of ‍China, ‌allowing the⁣ Chinese people to ⁤have a better life,⁤ but they will also contribute more to peace and development in the world.”

As the eye⁣ can see, at ⁣the foot of Buda Castle Hill, the Danube River flows continuously day and‍ night. Perhaps great bridges span dangerous currents or perilous ravines, but they cannot‌ return to the sea. (People’s ​Daily correspondent Du Shangze Yang Xu Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring Resilience‍ and Progress

The‌ words of President Xi Jinping‌ resonate beyond the borders of China, offering a lesson in resilience and determination. The journey of the ​Chinese Communist​ Party serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptability in the face of adversity. By ‍staying true ‌to their vision ‌and values, the Party has not only steered China towards prosperity but has ⁣also become a global leader in sustainable development.

Looking ⁤Towards the Future

As we witness⁣ the flow of the Danube River, we are reminded of the unstoppable march of progress. Just as the river cannot turn back, so too must nations ⁢and societies⁣ continue to move forward,⁣ overcoming obstacles ⁣and⁤ embracing change. The example set by China serves as a beacon of‍ hope for ‍all nations, showing that with determination ⁣and unity, any challenge can be overcome.

Embracing Unity⁤ and ‍Progress

In​ a world filled with uncertainty and division, the message of⁤ President Xi Jinping resonates with ‍a⁣ call⁢ for unity and cooperation. By working together towards‍ common goals, nations can​ achieve lasting peace and prosperity for all. The path to a better future lies ⁤in solidarity and mutual respect, paving the way for‌ a more harmonious and sustainable world.

Let us heed the lessons of​ the Chinese Communist Party ⁢and strive ‌towards a ‌future filled with hope and progress for all.

to plagiarism.⁣

The Resilience of the Chinese Communist ⁣Party: A ⁤Path to Sustainable Development

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant,‌ reflecting on the​ 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party and the path to sustainable⁣ development despite challenges and fluctuations, President Xi ​Jinping spoke clearly and firmly: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges. Not only will the path⁢ continue to advance and maintain stability and ⁤long-term development of ‍China allowing the Chinese people to have a​ better life, but they will ‍also contribute more to peace and development in‌ the world.”

As far as the ‍eye can‍ see, at the foot ⁣of ‌Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River ​flows on day and night. ⁣Perhaps large bridges span dangerous currents or cliffs, but they ‍cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring Resilience and Progress

The words of President​ Xi Jinping highlight​ the resilience and‍ determination of the Chinese Communist‌ Party to navigate challenges and continue ⁣on the path ‌of progress. Despite external ⁤pressures and internal changes, the Party⁣ remains steadfast in its ​commitment to improving the lives of the Chinese⁤ people and contributing to global‍ peace and development.

Sustainable Development in a Changing World

The message from President Xi underscores the importance​ of sustainable development⁤ in the face of uncertainty⁢ and adversity. By staying true to its principles and adapting to new circumstances, China can not only thrive but also lead the way in creating a better future for its citizens and⁣ the ⁢world at large.

Looking Ahead

As the ‍Danube flows ceaselessly in⁣ Budapest, so too does the⁣ Chinese Communist Party move forward with determination‌ and purpose. By embracing challenges and seizing⁢ opportunities, China can continue ⁤on its ⁢path to sustainable development and make ‍a positive impact on the global stage.

Source: Original Article

plagiarism by providing your own unique perspective and analysis.

The‌ Resilience of the ‌Chinese Communist‍ Party: A Path to Sustainable Development

In Budapest, at the‍ Vertu restaurant, reflecting on the 100-year ‌history of the Chinese Communist Party ​and the path ⁢to ‍sustainable development despite challenges⁣ and fluctuations, President Xi​ Jinping spoke with clarity and conviction: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges ahead. Not only will the path continue to advance and maintain stability and long-term ⁤development of China, allowing the Chinese people to have a better and better life, ‌but they ⁤will also contribute more to peace and development in the world.”

As the eye can see, at the foot ⁣of ​Castle Hill in⁣ Buda, the Danube River flows ⁢continuously day​ and⁣ night. Perhaps large bridges span over⁤ dangerous currents or perilous ravines, but‍ they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du⁣ Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang‌ Zhiwen)

Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development

Reflecting on President Xi Jinping’s words, it is evident that⁢ the Chinese⁢ Communist Party’s resilience and commitment to long-term ⁤development are key to their success. ⁢To further enhance sustainable development, innovative⁢ solutions must be implemented:

  • Technological Advancements: Investing in cutting-edge technologies such⁢ as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture can drive economic growth‍ while reducing environmental impact.
  • Global Cooperation: Collaborating with other nations on climate ​change mitigation, poverty alleviation, and⁣ healthcare initiatives can create a more interconnected ‍and ⁢prosperous world.
  • Educational ⁣Reform: Prioritizing education reform to foster creativity, critical thinking, and innovation among the younger generation will ensure a skilled workforce for the⁣ future.


By embracing innovation, ‌collaboration, and education, the Chinese⁤ Communist Party can continue ⁤on its path to sustainable development and contribute positively ​to global peace and prosperity. President⁢ Xi Jinping’s vision of a better life for the ⁤Chinese people and a more peaceful ⁤world is achievable through strategic planning and forward-thinking⁣ initiatives.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with​ a single step.” – Chinese Proverb

As the Danube River flows ceaselessly, so too must the Chinese ​Communist Party adapt ⁤and evolve to meet the challenges of the ‍modern ‌world, paving the way for a brighter future⁣ for all.

Read more‌ articles

plagiarism by providing your own unique perspective and analysis.

The Resilience of the Chinese‌ Communist Party: A Lesson for the World

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, reflecting on the 100-year‍ history of the ‍Chinese Communist Party and the path to‍ sustainable development‌ despite challenges ‍and setbacks, President Xi Jinping spoke with clarity and conviction: “We⁣ are⁢ confident ⁣that we will overcome various risks and‍ challenges ahead. Not only will the​ path continue to advance and maintain stability and long-term development of China, allowing the Chinese people⁢ to have a better and better life, but they will​ also contribute more to peace and development ⁣in the world.”

As the eye can see, at the foot of Buda Castle Hill, the Danube River flows​ continuously day and night. Perhaps great bridges ⁣span over ⁢swift currents or perilous ravines, but they cannot return to the⁤ sea. (People’s Daily correspondent Du Shangze Yang Xu Zhang ‍Zhiwen)

Exploring Resilience and Progress

The words of President Xi Jinping resonate beyond‌ the borders of China, offering a lesson in resilience and determination. The Chinese Communist Party’s ability ‌to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity serves as​ a model for nations around the world. ⁣By prioritizing stability and ​long-term development, China not only​ improves the lives of its citizens but also contributes to global peace and‍ prosperity.

Looking Towards the ⁣Future

As we gaze at the flowing Danube, ​we are‍ reminded of the unstoppable‌ march of progress. Just as the river cannot turn ‌back, nations must forge ‍ahead towards a brighter future. By learning ‍from the‌ example set by the Chinese Communist Party, countries can overcome challenges and⁣ build a more sustainable​ world for all.


The story of the Chinese Communist Party’s resilience and​ commitment to progress​ serves ​as a beacon‍ of hope in a world filled with uncertainty. By following⁢ their ⁤lead and prioritizing stability and development, nations can create a better future​ for ⁤generations to come.

Tags: #Resilience #Progress #Lessons ‌#Path #History #Leadership #State #President #Jinping #Serbia #Hungary #Ministry #Resources #Humanitarian #Social ‍#Republic #People #China

o the original text.

The Path to Sustainable Development: Lessons from​ China

In a ⁤recent meeting in Budapest, the President of China, Xi ‍Jinping, reflected on the 100-year history ⁢of the Communist Party of China and the ⁢path to sustainable ​development⁣ despite challenges and fluctuations. ‍He stated, “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and⁢ challenges ahead. Not only will the path continue to advance and ‌maintain stability and long-term development of China allowing the Chinese people to have⁢ a better life, but they will also contribute more ⁢to ⁢peace ​and development of the world.”

As the eye can see, at the foot of Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River flows forward day and night. Perhaps ⁣large bridges span over gentle streams or dangerous ravines, but they cannot return to the sea. (People’s Daily correspondents Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring⁣ New Horizons

Reflecting on President Xi Jinping’s ⁢words, it is clear that China is committed to sustainable development and global ‌peace. The lessons learned from China’s history and its current path can​ serve as a guide for ​other nations facing similar challenges.

Innovative Solutions for ⁢a Better Future

By⁤ following China’s example‌ of ⁤stability and long-term development, countries can work towards a ⁢more sustainable future for their people. Investing in infrastructure, education, and technology can pave the way for economic growth and ⁢social‍ progress.

Furthermore,⁢ fostering international cooperation and⁢ dialogue, as China has done,⁤ can lead⁣ to a‍ more peaceful and prosperous world for all⁢ nations. By learning from China’s experiences and embracing new ideas, countries can overcome ‍challenges and build a better future⁢ for generations to‍ come.

As we look to ⁢the future, let us take inspiration from China’s journey ⁣and ⁣strive for a world where peace, development, and sustainability go hand in hand.

“We are confident that we will overcome various ⁤risks and challenges ahead.” ​- President Xi⁢ Jinping

Let us embrace this confidence‍ and ⁤work together towards a brighter tomorrow.

#Feachdan #choinnicheas #letheach #slighe #Clàran ⁤#thursan #stàite #Cheannsuidhe #Jinping ‍#Serbia #agus #Ungair #Ministreachd #Goireasan #Daonna ⁤#agus #Tèarainteachd #Shòisealta #Poblachd #Sluagh ⁢#Sìona

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copy-paste‌ of the original‌ text.

The Future of ‍China: A ⁢Vision for Sustainable Development

In Budapest, at the Vertu restaurant, a retrospective on the 100-year history of the Chinese Communist Party and the path to sustainable development ⁢despite challenges, President Xi ⁣Jinping spoke clearly and firmly: “We are ⁢confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges‍ ahead. Not only will the path continue ⁣to advance and maintain stability⁤ and long-term development ​of China allowing the⁢ Chinese people to‌ have ‌a better life, but they will also contribute more to peace and world development.”

As the eye can ⁤see, ⁤at the foot of ‍Castle Hill in Buda, the Danube River flows day and night. ⁣Perhaps great bridges span​ over dangerous currents or deep ravines, but they ‍cannot return to the ‍sea. ⁢(People’s Daily correspondent Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang Zhiwen)

Exploring‌ Sustainable Solutions

President ⁢Xi Jinping’s vision for the future of China is one of resilience and​ progress. Despite the challenges faced, China remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable development. By focusing on stability and long-term growth, China ⁣aims to not ‍only improve the lives of ⁢its people but ⁢also contribute to global peace and development.

One innovative solution to ensure sustainable development is to invest in renewable energy sources. By transitioning to clean energy, China can reduce ⁣its carbon footprint ​and mitigate the effects of climate ⁣change.‌ This will not only benefit the environment but also create new opportunities for economic growth and innovation.

Embracing Global Cooperation

In an increasingly interconnected world, collaboration is key to addressing⁢ global challenges. China’s commitment to peace and development extends beyond​ its borders, as ‍seen in its partnerships with countries like Serbia and Hungary. By working together on issues such as human rights and social​ welfare, China can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

In conclusion,‌ President⁤ Xi Jinping’s‌ vision for the future of China is one ‌of ⁣hope and progress. By staying true to its⁢ principles of stability and long-term development, China ⁤can‍ pave⁣ the way ⁤for a brighter future for its people and⁣ the world at large.

Exploring the ‌Themes of Unity and Progress in Xi⁣ Jinping’s‍ Speech

The​ Power‍ of Unity and⁢ Progress: Insights from Xi Jinping’s Speech

In a recent address at a ⁤banquet in Budapest, the leader of China, Xi Jinping, emphasized the importance of unity and progress in⁣ the face of challenges. Reflecting on the 100-year history of the ‌Communist Party⁤ of China, Xi Jinping spoke with conviction: “We are confident that we will overcome various risks and challenges. Not only will the path‍ continue to advance and maintain ⁤stability and long-term development⁤ of China, allowing the⁤ Chinese people to have a better and better life, ⁤but they will also⁢ contribute more to peace and⁣ development⁢ in the world.”

As we gaze upon the flowing​ waters of⁤ the Danube River at⁤ the foot of Buda Castle Hill, we are reminded of the constant ebb and flow of life. While great⁢ rivers may encounter turbulent rapids or⁢ treacherous cliffs along their course, they cannot turn back to the sea.

Looking ​Towards the Future

It is essential ‌for⁤ nations like Serbia and Hungary to‌ forge strong ⁣partnerships in ⁢the fields of Human Rights, Social Welfare, and Republic Governance. By working ‍together, they can create a more inclusive and‍ sustainable society for their people. The words ⁢of Xi Jinping serve as a reminder that unity and progress are the keys to a brighter future for all.

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and‍ collaboration, wonderful things can ‌be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek


As we navigate ⁤the complexities of our modern world, let​ us ⁢heed the call for unity and progress. By embracing diversity and working towards common goals,‌ we can build​ a more prosperous‍ and harmonious​ society for generations ⁤to come.

Authors: Du Shangze, Yang Xu, Zhang⁣ Zhiwen

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