Home » today » Sport » Wrestling – First Bundesliga – SRC Viernheim ready for the third battle of the season – Bundesliga club ASV Schorndorf expected on Saturday – Waldsporthalle should be “cauldron” again – Derby against Ladenburg for the second team

Wrestling – First Bundesliga – SRC Viernheim ready for the third battle of the season – Bundesliga club ASV Schorndorf expected on Saturday – Waldsporthalle should be “cauldron” again – Derby against Ladenburg for the second team

Photo: SRC Viernheim
Photo: SRC Viernheim

Viernheim (MZ) – This Saturday, October 16, 2021 it’s that time again: The third day of the fight in the wrestling Bundesliga is coming up.

The special thing about it: It is also the third home fight (in a row) that SRC Viernheim has to host. At the same time, it will be the last time in the forest sports hall Viernheim, because then (until December) there are first away fights on the round schedule.

The ASV Schorndorf, the “Spartans”, as the ASV is also called in genre circles, is expected on Saturday. Schorndorf is located in the Stuttgart region, and one can assume that the traditional club will bring many fans to Viernheim. Schorndorf is currently in third place in the table. Top-class and exciting fights are therefore inevitable.

The SRC Viernheim hopes for many spectators who support and cheer their own wrestlers loudly and thus increase their motivation accordingly. As is well known, the physical well-being will again be well catered for on Saturday.

Before that, there will be a derby between “SRC Viernheim 2” and “ASV Ladenburg 2” in the Nordbaden Association League. The second team of the SRC convinced with very strong performances on the previous days of the fight. The Viernheimers go into this derby as leaders of the table, closely followed by the table runner-up from Ladenburg. Here, too, the forest sports hall has to become a “cauldron”. The athletes of the SRC will show everything and expect the same from their fans and spectators.

The line-up in detail:

4.30 p.m .: admission

5.30 p.m .: SRC Viernheim 2 – ASV Ladenburg 2

6.45 p.m.: Open. Weighing in (first team)

7.30 p.m .: SRC Viernheim 1 – ASV Schorndorf

The student combat group Viernheim / Ziegelhausen will not play again until Saturday, October 23rd against KG Ladenburg / Rohrbach – this time in Ziegelhausen.

What applies to spectators & fans?

The new general decree of the Bergstrasse district has been in effect since September 16 (referring to the current corona ordinance of the state of Hesse). This allows a maximum of 450 guests to be admitted to the forest sports hall (including holders of honorary cards).

All guests and spectators are seated in the stands. The lower area (around the mats) remains closed. This is the only way to comply with the provisions of the ordinance.

Tickets are available at the box office or at the box office!

Furthermore, the “3G” regulations apply to all viewers!

A digital or printed proof of vaccination / recovered proof and identity card must be brought with you. Alternatively, proof via a rapid test from a test center in the vicinity or a PCR test is sufficient. The rapid test must not be older than 24 hours and the PCR test not older than 48 hours at the time of the visit. The school test booklet also applies to schoolchildren.

Unfortunately, anyone who has neither been vaccinated nor recovered and does not have a test certificate with them cannot be granted entry to the event; The same applies to acute respiratory symptoms.

In principle, the mask requirement and the “AHA” rules apply. The distances of at least 1.5 m (except at the seat) must be observed and queues must be avoided.

The mask can be removed from the seat!

Children under 6 years of age are exempt from these rules (but are not entitled to their own seat). From the age of 6, however, the same conditions apply as for adults.

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