Top wrestlers in India have resumed their protest in Delhi’s Jantar Mantar against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief and BJP MP. The protesters, who had previously called off their protest earlier this year after assurances that a committee would probe the allegations, are accusing Singh of sexually harassing several athletes. The wrestlers are demanding that the police file a complaint against Singh, and they will remain at the protest site until justice is served. Additionally, the protesters are welcoming any party that wishes to support their cause, including the BJP, Congress, AAP, or any other party. Seven women wrestlers have filed a sexual harassment complaint against Singh, but the police have not yet taken action, causing the protestors to continue their agitation day and night until justice is served. The sports ministry had formed a committee to investigate the complaints; the committee submitted its report in the first week of April, but the ministry is yet to make its findings public. Singh has stated that he will not contest the president’s post in the WFI election on May 7, but may look for a new role within the federation after serving three four-year terms as president in a row.