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WP learned that US authorities are discussing new nuclear tests – InoTV

The administration of US President Donald Trump discussed the possibility of conducting the first nuclear test since 1992, which could strengthen the country’s bargaining position against the background of the expiration of START III, reports The Washington Post. Nonetheless, proponents of nuclear nonproliferation warn of the dangers of an unprecedented nuclear arms race.

The administration of US President Donald trump was considering the possibility of conducting the first nuclear test since 1992, reports The Washington Post.

As it became known to the publication from anonymous sources, the question was raised at a meeting of senior officials from departments involved in national security, last Friday, May 15. The reason for discussion was the accusations of administration representatives against Russia and China in conducting tests of low-power nuclear weapons.

According to a source in the Trump administration, a demonstration to Moscow and Beijing of the US’s abilityconduct quick tests“Could be useful from the point of view of negotiations against the background of Washington’s desire to conclude a tripartite agreement on nuclear arms control.

It is noted that the meeting ended without any decision on the issue of testing. Sources familiar with the discussion noted serious disagreements about this idea at the National Nuclear Safety Administration.

However, according to one source, it was ultimately decided to take other measures “in response to threats emanating from Russia and China, and to avoid the resumption of testing“.

According to The Washington Post, the test, if carried out “will have far-reaching consequences for relations with other nuclear powers and cancel the long-term moratorium on such actions“.

The publication recalls that the United States has not conducted nuclear tests since September 1992. Supporters of nuclear non-proliferation have repeatedly warned that their resumption may have “destabilizing effects“.

This would be an invitation for other nuclear-weapon countries to follow suit. It would usher in an unprecedented nuclear arms race. It would also lead to a breakdown in negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who probably no longer considered himself obligated to comply with a moratorium on nuclear tests.“Said Daryl Kimball, director of the Arms Control Association.

Earlier, the US said it was considering extending the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which expires in 2021. However, the Trump administration proposes to include China in the negotiations on START III. They have so far stated that they are not interested in such negotiations.

However, as The Washington Post notes, Kimball pointed out the dangers of trying to persuade Beijing to join the agreement through nuclear testing.

If this administration believes that a nuclear explosion and balancing on the brink of a nuclear conflict will force negotiation partners to make unilateral concessions, this is a dangerous undertaking“, The expert warned.

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