Home » today » Health » Wow, from January to July there were 355 cases of dengue fever in Gunungkidul

Wow, from January to July there were 355 cases of dengue fever in Gunungkidul

MOUNTAIN KIDULiNews, id – Cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) in Gunungkidul is quite high. From January to July 2022, there were 355 cases recorded in the easternmost district in DIY.

“DHF cases from January to July 2022 are higher than 2021 with the same timeframe, namely 189 recorded dengue cases,” said Head of the Gunungkidul Health Service, Dewi Irawaty in Gunungkidul, Monday (1/8/2022).

Dewi Irawaty reported that the highest cases occurred in January with 139 patients, then gradually decreased in the following months.

According to him, the handling of DHF still adheres to the 3M Plus principle. This principle includes the activities of burying, draining, closing, to the use of Abate powder.

However, Dewi admits that there are still people who tend to ignore this principle. That’s why, it continues to intensively conduct outreach to the community.

“This includes keeping the environment clean, to prevent the formation of mosquito nests,” he said.

Editor : Ainun Najib

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