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Wounds like this appear on the legs, a sign of too high blood sugar

Monday, April 4, 2022 – 11:27 WIB

VIVADiabetes is closely related to a number of skin complications caused by a weakened immune defense. However, the disease manifests in a variety of ways, making diagnosis difficult.

However, lesions or diabetic wound may be the most easily recognizable, because of the unique shape and color.

Diabetes occurs when the body is no longer able to convert sugar into energy, causing a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. Addressing this problem is the key to preventing complications.

However, warning signs can be rare and difficult to spot, so many cases are caught too late. Although prolonged wound healing also occurs in people who are not diabetic, the resulting lesions control blood sugar bad ones can appear with different appearances.

Cited page ExpressAccording to Harvard Health, contusions occur when some kind of injury tears tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, which then bleed under the skin’s surface. While it’s often the result of injury, a number of chronic conditions can cause microscopic tears under the skin.

Leaving high blood sugar levels uncontrolled is the best known precursor to bruising, because blood vessels and glucose interact dangerously. However, at an advanced stage, this condition can trigger diabetic dermopathy, in which lesions tend to form on bony parts of the body, such as the leg bones.

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