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Wounded agents, devastated steering wheel: the antagonistic hatred on the Foibe in Turin

Moments of tension atuniversity of Turin. This afternoon some activists from the social centers attacked some agents, injuring two of them, and devastated first the classroom Paolo Borsellino del Fuan (University Action) and then a steering wheel. The parapiglia broke out when the collectives attempted to force the cordon of the police to reach the Fuan classroom dedicated to Paolo Borsellino, where some right-wing students were flying in protest against the convention considered “justificationist” of the sinkholes. The antagonists broke the door and devastated the classroom. The position of the 4 stopped is being examined. The riots with the police broke out at the Einaudi Campus of the University of Turin on the occasion of the conference “Fascism-Colonialism-Foibe”. The antagonists allegedly attempted the blitz inside the Borsellino room. Then, after the umpteenth assault, clashes broke out which, as mentioned, led to the injury of three officers of the Digos present on the spot.

And on this episode the parliamentary of Fratelli d’Italia, Augusta Montarulli intervened who asks a question for the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese: “It is very serious that the social centers in Turin could assault a Fuan banquet in defense of the martyrs of the Foibe, It is very serious that the same characters can then devastate a classroom dedicated to the memory of Paolo Borsellino, and finally clash with the police injuring four agents “. Montaruli herself announced a question to the Minister of the Interior “to ask for an account of how in a public university social centers can afford to organize justification conferences on the Foibe and attack students who remember the martyrdom of the Italians who are in need and law enforcement “. “The prefect should take immediate action,” he added. And in fact, what happened in Turin is only the latest in a series of episodes that stained the day of memory for the victims of the Foibe. Also this year the red hatred has littered an anniversary that apparently is not well digested by the extreme banks of the left. Just remember the outrage to the gravestones in memory of the Italians massacred in the sinkholes at Casa Monferrato and in Pomezia. Now the “kompagni” have raised the bar and in their hate storm they have also targeted Turin police officers who were on duty on the campus of the University of Turin.

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