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Would Dinosaurs Still Exist If Asteroids Didn’t Hit Earth?

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – According to new research, the dinosaurs would have lived on Earth for many more years, if a large asteroid had not hit the planet and wiped it out. BBC, Thursday (5/8/2021).

During the asteroid impact, 66 million years ago, dinosaur are the dominant land animals that live all over the world. Studies from the University of Bath and the Natural History Museum say they can continue to dominate if the impact crashes asteroid not occur.

Previous research by scientists suggested the number of dinosaurs had continued to decline and some theories suggested that a volcanic eruption would have been a difficult condition for dinosaurs to continue living.

Joe Bonsor, a PhD student at the Natural History Museum, says new research suggests dinosaurs could have lived just fine.

“What we’ve found is that dinosaurs are still dominant. They’re still widespread and they’re still doing fine,” explains Joe.

“If the impact of the asteroid had never happened, then they would not have died and would have continued their lives.”

Scientists have found that several groups of dinosaurs, such as the duck-billed hadrosaurs and horned ceratopsians, thrived and were widespread.

They were also food for large predators such as tyrannosaurs, meaning these carnivores would have had ample food stocks.

“Previous studies by others have used various methods to draw the conclusion that dinosaurs would have gone extinct as their numbers declined towards the end of the Cretaceous period,” says Bonsor, explaining that scientists previously made their conclusions by looking at the fossil record to find out what species existed at the time. that.

However, only a small part of the dinosaurs at that time lived and turned into fossil. So, for this study, scientists looked at the dinosaur group more broadly.

“We show that if we expand the data set to include the most recent dinosaur family tree and a wider range of dinosaur types, the results do not actually lead to this conclusion, in fact only about half of it,” he said.

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video-gallery--item__video-caption_read-video-article">A dinosaur in fossil form found in Montana, United States. This dinosaur fossil is believed to be one of the most complete fossils aged 67 years.

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