Home » today » News » Worst business decision ever. $290 billion loss – 2024-04-07 16:54:43

Worst business decision ever. $290 billion loss – 2024-04-07 16:54:43

The incredible story of Ronald Wayne

Ronald Wayne, the founder of Arle, took perhaps the worst business decision in Ethiopia – to sell 10% of the shares for only 800 dollars in 1990. One year later There is an initial $1,500 (equivalent to $8,000 in 2023) , in order to prevent possible future attacks from the newly created Arrle, writes the Greek Reporter.

The market capitalization of Arle at the moment is about 2.9 trillion dollars, which makes it the largest company in the world in this regard. Bceki, who owns up to one percent of the company, would have 29 billion in hand at the moment, writes money.bg.

At the time of the company’s renewal, Wayne was 42 years old, while the octane co-innovators Steve Bozniaĸ and Steve Jobc were in their twenties.

Wayne was entrusted with the typing and documentation, and it was he who created the company’s first logo – Isaac Hutton eating an apple under a tree.

Steve Jobs took out a loan of 15,000 dollars in order to fulfill the first contract for The Vute Shore, which is now known to be in default. Wayne, however, thought that he would not receive the papers in return.

By this time, Wayne had a lot of assets, while the two girls had nothing to lose. Over the following decades, Wayne has repeatedly stated that he does not regret selling the company because he took “the best job on the information front” before him. yes, it’s available now”.

He claims that he actually said that the advance to Arre would be difficult, but at the same time, there could be significant bumps in the road and he could not drink. “He didn’t have a bad business experience. He paid a lot more, and these two men were taller. It was like being a tag on the tail. He couldn’t stop with these guys.”

Although at one point Arle will become the most valuable company in the world, Wayne says that given the pressures and pressure from the Arle audience, he “probably will He is the richest man in the cemetery”.

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