Home » today » News » “Worrying indications” for Biden in a new poll – 2024-03-03 00:36:00

“Worrying indications” for Biden in a new poll – 2024-03-03 00:36:00

Joe Biden is losing ground to his Republican opponent Donald Trumpwho has the lead in a poll published today by the New York Times newspaper that contains “disturbing signs” for the current US president among some Democratic voters.

The release of this poll comes eight months before the November elections and four days before “Super Tuesday,” the critical date when 15 states hold their primary elections, both Democratic and Republican, simultaneously. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are almost certain to be nominated by their respective parties.

If voters were to vote today to elect their president, 43% would vote for Biden and 48% for Trumpaccording to this national poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College.

Although the 81-year-old Democratic president keeps stressing, with data, that the economy is doing well, “only one in four voters believe the country is headed in the right direction,” while “a majority of voters believe the economy is doing badly,” according to with the newspaper.

This poll reveals “a series of troubling indications for the president, weaknesses within the Democratic camp, especially among women, black and Hispanic voters,” as well as among workers, writes the New York Times.

Despite his numerous problems with the judiciary, Trump’s control of the Republican Party instead gives a “more united” camp: the former president “wins 97% of the vote of those who say they voted for him four years ago and virtually none of his old supporters did not say that he wants to vote for Mr. Biden.”

On the contrary, “Mr. Biden gathers only 83% of those who voted for him in 2020, while 10% of them declare that they now support Mr. Trump”, adds the New York Times.

In addition to the economy, the age of the 81-year-old President Biden, as well as his steadfast support for Israel, which is at war in Gaza, also explain the malaise among a part of the Democratic electorate.

In November, the New York Times they had released a poll a year before the presidential election in which Trump was already ahead of Biden in five of six key states, with the Democratic president losing ground among young people and minorities.

Source: RES-MPE

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