Home » today » News » Worrying increase in infections in Granada with the worst data since the end of November | Radio Granada

Worrying increase in infections in Granada with the worst data since the end of November | Radio Granada

Worrying spike in infections in Granada. Three Kings Day leaves us no less than 309 new positives for covid in the province and the rebound in hospital pressure detected since January 3 is confirmed.

The report of this January 6 reports no less than 19 new hospital admissions and four more deaths; and these 309 positives. It is the worst contagion data since the end of November, which may indicate that we are advancing in the third wave of covid in this province.

In the hospitals we have 176 patients admitted on January 6, five more than on Tuesday. It is the worst data in a week. There are 45 occupied beds in the ICU, five fewer than the day before.

The Montillana City Council has asked its neighbors for voluntary confinement due to the rise in positives in this municipality of Los Montes, which has an incidence rate of 1,177. The neighboring town of Torre Cardela has a rate of 1,222.

In the entire province, 12 municipalities present a rate higher than 500. Of these, Lanteira, and the aforementioned Montillana and Torre Cardela present a rate higher than 1,000 cases accumulated in two weeks per 100,000 inhabitants.

The Ministry of Health continues this Wednesday with the vaccination process against covid. Because it is a holiday, the process only continues in health centers. It is expected that this Thursday, the vaccination ends in residences and centers for the elderly in the province.

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