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Wormwood gets rid of bloating

Wormwood has been used since ancient times for its healing effects. Because it can become toxic if you do not follow the doses, it is good to follow wormwood treatments only on the doctor’s prescription.

Wormwood is often found in our country, especially in the lowland and hill regions and you can recognize it by its pale yellow flowers. It is also called white wormwood, and the botanical name is Artemisia absinthium. The plant is rich in essential oil, thione, absinthe, tannins and potassium nitrates, absinthe being a glycoside that gives the plant a bitter taste.

Phytotherapists recommend white wormwood in many diseases, because it is a good antiseptic (disinfectant) and has multiple roles: it is diuretic, laxative, purifying and deworming. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory of the mucous membranes of the digestive system, stimulates gastric juices, is tonic-bitter and healing, both internally and externally.

Good against indigestion and bloating

If you have stomach problems, it is recommended to drink wormwood infusion. This soothes the pain in the gastric tract and helps eliminate gas. It is also good against indigestion and helps you have an appetite. It is also indicated for those suffering from liver diseases, such as hepatitis, but also for those with problems with the bile and pancreas.

Prepare the wormwood infusion as follows: put 1 teaspoon of dried herbs in 250 ml of boiling water. Cover and leave for a maximum of 15 minutes. Drink 1 cup a day, in several installments, for 2-3 days, no more.

Eliminates toxins

Wormwood fights intestinal parasites and detoxifies the body, thus getting rid of toxins and other harmful substances. You can drink wormwood infusion or take wormwood tincture.

You can either buy it from health food stores or prepare it at home like this: you need 10 g of plant per 100 ml of alcohol of 60-70 degrees. Leave to soak for 8 days. The bottle must be dark in color. Take a maximum of 15 drops, 3 times a day, at most 3 days.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro what wormwood treatments are good for gynecological diseases and to whom they are contraindicated!

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