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Wormholes May Have Been Found, Physicists Say: ScienceAlert

Virtual bridges connecting distant regions of space (and time) can more or less look like a garden of variations black holewhich means this legendary beast of physics may have been spotted.

But fortunately, if the new model proposed by a small team of physicists at Sofia University in Bulgaria is accurate, it may still be possible to distinguish.

Play with Einstein General theory of relativity Long enough, perhaps, to show how the space-time background of the universe can form not only a deep gravitational hole through which nothing escapes, but can also form impossible mountain tops that cannot be climbed.

Unlike their dark cousins, these luminous protuberances will push away anything that comes close, emitting streams of particles and radiation that have no hope of ever returning.

Rule out extraordinary possibilities The Big Bang looks like this one of thesewhite hole‘, neither has ever been observed. Still, it remains an interesting concept for exploring the edges of one of the biggest theories in physics.

In the 30sa colleague of Einstein named Nathan Rosen proved that there is no highly curved spacetime in the universe Black hole The steep peaks of the white hole are unable to connect to form some sort of bridge.

In this corner of physics, our day-to-day predictions of distance and time go out the window, meaning such theoretical relationships could span the vast expanses of the universe.

Under the right conditions, it is even possible for matter to travel down this cosmic tube and exit the other side with its information more or less intact.

So, to determine what a black hole wormhole would look like for an observatory like the Event Horizon Telescope, the Sophia University team developed a simplified model of the wormhole’s “throat” as a ring of magnetic fluid, and made various assumptions about how matter was formed. creature. Circle it before swallowing it.

Particles trapped in these violent storms would generate a strong electromagnetic field that would spin and crack in a predictable pattern, polarizing any light emitted by the hot matter to a different sign. It’s the tracking of polarized radio waves that gave us the first jaw-dropping images M87* in 2019 and bow * earlier this year.

It turns out that the hot lips of the smoking wormhole are hard to distinguish from the polarized light emitted by the chaotic disk surrounding the black hole.

According to this logic, M87* could be a wormhole. In fact, wormholes could be lurking at the edges of black holes anywhere, and we wouldn’t have an easy way to find out.

That’s not to say there’s no way to know.

If we’re lucky and glean an image of a candidate wormhole viewed obliquely through a decent gravitational lens, the exact features that distinguish a wormhole from a black hole may become visible.

This would require a sufficiently placed mass between us and the wormhole to distort its light enough to magnify the small differences, of course, but at least it would give us a way to detect the dark spot in the vacuum that has a rear exit.

There is another path that also requires a lot of wealth. If we detect a wormhole at the perfect angle, the light traveling through its dividing entrance towards us will further amplify its signature, giving us clearer indications of a portal through the stars and beyond.

Further modeling could reveal another property of light waves that helps filter out wormholes from the night sky without the need for perfect lenses or angles, a possibility researchers are now concerned about.

Give more limits In physics, wormholes can reveal more than new ways of exploration general relativityBut physics describes the behavior of waves and particles.

more than that, Lessons from predictions These could reveal where general relativity breaks down, opening some of its holes to make bold new discoveries that could give us a whole new way of looking at the universe.

This research was published in physical exam d.

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