Home » today » World » Worldwide, the number of COVIDs will increase by 6.47 hundred thousand, totaling 97.25 million.

Worldwide, the number of COVIDs will increase by 6.47 hundred thousand, totaling 97.25 million.

Worldwide, the number of COVID-19 accumulated 97,257,303 cases, an increase of 647,489 deaths, 2,080,972 deaths, an increase of 16,664 cases, 69,815,475 cases of illness.

COVID 21 Jan. 64 at 6:50 AM. Worldometer This is a website reporting the latest information collected from public health authorities around the world. Number of addicts reportCOVID-19 Around the world were 97,257,303, an increase of 647,489.COVID-19 Worldwide, the number is 2,080,972, an increase of 16,664 cases, 69,815,475 cases of illness.

The US has the highest number of COVID-19 cases, with cumulative cases of 24,983,892 cases, No. 2 India 10,611,719, No. 3 Brazil, 8,639,868 cases, No. 4 Russia, 3,633,952, No. 5, UK 3,505,754, No. 6, France, 2,965,117, No. 7, Italy, 2,414,166. No. 8 Spain 2,412,318 No. 9 Turkey 2,406,216 and No. 10 Germany 2,090,161.

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