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Ruslan Avdeev
Apple is experiencing issues with its weather provider, preventing many users of iPhone and other Apple devices from getting real-time weather information. At least this applies to the Weather app.
Image Source: Macrumors
According to reports, the problem has affected many users around the world. Reported issues with the Weather app on iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and macOS right away.
According to Macrumors, Apple is now trying to fix the problem, as reported on the System Status page. True, it claims that the failure affected only users of the application from Alaska and only concerns the precipitation forecast for the next few hours. As the reason, malfunctions in the work of the data provider are called.
Apple emphasizes that the problem affected “individual users.” At the same time, some iPhone owners claim that the troubles began at least with the release of the iOS 16.4 update a week earlier.
How report users in the Telegram channel “Durov’s Code”, failures are observed in many regions of Russia. But if for some everything works normally, then for others information is shown only in the widget, and the application still does not function. The status of the problem can be tracked by this link.