Home » World » World’s Largest Kidney Stone Successfully Removed in Sri Lanka

World’s Largest Kidney Stone Successfully Removed in Sri Lanka


Doctors in Sri Lanka successfully removed a kidney stone from a 62-year-old retired soldier. The kidney stone is claimed to be the largest in the world, because it weighs up to 801 grams. This figure is five times heavier than the average male kidney.

This kidney stone belonging to a man named Canistus Coonge has a length of up to 13.37 cm. While generally, large kidney stones are found to have a length of about 10-12 cm.

“The world’s largest and heaviest kidney stone removal through major surgery took place on June 1 at the Colombo Army Hospital,” the military said in a statement, quoted by the South China Morning Post.

Through the local television station Swarnavahini, Coonge admitted that he had had stomach pains since 2020. The various medicines he had taken had not produced results.

“I then did an examination and was recommended to undergo a surgical procedure,” said Coonge.

Sri Lanka’s case has surpassed the largest kidney case previously recorded at 620 grams from a patient in Pakistan in 2008 according to the Guinness World Record.

“The most important thing for us is that the kidney is functioning normally despite these stones,” said military surgeon K Sutharshan.

Regarding Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are solid deposits that come from chemicals in the urine. The size of kidney stones themselves actually varies, ranging from as small as a grain of sand to dozens of centimeters as experienced by Coonge.

Diet, being overweight, some medical conditions, and certain supplements and medications can all cause kidney stones. This condition can affect any part of the urinary tract, from the kidneys to the bladder. Often, stones form when urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.

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2023-06-15 09:02:53
#Doctor #Removes #Worlds #Largest #Kidney #Stones #Weights #Grams

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