Not even the world’s biggest streamer seems to be immune to a recently discovered exploit on CS:GO. During one of his most recent streams, Canadian Félix “xQc” Lengyel saw his in-game developer console displaying various messages that had nothing to do with him.
While opening some boxes inside the FPS of Valveyour console suddenly started displaying messages that included a link to a server of the Discordas well as IDs of the Steam which apparently led to users taking advantage of such an exploit.
This could very well mean that the player who promoted the “attack” had access to xQc’s IP, or that he managed to send such messages through holes in the servers of the Steam.
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Austin “Cooper” Abadir, ex-player of eUnited who currently works for Mythicalso reported experiencing the same situation recently, while Michael “Swisher” Schmid stated on his social media that Tyler “tweiss“Weiss had also been experiencing this misfortune.