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World toys in the pilgrimage museum | district of Cham

Exhibition from March 24 to September 25, 2022

Helicopter made of cans (Photo: Plan International Deutschland eV)

The pilgrimage museum Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut shows the exhibition WeltSpielZeug from the children’s rights organization Plan International from March 24th to September 25th, 2022. Around 200 homemade toys from this special collection can be seen in the Bavarian Forest for the first time. Imaginative exhibits include bottle gliders, leaf puppets, canned airplanes and wooden cars. Children from three continents have made the unusual toys from natural and waste materials. They come from 30 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America where Plan International is active to promote girls and boys on an equal footing.

In many poorer regions of the world, parents do not have enough money to buy industrial toys for their children. Instead, girls and boys make their own toys there. The exhibits bear witness to the poverty in the countries of origin. Photographs and children’s drawings also convey impressions of the children’s living environment.

In the traveling exhibition, the children’s charity draws attention to the situation of children in these regions of the world and provides information about the need to work for children’s rights worldwide. The homemade toys encourage thinking about sustainability and consumption and they point out that imaginative design and play is more than just passing the time. Children can understand connections, develop solutions themselves and be creative. They strengthen their self-confidence and thereby acquire skills that are important for individual and social development.

The pilgrimage museum Neukirchen b. For thirty years, Holy Blood has set itself the task of looking beyond borders and broadening horizons with a multifaceted cultural offering. The Bavarian Marian pilgrimage site is only a few kilometers from the Czech border. During the museum tour you can also discover historical toys from the region. Because for almost 200 years, the former nursing home on the market square was a house for children, first a school, later a children’s home. In 1992 the pilgrimage museum was set up there.

A trip to Neukirchen b. Holy blood anyway. Because a visit to the exhibition and museum can be easily combined with other exciting offers, such as a walk along the “Klangweg” with musical instruments from different cultures of the world or with leisure time fun at the Hohenbogen.

Pilgrimage Museum, Marktplatz 10, 93453 Neukirchen b. Holy Blood
Tel. 09947/940823, [email protected] or Tel. 09947/940821, [email protected]
More info, e.g. B. to accompanying events below www.wallfahrtsmuseum.de

opening hours: Tue-Fri 9-12 p.m. 13-17 Uhr, Sa, So u. Holiday 10-12 p.m. 13-16 o’clock.

Photos and further information about WeltSpielZeug
Plan International Germany e. V., Communication, Bramfelder Str. 70, 22305 Hamburg
Tel: 040/607716-177 (Marc Tornow, press officer)
[email protected], www.plan.de/wsz

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