Home » Health » World Stroke Day: can the disease be prevented? How to recognize the symptoms immediately and what to do. Treatment and rehabilitation

World Stroke Day: can the disease be prevented? How to recognize the symptoms immediately and what to do. Treatment and rehabilitation

The stroke suddenly arrives and, within a few minutes, it changes your life of those affected and their loved ones. This acute cerebrovascular disease is in fact the leading cause of disability in the adult, the third of death, the second of dementia.
«#GreaterThanStroke» is the theme chosen this year for the World Stroke Day which occurs on October 29th, from World Stroke Organization and done right in our country by the Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke (ALICE. Italy odv), because you can be «stronger than the stroke» with teamwork. The first step is to know that this disease it can be prevented in about 80 percent of casesas we also need to know recognize the symptoms as soon as possible of the stroke so as to call for help immediatelyin order to reduce damage and save life itself.
“The correct information of the population – underlines Professor Danilo Toni, director of the Neurovascular Treatment Unit of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome and president of the technical-scientific committee of ALICe Italia – carries out a fundamental role to promote awareness ofimportance of a correct lifestyle for the prevention of this disease and the reduction of its consequences”.

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