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World of Warcraft trainer doesn’t speak English “That’s crazy!” Coming to Taiwan is like playing with high school teammates | Sports | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Sports Center/Report by Lin Weifan【Published at 22:16 on 11/22|Updated at 10:20 on 11/23: Added audio and video

▲ Warcraft broke the news that the coach does not speak English, he is crazy, and even said that it is like playing with high school teammates! (Photo/Summary from Howard IG, Taoyuan Yunbao)

Taoyuan Clouded Leopards star “Warcraft” Howard (Dwight Howard) accidentally collided with his teammates in the first half of last Sunday’s game, resulting in a left knee injury and rested for two weeks. Howard started a live broadcast today (22nd) to interact with fans. Lui has praised Taiwanese food many times. He said bluntly that he loves fruit and oolong tea. High school teammates play the same!

World of Warcraft opened a live broadcast and said:

▲Warcraft opened a live broadcast and said: “It was only after I arrived in Taiwan that I found that the coach did not speak English. It was crazy to broadcast it through translation.” (Image / Reposted from Howard IG, T1YouTube )

World of Warcraft played back-to-back home games this past weekend, but sadly their feet were injured by teammates and they were placed on the disabled list for 2 weeks. Lui started a live broadcast today and praised Taiwanese food, said bluntly that he loves Taiwanese fruit and oolong tea, and revealed that he has been to Taiwan KTV and theaters to watch “Black Panther 2”. He also pointed out that since high school he has never dribbled the ball across the half court or made three-pointers. World of Warcraft then spoke of Liu Jiafa, the head coach of Cloud Leopards, “After I arrived in Taiwan, I found that the coach did not speak English. Although there is a translator, it is crazy to broadcast through the translator.” He continued introducing, “Liu Jiafa’s nickname is Baobao. The person who always has a smile on his face also considers me a very important person and always watches me. He’s really a good person. , he also talked about Cloud’s new teammate Leopard, “I have a lot of great people. Teammates, it’s like playing with your high school teammates.”

World of Warcraft believes that this does not mean that players outside the NBA have no skill, and professional players from Taiwan are also worthy of recognition.  (Image/flip from Howard IG)

▲Warcraft believes that this does not mean that players outside the NBA have no skills. Taiwan’s professional players are equally worthy of recognition. (Image/flip from Howard IG)

In response to outside criticism that Taiwan’s professional league is not up to standard and players are not capable enough, World of Warcraft disagreed and said, “This is a great disrespect for Taiwanese players Only about 450 players are allowed to take the NBA stage each year,” which does not represent players from outside the NBA. Taiwan’s professional players are worthy of recognition even if they don’t have ball skills.” At the end of his live broadcast, he also announced that it will be the first time he will go to the Taiwan campus to hold activities on his birthday, on December 8, hoping to bring a “big surprise” to the children, and revealed that her children will come to Taiwan in December, and the whole family will experience the beauty of Taiwan’s local culture together.

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