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World Meteorology Day: 96% of Italians look at the weather forecast at least once a week

Meteorology also has its own world day which is today, March 23rd. The day was established in 1961 and since then this science has acquired more and more importance in the lives of all of us: according to BVA Doxa research for iLMeteo.it, 96% of Italians look at the forecasts at least once a week and 20% of them consulting them is a habit that pushes them to inquire about the weather compulsively, several times during the day.

The commitment against climate change

Every year this day is dedicated to a specific theme and that of 2024 concerns the collective commitment against climate change. Even iLMeteo.it, the first meteorological provider in Italy with 6 million average users per day and a monthly average of 30 million unique users, wanted to celebrate this day and did so by compiling 4 curiosities on the topic.

Climate and weather: different relatives

Meteorological weather (or weather) indicates the state of the atmosphere in a given place and at a given time and varies continuously depending on the movements of the air masses and with the passage of cyclones or the presence of anticyclones; it is described in real time by measuring variables such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, pressure. The climate of a geographical area in a particular period of the year (a month, a season), however, is given by the average of the weather parameters (temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity) calculated over decades (typically 25- 30 years). The climate therefore provides us with information on the long term of a certain area based on the average temperatures and the quantity and distribution of rainfall during the year. For example, the presence of a lot of snow in the Alps and the cold in Italy at the beginning of March (‘weather’) were not found to be in contradiction with the warming of the planet (‘climate’) in recent decades.

I record

Speaking of climate and climate change, recent years have marked a series of records: 2022 was the hottest in history in Italy and 2023 the hottest in history globally with a minimal difference on 2022 for Italy. But 2021 was no exception: in Sicily, that year, 48.8°C were recorded, the highest temperature in the history of Europe. Finally, 2024 promises nothing different in terms of records: the year began with high temperatures, even with 7°C above the average in February in Germany and around 4°C higher in Italy.

Fog scavenging: is fog good or bad for the climate?

Fog scavenging consists of the deposition of fine particles on the ground following their union with the water contained in the fog layer. Although the combination of fog = pollution is widely widespread, in reality things are the opposite. Fog sometimes acts as an ‘air cleaner’, reducing the concentration of atmospheric particulates. The numbers also demonstrate this: “If we take the Climate Liveability Index – say the meteorologists of iLMeteo.it – ​​we see how in Milan in 2022 there were 39 days of fog, almost half compared to 2010, when there were counted 77. “And with the ‘cleaning fog’ becoming less and less frequent – they explain from iLMeteo.it – ​​Milan remains one of the most polluted cities in Italy today” according to the data of the AQI (Air Quality Index).

More and more beautiful sunsets

In recent years we often see spectacular sunsets. Unfortunately, the reason for such beauty is not exactly positive. The cause, in fact, is to be found in the presence of particles suspended in the atmosphere, such as dust arriving from the Sahara desert, aerosols, smoke from fires or various pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide, which can deflect blue and green light , in favor of red and orange wavelengths. What we think of as a spectacular time of day, therefore, actually reminds us of an environmental problem.

The figure of the meteorologist

“Despite the differences between weather and climate – say meteorologists Lorenzo Tedici and Mattia Gussoni of iLMeteo.it – ​​however, the figure of the meteorologist is central. Recent news reminds us how extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent, such as the flood in Romagna last spring, that in Tuscany on 2 November or that in the Marche where up to 700 mm of water fell in a few hours (the equivalent of 5 months of rain). These are storms that often hit limited areas, which is why weather forecasting in the very short term (nowcasting) becomes essential in order to alert the potentially involved areas as quickly as possible.” And they continue: “the figure of the meteorologist therefore becomes essential in communicating weather variations to the public, just as the reliability of the mathematical models that support the professional’s work is essential.” “For years iLMeteo.it – ​​they conclude – has been working precisely on these fronts: on the one hand the punctuality of the forecast by making the most of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, on the other on the communication side by providing simple and accessible information”.


#World #Meteorology #Day #Italians #weather #forecast #week
– 2024-04-24 09:00:10

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