Home » Health » World HIV-AIDS Day was celebrated at Zorleni high school and school – Monitorul de Vaslui

World HIV-AIDS Day was celebrated at Zorleni high school and school – Monitorul de Vaslui

On November 27, representatives of the Society “Speranța Copiilor 2000” from Bârlad carried out a series of activities aimed at informing young people that HIV infection is a serious problem and that there is a lack of strong action in terms of prevention and control of the disease. HIV infection in Romania will lead to an increase in the number of new cases in the coming years.

The activities were dedicated to the World Day against HIV-AIDS, which has been celebrated every year since 1988, on December 1. Therefore, on Wednesday, November 27, the representatives of the Association and the ten volunteers carried out an information activity for the students of the Zorleni High School of Technology “Marcel Guguianu” and those of the Zorleni High School “Ion Murgeanu” regarding the prevention of Disease HIV among young people.

Later, the Association carried out a street information campaign in the town of Zorleni, the people met along the way with information about the dangers of HIV infection and with informative materials with messages to prevent AIDS, but also with invitations to exams. Last but not least, a discussion was held in the library of the Technical High School “Marcel Guguianu” Zorleni, where representatives of the authorities and the media were invited, as well as free -pleased, to participate, and the main reason was to include. declaration that HIV infection has not disappeared and that concrete actions are needed to prevent transmission, testing, diagnosis and treatment in good conditions for those who are infected.

“Every year, on December 1, we celebrate the World Day against HIV/AIDS and solidarity with people affected by HIV/AIDS around the world. The lack of strong action in the prevention and control of HIV infections in Romania will lead to an increase in the number of new cases in the coming years. Experts from around the world support the need for the HIV disease to remain in the community’s attention, and immediate measures are needed to prevent the number of new cases from increasing in the coming years: access to health education for students and young people, access to HIV prevention services, access to friendly and close to the population HIV testing services, access to uninterrupted antiretroviral treatment, access to social protection for people who living with HIV. The HIV epidemic should not be forgotten, especially in Romania. With so many other problems, Romanians believe that HIV is no longer a problem. But that is not the case, the HIV epidemic exists and causes victims. Students and young people no longer know what HIV is and how to prevent it, it is dangerous that there is not more education in the community about HIV and disease prevention, it is dangerous that HIV testing is not extended to community level, it is dangerous. it is dangerous that infection prevention services are not available in organizations at risk. Failure to act now will result in many new cases in the coming years, high treatment costs and loss of life. UNOPA (National Union of Organizations of People Affected by HIV/AIDS) has again called on the Government to fund interventions to prevent and treat the HIV disease, because this is the only way we can control the disease in Romania”, Dan Cibotaru, the president of the Association, said “Children’s Hope 2000” Bârlad.

It should be noted that on December 31, 2023, 18,282 people with the disease were registered in the country, of which 716 were registered in the year 2023. At the level of Bârlad and the nearby communities, there are 65 under treatment of people with HIV.

The association “Speranța Copiilor 2000” was founded in 2000 and aims to protect the rights and responsibilities of people infected with HIV and those suffering from AIDS, humanizing the disease/disease, helping each other, collaborating with other NGOs and being close friends with diseased and sick people. people.

2024-11-29 01:01:00
#World #HIVAIDS #Day #celebrated #Zorleni #high #school #school #Monitorul #Vaslui

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