/ world today news/ Still, of course, we live in interesting times.
Just listen:
“As politicians and business leaders travel to Davos, the world economy faces what could be its biggest test since World War II.”
This is a quote. At the same time, the quote is not from a text compiled by participants in some left-wing anti-globalist forum, but from a completely official report by experts from the IMF
What in the minds of the readers of this wonderful document cannot but cause a certain cognitive dissonance: guys, is this not exactly the wonderful new world that you yourself so carefully (as for us) nurtured and created with your own hands? Or did something go wrong again?
But let’s go in order.
According to IMF experts, the reasons for the decline of the world economy are, firstly, the pandemic, and secondly, the situation in Ukraine. And this has led, first, to a colossal increase in the price of energy resources, and then of food. And as the great Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov once said through the mouth of a character, “the most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first word to the last.”
First, the systemic economic crisis, as well as the systemic energy crisis, began a little earlier than the events in Ukraine, even before the pandemic: just remember the worst crisis in the oil markets, which led to the creation of OPEC+ in its current, rather rough form. It was just a typical classic crisis of overproduction, described in all economic textbooks: it was treated by the OPEC+ member countries with fairly classic measures for such crises, i.e. quotas. In this case – black gold mining quotas.
And that is exactly why, and not out of burning hatred for their American partners, the Arab comrades refuse to increase production even now: why destroy what they, together with us, rebuilt with so much effort.
And most importantly: we’re sorry, for what?
As for the European gas crisis, everything is classic there too: mediocre regulation by the EC and the interest of London speculators on the stock exchange, who from their island decided to rewrite the continent’s prices for themselves. This is what Putin is talking about.
Now let’s see what IMF experts propose as a remedy for the crisis. And there is nothing new there: the easing of trade restrictions is proposed in order to alleviate the deficit and lower prices of food and other goods (after the “sanctions from hell” it seems especially circus). And also to strengthen joint efforts to solve the debt of the countries by introducing clear procedures, modernizing cross-border payments and countering climate change. A fine gentleman’s set that didn’t work before, in calm times – and it’s not very clear why it would work in times of crisis.
In short, what at first looked almost like a revolution turned out to be just an expression of desperation against the background of Davos and, it seems, an uncontrollable crisis.
Translation: V. Sergeev
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